Narcissist: Friend or foe?
Signs Of a Narcissistic Female Friend
To the typical narcissistic woman, you are no more than an object of “secondary narcissistic supply” that provides her with whatever she wants or needs within the relationship. Typically, she mistakenly interprets her own narcissistic needs as “emotions”. These emotional needs that the narcissistic woman displays can easily be mistaken by another as vulnerability and openness on her part, and she milks this misunderstanding by constantly acting the victim. In dealing with such a relationship, you may well be forgiven for thinking that you are having a friendship with her. In her manipulation, she may even fool you that she cares about you, but in reality you don’t count one bit, because she is at the center of her own make believe world where she is Queen. Her world starts and stops with herself, but she goes out of her way to disguise that fact from everyone she comes into a relationship with (her husband, boyfriend, children, parents, siblings, friends and work colleagues).
I mention friends, but in reality, she does not understand what it means to be a friend, not in the normal sense of the word. What she surrounds herself with are acquaintances that she refers to as friends, and they come and go in her life with great regularity. The individual may think that they are friends for a while, but soon they become aware that they are in a one sided relationship devoted only to the narcissists needs. When the friend looks for a reciprocal relationship, the narcissist female becomes bored very quickly, and the relationship comes to an abrupt and inexplicable end. The narcissistic female becomes cold, uninterested and remote, and the friendship is all but over to the bewilderment of the friend. What the friend generally fails to work out is that they have been experiencing a utilitarian relationship (an absence of mutual involvement between friends) – this is an inversion of the way the narcissist was treated by her own parents, especially the mother. Each loss the narcissistic female experiences is another narcissistic wound to her, and in order to cope, she explains her deficit away by rationalizing that friends always disappoint her.

The 3 Faces Of Evil

When Shame Begets Shame

The Gaslighting Syndrome
When the relationship goes wrong, the narcissist’s typical and much used excuse is to say that her friend was “jealous and envious of her”; therefore she had to end the relationship. The truth of the matter is that without her investment in the other person, the relationship begins to fold, and this folding is experienced by her fragile ego as rejection (a reminder of unemphatic and inconsistent early childhood interactions by her mother), which fills her with dread. So at the slightest whiff of rejection (real or imagined), the narcissist gives the so-called “friendship’ the chop, in this way she is spared the intolerable feelings of abandonment that she cannot tolerate in any relationship. You need to understand that it is nothing that you have done; her acts are because she responds to some events with extreme fear of abandonment – events that would have little meaning to a healthy person. However, all of this leads to a lot of confusion for those unlucky enough to be in a committed relationship with someone with a narcissistic personality disorder. Once she has decided that the friendship is coming to its end, she now goes on to hunt for another source of narcissistic supply to fill the gap of the so-called friend, and so the cycle continues.
When it comes to envy, there is no one more envious than a narcissistic woman. Her envy is actually a rage reaction whenever she is unable to control or possess something another person has. She bares intense resentment for anybody who she thinks has any form of advantage over her (it may be their educational abilities, their social status, their physical looks, their creativity, their success, their wealth, their popularity ….or anything in fact). Whatever the narcissist woman perceives another of having (that they do not possess), they are driven by an insatiable need to covet. The root cause of her narcissistic envy can be traced, most likely, back to the serious inadequacies found in the mother/child relationship that she experienced. Sadly the dysfunctional relationship between the young child and her mother leads the child to experience strong surges of aggression that manifests itself in the form of envy. Furthermore, when a child feels rejected by its mother because they are too needy, the child learns to experience their needs as shameful. In order to protect themselves from further shameful feelings, they convince themselves that they do not have to depend on anyone but themselves. In order to feel safe, the narcissistic personality strives for superiority, and the drive for perfectionism, grandiosity, and self-entitlement begins. Unfortunately, the narcissist’s superiority is juxtaposed to an “inferiority complex” that harbors unconscious feelings of low self-esteem and inadequacy. So in order to maintain her superior position, she devalues other people who she imagines may have more prestige than herself. But before she does this, she will go out of her way to become like that person, to learn what she can from them, to model them so that she feels more powerful than them, and finally she discards that person by projecting “envy” on to them. It is through these methods of projection or projective identification, that the narcissist gets rid of her own painful envious emotions so that she can maintain her feeling of superiority. There are no rules as to how she achieves this, she will do this any way she can, for example by ruining the other person’s reputation, or breaking the person psychologically and financially etc. She then coolly moves on to the next cycle of hot pursuit, engorgement, and elimination which is endless.
I was married to a Narcistic personality for 20 years. after I was divorced which was not my decision another20 years later, I saw a couple on a TV show trying to fix their marriage. The woman said “He can change if he wants to, I am not going to. The host said, ” is that because you are not at fault, and it is all his fault?” She said yes. The Host said, “that sounds like a narcissist”. When my wife and I were talking about what we could do to fix our marriage My wife had said ” you can change if you want, I am not going to.” I thought she meant She wasn’t going to work on the marriage and wanted a divorce. Now much later in life I realize now she meant she was perfect and not at fault so there was no reason for her to change. One day I got curious I looked up Narcistic Personality Disorder. I knew there were things like she never apologized for anything and never admitted she was ever wrong and never wanted sex when I wanted it. But on very rare occasions would initiate it. used sex as a weapon? Later she started saying she could not share her body with someone she couldn’t share her mind with. When she wanted hugs from me from time to time, I always gave her a hug, but she never hugged me when I wanted a hug. But I couldn’t believe all of the similarities describing my x wife to a T, For the first time I understood why I could never get too close to her and that she needed so much praise and attention and could not take any criticism. It helped me finally start to heal.
Wow, just wow. I had an abusive “friend” who was in my life for nearly 40 yrs. I never felt safe with her, emotionally. The last 7 yrs of “friendship”, I started to feel awful after seeing her.
Then things went missing. She always came to my house, not me to hers. And she always in a not so subtle way put me down.
She used my move from one apt., as a poaching expedition and went home with a car load of stuff she claimed I didn’t need!
Then turns out she was also using me to stay at my house, telling her husband that, and then leave early, to see old boyfriends.
When the last straw hit, I was kicked out of a cottage we were staying at, as soon as her husband and step son left. So she could sleep with another old beau.
That time, I called her on it, albeit, 16 months later.
She said my story was unacceptable. ?
And when I tried to get the stuff back, all precious gifts given to me by my other friends, she said since we were no longer friends, my issues were not her concern.
So, I probably will never get those precious gifts from people who loved me, back from her.
When I looked at her website later, I saw she was now, dressing and wearing her hair exactly like me!
Your explanation of imitation, devouring, and discarding their victims, hit home!
Thank you. I knew it wasn’t me, But now, I am certain.
After suspecting that my parents are/were narcissists , I recognized my own narcissistic tendencies as well as my former attraction to narcissistic women and partners . The most freeing moment is when I finally dropped a “ friend” of 15 years after I said enough is enough after being yelled at for no reason other than setting healthy boundaries with her. Another “ friend” I realized was a narcissist when she only called me when she needed something : money, a baby sitter, a maid of honor ( she Told me the only reason she asked me was she knew I would do everything she wanted! But when shit hit the fan for me, she disappeared . When life became better , she disappeared . If I asked, there was always something I did that didn’t meet her expectations. If I didn’t sacrifice time in and again, she would be angry. Finally , I said no more and feel so much better! Yes, I need to work on my own tendencies and behavior with CBT. I feel so much better about who I am and the quality of true friendships I now keep. I highly recommend another book called “ Trapped in the Mirror” by Elan Golem – openied my eyes .
Wow, I don’t feel alone. I was pulling away from my narc friend because I was tired of feeling bad when I hung out with her. So one day I was telling her the new things I’ve been doing on my own (basically saying I’ve moved on from you.) I was mentioning that I started a gym and hung out at the jacuzzi AND she says, “how come you don’t have me come with you? Are you afraid of the competition?” I couldn’t believe what I just heard. What she’s implying is she thinks she’s prettier than me and that any men their would be all over her. It’s funny when we would go out dancing at the end of the night she would have to go over the night with me and tell me how all the guys paid attention to her. It was hilarious because she would want to know what I was wearing before we went out dancing. I would purposely put on jeans and a stupid tea shirt and she would be all dressed up but I would get the attention only because I wasn’t a needy flirt to the guys. Honest to God the last time I went out with her dancing before I ended our friendship, she said she’s going to wear a tea shirt!! I feel sorry for narcs. It’s ok to be insecure I can deal with that but when maliciousness gets in the mix…I’m out.
You can’t even imagine what I’ve been through with my evil friend. Thank goodness she lives 500 miles away! Pasty has always been mean. You can be talking of a school bus accident and she will pull out a mirror and while looking at herself, askIng you to repeat the story! She is embarrassing to take anywhere because she is so rude to the help! She plays dumb and thinks it’s cute! She’s 58! My problem? At any kind of class reunion I refuse to go because I cannot trust to be around this person. She is the kind of person that would trip me or pour wine down the front of me. If I confronted her, she would apologize and then I would be the bad one! 😢 I’ve done this so many times before! So again she will tell others how I don’t like to leave my home. When it’s because I refuse to be around her. I’m not on Facebook because of her! I know no contact is the only way. But, I missed my reunion. As I told my husband, I could see her pouring a drink over my head because she didn’t like my hair! Life goes on. And it’s over, and I know I made the right decision. I wonder who her target was? Her husband left her and She has one daughter that has no contact with her either!
Wow… this article really almost checked everything off my list of the definition of narcissism. However, I am still wondering if maybe I’m being overly untrusting but I am concerned that my friend is overly narcissistic. She’s thirteen.
My reasoning for this is she is always wanting attention and dare I say she always wants people to feel bad for her. Earlier this week I was on a game and I noticed she was online. It was during the week and I was home already because I am half homeschooled and half live schooled. Anyways, she goes to regular school and she was playing a game. So I joined her and asked why she was online. I had thought maybe she was home, sick but what she told me seemed a bit odd. She said that she was home because she couldn’t stand up straight and she felt pain when bending over. So I had searched up what it could be and then I saw that it could be tight hamstrings. However, from what I’ve learned from several articles, torn hamstrings are caused by activeness or sitting wrong. I thought it might be sitting wrong because, besides school, all she does is usually sit on her couch and play Roblox because the times I’ve been over at her house she is always on her computer leaving her friends who are over there just sitting on the floor talking amongst ourselves. Her father is a very kind single dad who tries his best. Her mother passed away two years ago due to cancer. A few of her friends and I went to her birthday sleepover last weekend. She was very sad because that was her second birthday without her mother. We all felt very sorry for her because we knew how close she and her mother were. We wanted to be there for her as much as we could because we knew this was a difficult time for her. She is bullied at school for whatever reason and so she stays home a lot because she’s “sick”. But from my research on tight hamstrings, I’ve concluded that it is highly unlikely that she really has them because if she did, it wouldn’t just be a sudden thing. She couldn’t have just recovered from it in one day. She does a lot of things for attention and she says horrific things about her family to try and get people to feel bad for her. She says horrific things about her dad and sister. My family and I have known them for about ten years and we’ve gotten to know them quite well. My family and I are very insightful and we know that her father and sister would not be capable of doing and saying those horrible things to her. Even before her mother passed she was always very narcissistic and sometimes quite rude. Even to this day she hits me and her other friends and enjoys trying to hurt us and many times she succeeds. She always finds some way to redirect the conversation to her. She hardly ever remembers important or even simple things about her friends because she’s usually caught up talking about something about herself. She is always overdramatic about things and says horrible things to her other friends and me. She calls us bad words and names when we don’t give her something she wants or do something she wants. While we understand she’s going through a tough time, we know that she still practically gets everything she wants. She even treats her father and sister horribly. She fakes lots of things and she lies to us constantly. Am I just being too sensitive? What should I do? Any advice?
Thank you all!
Hi ffmt4,
Thank you so much – I actually went no-contact with my narc a month ago, and it has completely changed my life! So much anxiety and self-doubt has been removed from my life. I hope that I can start to grow as a person from now on.
HI Karoline,
As someone who broke off a 30+ year friendship with a narcissistic friend, my advice is to go no-contact. If you try to tell her how you feel, it will turn into something ugly and she will gaslight you. Save yourself the heartache and do your best to shake off the feelings of guilt you will have that you abandoned her. Love yourself more and do what’s right for you. We only have this one life and it is shorter than we realize. Good Luck and God Bless!
When I read this I got scared that I am a narcissist…. I recently kind of cut ties with two important female friends after feeling really let down by them over the past couple of years. Mostly it was because I felt really attacked by them when I decided to move abroad with my husband. I also heard of them talking badly about me behind my back since then, so I just pretty much stopped answering texts or emails. (Only one of them even reaches out, of the two). I feel really guilty about it, but also quite angry. I don’t miss them at all, one of them was the type of person who always talks about herself and her fantasies of how prestigious she is in her career and is constantly the advice giver. Also seriously ungenerous but obsessed with her wealthy image.
The other will make plans and then blow them off at the last second, just about every single time plans are ever made. It’s a bit of a joke in my mind. (It actually seems pathological, but she is a social worker so she has done all of her inner work and she needs me to accept that she is more responsible and caring than I am in the friendship.) The only dependable thing about her is that she will make plans and say it is really important to her and then always cancel because she needs to ‘take care’ of herself in the moment, and when I asked her to please respect my time she told me she didn’t appreciate my aggression. The only logical thing to do was to stop trying to make plans or answering her requests to talk on the phone or hang out, otherwise I will end up sitting home alone on a weekend when my husband is somewhere else having fun. Which has happened many times.
I’ve given up on people but I also worry what my callousness says about me. I had an abusive relationship in my 20’s that was with a narcissistic man so I’ve gotten so used to thinking of myself as a victim. One of these girls has always been encouraging me to ‘find a way’, and to get over my issues, to go back to him. She does not like my new husband, who has changed my life for the better. The only reason I am writing this is because of the sheer number of people back in my old city who now think I abandoned my friendships after getting married and moving away, and it makes me doubt my sincerity, I feel paranoid.
I don’t go out and try to make friends really so I don’t have any idea that they could be ‘replaced’. I don’t know, it is confusing because a lot of the aspects of a narcissistic woman in this article describe the way I feel about these friends and how I am discarding them now. I’ve often thought of them as potentially jealous and just want to distance myself because of how angry I feel.
You are an empath. Please protect your energy
There was a so called astrologer who has deceived me after I had a conflict with an other so called astrologer. After I”ve been there I got moneyissues trouble and could n”t pay the bills anymore and no groceries in the supermarket cause I had no money enough. I”ve got a relationship with a narcissist. This did happen after i”ve been visited that so called astrologer. This astrologer gave people who have been there trouble and wsorrow and worries under the reason of personal growth but not in a natural way but doing on magic spells. When you should ask their clients if they want this they pprobably say no to this trouble pradictions he gave people clients. tehy paid a lot of money for it. You felt betrayed because they don”t know you anymore and see you as anemy because of complainst after done bad work to people with a lot of harm and you feel deceived with false information and tumoli and chaos. They want to be and feel like star with selfglorification and selfidolisation. They do also on victimblaming and say that you are too selfcentered after being in contact with in a narcssistic web who had narcisstic tendencies. Thay choose vulnerable people because they can”t defend themselves. I”ve been warned that it was a badboy in strology who did badboyish evilpranks with innocent and goodwilling people. I am seeking a specialist to come over it and who is specialized in narcissistic behavior and tendencies. . . . .
Hey Kari line I loved reading your story about your friend, you made me realized a lot of things about my ex girlfriend. The more a I read the more I understood why it never worked out with us, emphatic people like us are always trying help them as much as we can. I Es like your friend’s boyfriend or basically on the same boat. You described my ex very good. You are a smart person, and even though it hurts to l ave them because they are so full of life and charming. I think you did the right decision. Best of luck
Reading this article broke my heart, but it also opened my eyes to what my ‘best friend’ really is.
I’m 24, and I’ve known my friend since we were 6. She always had a lot of problems growing up; she had an eating disorder when she was a teenager, she had a little sister who died when she was 4, her parents got divorced, they were always yelling at each other when I visited, all kinds of awful things. Which is why I always felt sorry for her and tried to protect her when we were younger. However, as we grew older, I started to notice things which made me uncomfortable when I was around her. She never, EVER says nice things about anyone, I swear. She can go on a rant about someone she barely knows for hours. The only time I can remember her praising someone was when she met her boyfriend. According to her, he was the handsomest, most charming guy in the world. About a year into the relationship, she would criticize him all the time, and use his ‘endless faults’ as an excuse when flirting with other guys, which she would do in front of him (I’m sure she also cheated on him, but she claims that she was always too drunk to remember). They’re still together, and I feel sorry for him, because he is just like me, very vulnerable, forgiving and such an unknowing enabler.
She is quick to charm people and gain ‘friends,’ who then end up distancing themselves from her, probably because they realize her true nature much sooner than I did. When this happens, she starts telling everyone she knows (usually just me and her boyfriend) that these ‘friends’ were always flaky, mean and manipulating, things that we never saw any proof of when they were in the clear.
She will insist that I go to the parties she hosts (she loves to party) and starts the silent treatment if I say no and give a legitimate excuse. This always hurt me in the past, and resulted in me saying yes to everything when I was younger. She simply did not care if my sister had a birthday party the same day as she did, because she was supposed to be the most important thing in my life. Today, I just put up with the silent treatment because I genuinely want to get away from her as much as possible. If I attend the party anyway, she will ignore me, because there will be more ‘fun’ people there, whereas I’m kinda shy and don’t drink that much.
She makes fun of my hobbies, she ridicules my former relationships and she never acknowledges when I have had success in my life. The latter means that I have stopped mentioning my grades or new friends, because it will set her off on a ‘why isn’t anything good happening to me, the world is against me’-mode, which is the only one she has, apart from her ‘eternal criticize’-mode. According to her, she is always the victim, and she is the only one who cares about other people. She will say the latter directly to my face when I come over to comfort her after a fight with her boyfriend or her boss or her family.
I use to overlook all of these things because she really has had a difficult childhood, and I thought it mean to call her out on her bullshit when I did not know the pain she felt. But after years of abuse, I think I am finally ready to break ties with her; she will never change and she wil never see me as a real person with real feelings. However, I am so afraid of her reaction if I go no-contact. But to be free of her would mean a huge relief in my life.
Sorry to read your story – can you begin by moving out and renting elsewhere? Then just cut her off completely, she’s doing more harm than good to you. At first, she may try to get you to meet up with her – and you may feel sorry for her and, thinking of the good times that you may have had together, want to agree to meet up. But don’t – because the cycle will begin all over again.
So sad to hear your journey awake now and it all sounds too familiar. I hope for your sake you find the confidence and esteem in the near future to enter the social world again, not everyone is a narc and because you have had them in your life, I believe you are now equipped with a narc alarm.
Take care x
I have gone through a similar situation of my exfemale friend.I was extremely hurt by her behaviour. Felt terriblely confused. My heart was broken. I had put in lots of emotion & hard work in this friendship. No ideas that I was just a target( do not know what should I say about the exact word). I got married & came to USA in 2002. I met her through a common friend of ours. I had got many red flags from God. But alas I did not paid attention to it.Her cousin was not talking with her. According to her they were very close they used to visit each other’s house often. We live in Portland, Oregon. Her cousin used to come from Seattle. She gave the excuse they might be jealous. One thing , I want to say that she is very hard-working, intelligent, aggressive, highly competitive. But has terrible nature. She does not know how to keep relations. Another red flag I had got from her that she herself admitted that relationship are time consuming & you need to maintain. For her it is very difficult to do that. Initially, everything was going smoothly. But in that also many times I got the taste of her nature. I failed to understand what happens to her. Sometimes she is in good mood & then you do not know when her mood goes off. When we were looking for a house & we got pretty good house, they already had a house, we liked an 1987 old house but had beautiful view, spacious home. They had taken anew home but both husband wife always critizied that oh you guys are making a big mistake by taking an old home what not & now today after 16 years they themselves took second home a twenty year old home.She was so charming first, I thought she would be a good friend which shows what a naive woman I am. I am so guilty of going through such experiences in my life. I am tired of it. I just want a good people to be surrounded by. It was totally one-sided relationship. All the time she just kept asking me for 10 effing years by saying friends always help each other.But never she or her husband ever asked usthat let us know that if you guys require any help. My fault too for being quiet , not speaking up much.She totally took me for granted. Ungrateful, selfish & greedy friend. I kept thinking both husband & wife are working in a good company, they have good money, why all the time help help help. She always want everything she says is final. She thinks she is always right. Everybody has to follow her rules. She is extremely pretentious. She is/ was a Fake friend. She is an extremely self absorbed person. There was never a friend bond.She never asked anytime like how are you ? How is everything going on with you ? Nothing. Only taking. She is a control freak. She had a tight control over me. I could not see the things proper ly during that time. Was feeling very suffocated in that friendship. Now when I think, I am such a stupid women to fall for it. Why why did I fall for the trap?I wanted out of the friendship. She is such an envious person. Whenever I wear good things, I can see from the face, she used to feel envy or go out of town to place. I used to feel why when both are working in good company, they too can go to lots of other places.Because I was very tired of her mood swings. Now when I got out of the relationship, she ignores me, tries to belittle me, devalue me. She does not have a capacity to be a friend. Sad because it could have been a good friend ship. Because our kids were close. Though, I am out,but this scenario has a bad inpact on me. Feeling very bad for myself why can’t I see through a person well. I need to learn to know how that person is before going in any more friends. Why with me? There is reason those people like them suckers & leachers entered our life. Maybe I learned a lesson or I taught a lesson to them not to take anything for granted.
I’m in this cycle too. i’m 17 and i just read an article about covert narcissists.. i’m really scared of her now that you say this. I’ve seen flashes of her defensiveness and her envy but i never really saw though her “accepting” mask. she’s good at acting and she does have problesm with her mom, she thinks she’s special because she is “logical” and doens’t care about emotions. I am determined now to distance myself and i think you should too. I’m so scared and I know she’s talked about me before and I can’t ask from my parnets because theyre narc’s too and tehy want me to be friends with her (my mom sees her selfishness though). i dont have many friends and i also like small circles but… I dont know, I’m still gonna force myself to change, even though I’m scared. Good luck you, please wish me luck
Thanks for sharing. I also had a “N” friend, counsellor, spiritual, went to the temple,did the prayers there. I hung out with her for 10 yrs and felt like I lost myself and felt manipulated, played, confused, unjustified, scared like I was walking on eggshells, inferior cause she made herself so superior really insecure and jealous when it comes to men. I walked away from things in my life cause of her jealousy, insecurity, lack of support. I had to cut her out cause I was losing myself and she was consistently taking – a black hole that never fills up. – but I still dwell on it… with regret, missed opportunity, lost time, anger at giving my power away, … I am still stuck… suggestions? .. I’m trying to let go of the past but 10 yrs of my life was a long time?
The only way to get out is by cutting them off or grey stone them look it up really helps. Going through it right now feels like a break up they are the worst. But it’s better than sticking around
Cut her off. Walk away. Start over. They have been turned against u. It hurts but work on yourself meet new people. There was something in you that she os intimidated by…. she is chipping away at you to make her “better” but you are the better person.
OMG! Your situation sounds almost identical to mine except I doubt mine will ever be called out and I don’t care as long as I can keep the distance between us. I swear, your description of your friend made it sound like my identical situation. I got to the funeral part and that’s the only reason I knew it wasn’t. I’m so confused by the public appearance and what was actually happening behind closed doors. How can someone keep up with being that many different people?
You know I wasn’t so sure but now I definitely think I was dealing with a narcissistic person.
She was ‘supposedly’ my best friend. We apparently ‘helped each other’ through things when we were both down and depressed.
People warned me about her. I wanted to see for myself, I don’t judge people based on others opinions. It started small. She built my trust, I started looking up to her and thought she was great. We became roomies that’s when I saw the other side to her.
Shes a really pretty girl, has quite the reputation with men because she loves the attention. Had to have the affection, the spotlight. We were two completely different people. I prefer smaller circles.
There was once this guy I liked,I told her and I invited him and his friend down for a couple of drinks to our house. Everything was going fine. We were drunk and havING a good time. He pulled me aside at one point and kissed me. I was thrilled. Only I had my ‘friend’ glaring daggers at me. She told me he kissed her as well. I was annoyed but laughed it off. Boys will be boys… but she got angry wouldn’t let the subject drop. Confronted him and kept on at him until he admitted he never wanted me, he wanted her. I was really hurt. He said this right in front of me. I could practically feel the satisfaction coming off her. She came into my room about twenty minutes later ‘fake crying’ saying she’s sorry. I felt disheartened but said it’s ok, can’t help how he feels. Not her fault. Only not even two minutes later she invites him into her room and I have to hear them having sex all night. I was gutted and felt like she was trying to prove a point to me. Who was the better woman. She’s prettier than me, I accepted it. When I pulled her up the next day and said I think it was a horrible thing to do. She got defensive and said wasn’t my fault they both wanted me. I felt sick. She somehow tried to pin the blame on me.
Another time was thing guy I was talking to online… we got on great. I didn’t inform my friend at first because we hadn’t been talking long. Anyway I found out he actually took her on a date few years back. I was worried as hell because with her you can’t talk to her exes or even breath in any lads she likes direction. Even though she can have my exes or guys I’m seeing on social media as much as she wanted. Anyway she found out because he informed her hoping she’d put a good word in. Big mistake. She straight away had her opinion and caused a massive argument with him of which I didn’t get involved. She straight away sent me a snarky message asking why I don’t tell her anything. We argued for ages. Me asking why it’s such a big deal since he only took her on one date, her saying it’s for my own ‘good’ .. truth of the matter is I found out she’s been trying to get stuck into him for ages. And resented that he took any interest in me. We fell out for ages, all of which i was to blame and i’mentally damaged her’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How was I to blame by simply talking to a guy online?
She turned coworkers against me, ones that I used to get along with suddenly they didn’t wanna talk to me or know me. My friends suddenly stopped talking. She manipulated everything with half truths and false lies and deception. My anxiety went through yhe roof. Not knowing what to do. She talked about herself all the times and I constantly had to be there as advisor and to hear her problems depit the fact mine barely got a look in. She self centered. Loved herself. Thought she better than anyone. Had affairs with people boyfriend and husbands because she’s apparently the better woman. I’m still stuck in this cylce don’t know how to get out of it
I feel for you. Be strong and be courageous. God loves you. May God bless you and your child.
I know exactly how you feel. I have had several narcissistic friends most likely due to my nurturing and forgiving nature. I have been the perfect punching bag for a few folks for sure. As I started to mature by reading up on these “crazy makers”, I learned a lot and the most important thing being that they don’t ever change. They may improve their act after a while, but sooner or later their true colors come to a head. It’s usually when they feel that they have earned your trust again. Boom! I finally had to ask myself, “Why am I doing this to myself?”. I’m afraid it goes back to my childhood where my father was an unhappy stressed out alcoholic/workaholic trying to get rich. My mother was a passive codependent who never stood up to him for the way we were sometimes mistreated. One might think that I would see red flags all over the place but I may take after my mother’s people pleasing style. I think it really comes down to the way the narcissists made me feel at the time. They reeled me in with gifts, support, and made me feel special somehow. I shortly forgot about the pain that was caused and made excuses for them. The unfortunate thing for these people is that they are notorious for burning bridges and being lonely later in life. That is their lesson and we can’t save them from themselves.
I have come to believe that there is a big lesson here for me and that lesson is- I don’t need someone’s phony adoration to feel important or special and furthermore, I don’t need to be all that hung up on what lies people are saying about me. The true friends who know me will never waiver and judge me like that. There may only be a couple of them but that is all I need. Plus, your real friends get tired of watching you get beat up by these lying manipulators. But, we have to figure it out for ourselves. Wishing you all the best in your relationships.
This is so true. My so called best friend is exactly this. She was working behind the scenes for years messing with my life! She tore apart my relationship with my other best friend by spreading lies and half truths and pit us against eachother. She also had direct knowledge of this same other best friend having an affair with my husband the whole time we were together and never told me. She spread lies about be to my now ex husband( also a Narc) causing problems in marriage leading to accusations, abuse and It’s demise… When I was going through my separation and custody battle, she flaked on me by failing to show up to court to testify to the abuse I sustained while pregnant! She gave her word to my attorney she would show up so no subpoena was issued to her. That hurt alot. When I was down, she was “there” to “help” me feel better. It was really an attempt to elevate herself above me by having a “better” life than mine.She has also worked to keep me down by sabotaging job prospects by not giving a good reference for me or acting like she doesnt know me when employers called for me…I was able to land an awesome job (after I stopped listeng her as a reference)and get a place for myslef and child within 3 months of working agian (I was homeless mind u.) From that point u could see the anger and envy as she became the “me too” queen. She began avoiding me too… wouldnt come to my house when I ask. Always an excuse… She really began comparing my life to hers when she realized that her husband was cheating on her and giving other women money. She now has 6 children as her last set of twins were “trap babies” to keep her in the marriage as she is a stay at home mom like I was (she was ready to leave). She would constantly say how I “have a chance at getting married again because I only have 1 child”… I did not register this until she trashed my name ALL over social media to people we know and guys she knew liked me or was interested. She implored the help of her pawns and fabricated flying monkeys (ex bf, “E-beau”and so called “sister” as well as ex husband <-oh he could NOT wait to get me in any way he could) by using lies and half truths to get them emotionally tied into turning on me. In the social media attack, She spread nasty lies to basically devalue me and make me undesireable to anyone that seen this content.She used a secret the nearly destroyed me against me to make things way worse as that added personal touch. I'm no longer on major social media sites and I pretty much focus on work and my child. I dont have a social life really. I dont go out really. I am thankful for the few true friends I have. I SORRY FOR SO MUCH BUT THIS PLACE IS THE ONLY PLACE THAT HAS PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY GET IT. I HEALING BUT IM ALSO MOTIVATED TO DO BETTER FOR MYSELF AND CHILD. SHE HATED THE FACT THAT I ACCOMPLISHED REGARDLESS…
How is it that I have just realised I attract narcissist men and women like a magnet? I find it incredible as today I have cut off from them all and realised both of my parent were narcissistic in some way or form what a weirdly horrible realisation. Something I was unconsciously fighting for 20 years and today I laugh at the fact that I am so aware that I have virtually stopped the train and got off.
You deserve far better. Please get some books and watch utube videos about healing from co-dependency. It is typical for a narcissist to want the friendship of the ever giving and kind empath and co-dependant type person, we are easier to take advantage of. I’ll repeat – we all, and You deserve a reciprocal and mutually kind friendship. Good luck to you, from one who is finally learning the same lesson. We all deserve better!
Hey, I had a similar situation to you. My friendship with the narcissist wasn’t as long though. I was friends for a few years and then when it ended it was extrme. I’d finally left but couldn’t cope with not having her around anymore. Hence looking into these sites as realising sue could be a narcissist. She was very charming towards me at the start. She seemed like the perfect person, she had my back to gain my trust. She’d talk to me everyday. It made me feel special. Then she decided to end it. She worked over the years to ruin my reputation. When it came time she broke me. When I confronted her she become aggressive and defensive and continued to deny doing anything. She lied and denied constantly. She started telling people it was my fault. She said I was accusing her of something she didn’t do. Which I never did. She made everybody hate me. She made people think I was the crazy, unstable one. Even made me believe that myself for a while. I was so lost and confused about it all. I started blaming myself for doing what she did to me. I thought it was my fault. She even contacted my parents saying I was “deranged”, needed help and told them a bunch of lies. It took me months to get over her. I was in so much grief. I longed to want her back cos I was confused by her so much. I believed she would go back to being the person I first met. I held onto the thought she’d change. I refused to believe she was a bad person and kept remembering what it was like in the first year with her. I realise now she is a narcissist but about a month ago I went back to her. Think I’m gonna end it now. Scares me too though. Her being around made me feel wanted I guess. I’d never have someone be that close to me before. If anyone has any suggestions on what I can do. Please help me. I know she may be a narcissist but I still can’t believe it or want to get away from her.
Thank you for this article, and thank you for everyone that shared their experiences. As I read the posts, a light came on about a friend of mine, and just in realizing that I’ve been being gaslit, love bomb/devalue/discard-ed, I finally be at peace about this cycle that I saw with my friend. She would hang out with me almost exclusively, then start hanging out with someone else, always making sure to post up photos of them. I felt excluded – when I would hang out with one of my friends she was always invited, and she would bring people with her when we were supposed to hang out, but I was never invited when she hung out with someone I knew. I’ve experienced her doing this twice before now, each time I tried to talk to her about it and she would turn the tables on me, saying that I was needy and such. I am, I was raised by a narcissist mother and I just figured it out last year. So I’m damaged and I have fear of abandonment, but it’s fear based on reality. She’s ignoring me for another friend, yet again, and this time I was determined to figure out why. Her actions weren’t textbook and that’s what was tripping me up, but I see it now, and already feel stronger.
Now I just have to slowly untangle the wires.
Thank you all very much.
I always felt like I was walking on eggshells. My narcissistic friend couldn’t be happy for me, my successes. She wanted me to be small and live like her so when I pursued my business degree, she shut down every time it came up. Over a few months of passive aggressive behavior from her, I finally had enough circumstances to bring it to the table.
I did in a very loving, sincere, open way… not knowing what I was about to get myself into. She denied it, but then turned it around on me – because I didn’t come to her sooner with this, I betrayed her, lied to her, and broke her trust. And now I needed to earn her trust back. We were supposed to talk again in a week.
To add fuel to fire, her mother is an aggressive narcissist. She cornered me, yelled at me, and would not take my no for an answer when I declined to discuss my issue with her daughter. She used painful experiences in my life that had nothing to do with the current circumstances as a way to cut me down – “I can see that your experiences have colored your view point on things’. My husband and I are cut off from the group…. now it has become a public event and we are socially outcast. But the narcissistic supply family say nothing to us and don’t dare to converse with us.
Mother provides half apologies months later by letter. Daughter considers herself a victim because I took longer than a week to share my thoughts and feelings with her. She’s entitled to my thoughts and feelings on her terms, you see. I have no right to chose when it is appropriate to share. I am villianized. I am told that I am unforgiving (of the mother). The daughter maintains her victim narrative as though I’ve done her some great harm. I refuse to capitulate. I refuse to accept half apologies – where there is one hand stretched out towards me in an incomplete way while the other hand is still throwing punches. It was incredible to feel somewhat hopeful to believe I could get an authentic, complete apology and retraction of statements, but then I would see the other comments continuing to cut me down.
Mutual friends started to treat me differently. I was being ‘unforgiving’… even though I never got a full apology or retraction of statements.
I was completely traumatized – the humiliation and smear campaign was insidious. I was isolated and alone. No one understood my pain and even today, 7 years later, I still get upset when something reminds me of that time. The first 3 years post event were the worst.
Mother is a church leader, pursuing leadership roles everywhere she goes. Splits are in her past. She pushed her kids onto the stage and appears warm, encouraging and inviting. But she would cut me down by saying I had a weird sense of humor or joke that I had no friends. She never shared any weakness.
They’ve known me since I was 16. All this because I chose to confront the issues head on with kindness and love. It was turned around on me and I became the bad guy, outed from my community, isolated, shamed.
I thank God every day that I am out of their grip — the power struggle was real. I had no idea what I was in while I was in it. Now I’m free – but still carry the trauma and pain from this event as though I’m still somehow the wrong person – sinning by not ‘forgiving’.
Sometimes I have felt so damaged by the “friendship” I had with an “N” that I have even questioned my own morals and whether I am the narcissist. This person who snaked her way in was an expert hiding behind her religious doings and her high social standing in the community of a counselor. She has all the outward appearances of a wonderful citizen/friend/christian; no big public rages or out of control FB rants.. no sir. Her weapon of choice is rejection and public shunning.. a quiet passive aggressive scene. My husband (who didn’t know her before) called it right away. He’s witnessed her brand of crazy and supported me 100% when I decided that enough was enough. After 10 years, I think the straw that broke the camel’s back for me was when her mother died. She posted a video of the funeral on FB. (???) She certainly got her quota of pity…morbid pity there. I attempted calling, texting and emailing numerous times offering my condolescences and wanting to comfort her. She ignored it all but complained to others that I didn’t reach out. Then came the incidents of public shunning and all of her cronies shunned me as well: people from the bible group we attended together. I fully believe in giving people grace, but that does not obligate one to continually be mentally and emotionally abused by these twisted folks. There are a lot of people in the world who would cherish a real loving relationship with anyone of us who have come here. DON’T SETTLE for damaged scraps. Love yourself enough to cut ties. Loneliness will be a part of that, but it’s not forever. Sometimes I still feel like a wounded child who regrets having shared too much with a monster, but I’ll be damned if I let this define me. I will continue to be open and loving to all I meet… but I’ll be much more discriminating about who I invest myself with.
you should look onto how her husband died……
Lady, your story is messed up! If I was you, I would move and FAST!! She sounds dangerous.
I had a narcissistic friend in my life for around 25 years. We have fallen out a couple of times over the years, as usually I had to walk away from all her lying, manipulation and drama but as we have a lot of mutual friends inevitably we ended up hanging out again.
I stopped hanging out with her about a year ago again. There was a lot of things that led to this decision but I decided to confront her about talking behind my back (which I pretty much had concrete proof of) and of course she lied, denied it and started running a smear campaign against me, which has meant that a lot of other friends believed her lies and she made out that she was the victim (after doing some research, I discovered this is called DARVO). She constantly talks about everyone behind their back and is always stirring up drama between people. She even rang my father who is 75 and lives at the other side of the country and told him lies about me too. I could probably write for days about all the manipulative things she has done and lies she has told.
I am very lucky in that I live with two very supportive friends who have helped me to understand that I have done nothing wrong and she is definitely not a friend worth having but it has meant that I lost a lot of old and good friends. Which of course has affected my self esteem and confidence. While I know having her out of my life is healthy for me and I do feel happier without the unnecessary negative drama she brought to my life. I can’t help but feel sad at the loss of the other friendships. I also don’t hold them accountable as I know how manipulative she is and I’m sure there is a part of them that is afraid she will turn on them too.
Thank You Sharon. I’m just getting to the bottom of all this that I’m going through. I hope You will be able to leave the relationship that is causing such confusion & anxiety in Your Spirit
We had some very good friends, convenient friends, right across the street. We became inseparable. When I first met Amber, who doesn’t have custody of any of her children, and she was pregnant with her 8th child, and soon after she miscarried. Some background on this. My husband and I have been married for 12 years with multiple miscarriages and no successful pregnancies. When she miscarried, I was there for her, just trying to be a good friend in a situation that hit fairly close to home. One day, we’re sitting in my garage, and she says to me, “do you know how frustrating it is to watch people around you get pregnant”, I dismissed it as “she forgot”. After awhile she was pregnant again, which I was her first phone call. I repeatedly told her how happy I was for them. For months, we practically lived at each other’s houses. They were married in July 2017, and I was her maid of honor. This should have been a red flag for me, as that is usually reserved for someone who you’ve known forever, or a family member. I typically believe you can tell a lot about someone who has no “old friends”. She was very flirty with my husband, and my husband and I mutually decided that after the baby was born, we would pull away from them. In October, Amber had a beautiful baby girl, and two weeks later, (on my birthday), her husband passed away unexpectedly. I remember that night so vividly. The sheriff knocked on my door at 4 am, and I ran across the street to see who I thought was my best friend sobbing in her driveway. I grabbed the baby, put together a diaper bag, and we followed the ambulance to the hospital and sat in the waiting room. About 30 minutes later, the doctor walked in and said that they had lost him. The coroner asked if she wanted to go back and see him, and she said she did. My husband held the baby while I went back with her to see him. I instantly turned into caretaker mode, and helped with arrangements for family members, friends, funeral arrangements, etc. I started a gofundme, as he was the sole provider in the home, and they had to wait for an autopsy report since he died unexpectedly, for his life insurance. We raised around $5,000 On Christmas Eve, the local fire department adopted her and her kids for Christmas. My life had literally turned into my phone ringing nonstop, and demanding things, with not even so much as a thank you. Four days later, his life insurance arrived. She purchased a brand new 40,000 sports car. I didn’t care about that, but I did advise her that putting it on Facebook was a bad idea, since so many people would feel taken advantage of. She didn’t listen. “It’s none of their business.” Two weeks after that, she had plastic surgery. I was the person draining her bulbs, helping her go to the bathroom, and quite literally washing her, to help heal. Her brother and his wife came into town where we had found out so many half truths that we compared notes. She had told them that I wouldn’t watch the baby because “babies are a trigger for me since I can’t have kids”. She had told them that no one had been doing anything to help her, and that she was all alone. She had also told them that I was jealous of her new car, and that she had gotten money from his life insurance policy. My snapping moment was when I was washing her back and she said, “no one cares about ME”. “NO ONE? That’s a slap in mine and my husband’s faces.” I told her that I needed space, and she told me that she understood. A day later, I started getting hateful texts about how I was a hateful, evil person, how I only care about myself, how her husband would be rolling over in his grave at the way I was treating her, etc. I ignored her. I ignored all of it until she said, “That’s why I don’t go to church”. That snapped me. It sent me into a rant about how she didn’t go to church because she didn’t want to be held accountable for her actions and how she treats people. BIG mistake. I should have continued to ignore her. Finally, I stopped responding. I have heard horrible rumors about myself. She randomly texted my husband to say that “she heard I was talking about her”, I haven’t been. Now she’s telling people that I broke into her van, and no one believes her. I should have listened to my gut instinct about her running through circles of friends as though they’re disposable, but I didn’t. I have lost over 120 lbs in the course of three years through a strict exercise regime, and dieting. Over the last three months of our relationship, I gained 20 back. My face was broken out, my hair was falling out. Since ending our friendship, I’m back down 10 and my face has cleared up. My hair has grown back, and I hardly even miss the friendship. She was totally willing to sacrifice my well-being for her own. That’s not a friend. She was never at fault. She openly tried to make me feel badly about myself to boost her own self esteem. I can only hope that at some point she finds peace and happiness. I just don’t want to be apart of it.
Forgot when my husband was in the hospital for. a week, he was emotionally wrecked, made it clear he was sorry for trusting her friendship..he doesn’t remember everything from that day and it was 2 years ago…anyway she called me while he was in there ordering me not to visit him in the hospital..she was going to take care of him, if he needed something from home I was to give it to her……I told her no, he wants to see me, wants me there…for 20 minutes she tried to talk me out of seeing my husband in the hospital…arguing with me, asking me why I wouldn’t do as she said….her last comment was, “the only thing he likes about you is you can cook,..” in a wicked tone before giving up and hanging up….during that conversation all I thought was who the hell tellls someone not to visit a loved one in the hospital? Who does that? She is really sick…good luck to her new husband….
I went through hell with who I thought was a good friend. She, her husband and son were new to the neighborhood. When they came to look at the house her husband arrived first, pretty much everyone on the street was outside shoveling driveways and sidewalks, he was very nice came up to us started a conversation. She arrived shortly after, when she first came over she gave me an odd feeling , but I quickly dismissed it. Big mistake.
After they moved in we became friends. She was a military vet, finishing her degree, her husband was a manager at a major store and he worked his schedule around hers to watch their son. I was a SAHM at the time, we had just finazlied the adoption of our daughter after a roller coaster ride of being her foster parents. At the time I was working on a bill to support foster parents in our state. She complimented me about being a SAHM, when others criticized me…she said she held the same values..marriage, motherhood, she said she’d only work part time until her son was old enough for her to work full time…
Our kids ended up going to the same private catholic school, I started working there. I began to notice she’d ask but demand for me to bring her son home on days I worked there.
Our local paper did an article about me working on the bill. A few days later she came home with a story about saving a boys life who fell from a bouncy house…he was unconscious she resuscitated him… when paramedics arrived she said they told whe she’s a hero and she would be in the paper….she looked at me and said ” I don’t need that crap, I don’t want to be in the paper I don’t need the attention.” I didn’t think anything of it…but now question if that event happened, no one was with her and her husband was surprised no one ever contacted her to thank her, not even the boys family.. At the time I gave her lots of accolades on FB with friends….repeatedly called her a hero in mor ways than one…
My husband likes to do Tough Mudders and was looking for a partner…I told him to ask her…I thought it would be a great idea we were good friends, same values….bigger mistake. I had an elbow injury had required surgery to cut 2 inches of bone that interlocked…I was not allowed to legally drive for about a month. During that time she never offered to help with taking my daughter to school or picking her up. I had other good friends and my sister work out a schedule to do it…remember she lives right across the street and our kids attend the same school. A few months later she was in the hospital for a week, she had kidney stones and said her doctor told her to remove the stint herself…she gave her self a blood infection and almost died,,,that’s wheni I started to question her and our friendship went downhill,, I didn’t believe her story about the doctor telling her to do it and called her a dumbass…repeatedly,…when visiting her in the hospital I went to go to her room. The door was ajar and as I approached I overheard a conversation about her meds and treatment,,,I was told to wait a minute…when I went in she casually explained that the psychiatrist spoke with her everyday due to her violent outbursts….red flags start to go off..this woman was very sick yet no one aside from me and my husband and her family were visiting her…not only that her room was empty of any get welll wishes except for the purple roses I had sent… that week I watched her son about 80 hours so her husband could work and visit with her…neither one ever thanked me.
After her recovery she became very icy to me…she expected me to watch her son or have him over on a whim…about the third time I said no our friendship was done…however…she and my husband were training for a Tough Mudder together…
During the following months she lovebombed my husband all over Facebook, friends told me whenever I went out by myself and my husband was home she’d run over to talk to my husband ( it was summer everyone was usually outside doing yard work, small street in a historic neighborhood). She was constantly texting my husband non stop…my husband explained she and her husband were gong to be divorcing and he was giving her advice…
3 days before the Tough Mudder in Canada she unfriendled me on FB probably because I questioned her love bombong my husband on Facebook. When I asked about it, I was told she was only going to keep her military friends…that was a lie, I blocked her at this point she started playing serious mind games and trying g to belittle me as much as she could and was triangulating people against me including my husband.
After the Tough Mudder her husband moved out, and she really moved in on my husband. My husbandhad a huge project which required he worked late on Friday nights and Saturdays. He was designing and installing new systems for a major brokerage firm and that has to be done off hours..I noticed whenever he worked late, her car was not there…her son was at her husbands place and she was “not home.” This became a pattern of her not being home when my husband worked late…when my husband would come home within minutes she’d be home and her house would be lit up,,,now I had my doubts about her being with my husband…after about the third time one of my friends who never liked her called me. She said, I see she’s parking her car in back of her house so you can’t see it and keeping her house dark until your husband comes home…she’s playing mind games with you….so one night when he was working late, I was out with a friend… when I came home I slowly drove up the street,.her house was pitch black and no car….I pulled in front of my house then into the driveway…my husband parks in front of our house….soon as I walked in I noticed her house was lit up…she thought my husband was home…
At this point my marriage was rocky and she was his very best friend in the world…one day my daughter was over her house playing with her son…that evening she texted my husband and told him my daughter told her son to show her his penis…my daughter was in tears denying this…I didn’t believe she did that and sided with her…my husband sided with his very best friend.
At this point I was talking to a divorce attorney and getting my ducks in a row…the next day after the incident with my daughter.. I texted her told her she was completely inappropriate her behavior with my husband, her refusal to speak with me. Told her if our kids ever play again it will be at my house so I can watch my daughter…10 minutes later my husband calls me yelling and screaming. I said don’t you see, she’s mad at me and is ganging up on me with you. I repeatedly asked him why she refused to talk to me if she was mad at me and had him do it…so I texted her again..if you’re mad at me you talk to me stop going to my husband and ganging up on me. No response from her,..and she didn’t have him call me yelling…
I went to work that afternoon and came home started dinner…didn’t talk to my husband for about 6 hours and thought things were ok…while preparing dinner I got a suicidal text from him he sent it to both of us….he ended up admitting himself to a hospital and was diagnosed with bi-polar…apparently sometime that day she gave him some kind of threatening ultimatum to choose her over me….he realized he didn’t want to do that he was destroying our marriage and I was ready to walk..through therapy and meds we worked it out…
I thought she would stop the games there, but she tried to.continue..needing my husband to fix this or that… his doctor told him he needed to sever ties with her and he did…shortly after her husband moved back in…within a few months and her husband living there she had a new boyfriend coming over when her husband left…sometimes he’d be there when he came home….her husband moved out….this guy moved in…he friended my husband on Facebook and I posted on my husbands page a post I found about narcissistis and what to look for…I put an additional love bombingand moving fast in a relationship etc……coincidentally he unfriended my husband after that post….I suspect it was her..
They were married within months of her husband moving out…..his kids moved in and out within 3 months…I refuse to even say hi to her she tries and my reaction is to put my hand up as if to say stop. Just a reflex…
She’s tried to get people against me at the school hasn’t worked…when someone notices we don’t socialize anymore and were neighbors I don’t say anything,… no one would believe me if I did,,,she’s a hero, a vet, a devoted mother…..or so she continues to pretend….
Hi Linda M
thats good advice u have given to Frank.
I am in the process of making a toxic friendship more casual by gradually cutting down the number of emails after changing my phone number.
It also,for me, reduces the awful fear of a chance meeting which i would find v embarrassing after a sudden “no contact” decision.
Good advice if possible to do it.
Hi Sally
Thank u for the useful tìps about rebuilding one’s life after losing a narc. friendship.
Yes, it is traumatic and a very lonely time….avoiding certain places, dreading seeing her car, not being able to explain to healthy friends why I am tearful, fearful and anxious…trying not to gossip ….going to different groups in an effort to make healthy friendships….as well as feeling I have lost a big part of myself due to losing confidence….while the narc goes from strength …popular in her fakeness. Its helpful to hear about narc friendships as many other sites merely cover romantic relationships…..thank you to Christine and to everyone taking the trouble to share. My church has ostracised me for asking for help for my abusive and controlling friend…who, by the way, confusingly, I really really miss as she had a v warm and caring side and was really funny….I miss all that…what’s wrong with me?
I feel the energetic pull of the female friend of mine of 17 years (it took me that long to figure this out) to be filled by me. I had been her support system: e-mails, phone-calls, invitations, spending time with her, asking her about her life, family, job, education, giving advice, helping her to review her bachelor work, finding and buying presents for her…I considered her as my best friend. So kind, supportive, opened, vulnerable. I considered myself being lucky to have found her. I don´t want to be with her in contact anymore. I prepare to exit. I feel that she wants her supply and she could have gotten it that I want to run away. I feel better how she wants to feed on me (even I got sick), I feel that no support comes from her, no matter what she says and how much she pretends to be kind. Nevertheless, she shamelessly puts herself first, talks about her “life, stuff”….and btw wishes me to “be happy in my life” (what does it mean ?). It is a bottomless pit. I am trained to give to the takers. My mother must be the NPD predator. My mind does not want to believe this “tragedy”, but when I learn to step into my feels very real. No interest in me. I am the object that one feeds one. Nothing deeper into that. Shallow in her emotions. Good observer of me -as a good source.
This exact same thing happened to me! … 9 year co-workers and 5,000 secret emails… We had a 5-yr sexual and emotional affair, and often said, “I love you”. One day the boss walked by her office and saw my hand on her shoulder. When he questioned her about it, she said I was sexually harassing her. I got fired the next day. But because I got fired after-hours I never got to say good-bye to her.
I sent a couple emails to her personal account in the month following (last Oct). I was never angry, and I never blamed her for anything, she was always brief and sometimes didn’t even reply. After 3-4 emails over 3-4 weeks she said, “stop emailing me”, and I did. I figured she was afraid to use email to chat privately, so I went to the grocery store near her office when I knew she would be there (as I did so many times before; I just wanted to say good-bye and get some closure to a 5-year intimate relationship) … and she called the police, took out a restraining order, and filed a criminal complaint that day. She told everyone I harassed her and spun a web of lies… even though we were the closest of friends, never shared a cross moment, and she never said our friendship was over. She even called me her closest friend in an email and was begging me to hook-up with her the day before I got fired.
My finances and professional reputation have been completely destroyed by this woman’s web of lies, even though the judge promptly dismissed all the charges (once he understood she was lying about everything in court). She said, ‘we were never friends’, ‘never had a sexual relationship’, and that I ‘threatened her in emails’. I showed the judge all the emails… her asking to meet me for sex, telling me I was her closest friend, etc. The judge asked her to show him the emails that she said were threatening, and after seeing them he said there is *absolutely nothing* threatening here.
I will add that she displayed sporadic episodes of borderline personality disorder every few months, which I helped her cope with, and she was making progress. Oh, and there was this other episode. Her father and step mother were visiting her (from 3,000 miles away) and staying with her for a week. 3 days into his visit, she told me that he ‘said something that she found offensive’ so kicked him out of her house and made him go home 4 days early. I believed her when she said, it was her father’s fault.
To the author’s point, her mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer when my friend was 14 y.o. Her mother was miserably sick for 6 years until she eventually died 6 years later. My friend is 37 now. I will never be the same, my family will never be the same, and I am about to lose my house and my retirement because of her disorder.
You have too much introspection to be a narcissist. Look into codependency personality disorder. You’re sister sounds like a real gem. I have said much less insulting things to a person and they tore me an extra blankety blank blank. Hypersensitivity to criticism is a hallmark of codependency.
This is an interesting read. I’ve researched narcissism very thoroughly as I have a sister in law who I believe has NPD. I’ve realized that many of the people I had in my life were narcissistic and in the past 5 or so years have gradually removed them from my life. There is one friend in particular who I have known for around 30+ years only casually. We became closer when I moved to a town near where she lived and started what I thought was a great friendship. This was around 17 years ago. We were never in each other’s pockets but whenever there was an occasion I’d be invited to or likewise I always asked her to functions. As time went on many things made me start questioning her as a person. She did things that made me wonder what type of person she actually was. I re-introduced her to a mutual friend. One she hadn’t seen for many years and they were never really that friendly years ago. He is a very old flame of mine and although nothing ever came of a relationship with us, he has always remained a very dear friend, so much that my daughter calls him her surrogate father. I have always held a bit of a torch for him, but knew that we were always going to be better friends than lovers. At my 40th this woman had sex with him, knowing that he was in a relationship. Worst of all she made sure I knew about it. She has done things like called me obese, yet no one else I know thinks I have a weight problem. She always wanted to get to know my friends and whenever she could, people I’d just introduced her to, she would tell them to come and see her. She has had sex with numerous of her friends partners and quite openly told me about it. I don’t know if she thought I’d be jealous, but instead I started to question her ethics and morals. Finally she did something to me which is too big a story to write about but I decided I no longer wanted or needed her in my life. Instead of saying anything I just stopped contacting her, stopped answering her phone calls and texts and decided that leaving her wondering was the best I could do, and I still think I’ve made the right choice there. Another close girlfriend of mine has befriended her after I introduced them and now they have become bosom buddies. I’m not the jealous type of person, but every time I see my still current gf she speaks of this woman. Tells me of the lovely things she does for her and recently told me she considered her to be one of her dearest friends. It really annoys me but I know there’s not much I can do. I’m hoping one day that this woman treats her like she did me, but I don’t think this will happen as my gf appears to be no threat to this woman and kind of idolizes her, so I imagine they will have a long standing friendship. There are other friends of mine that I’ve introduced to this woman and she also does her best to make sure I know that she has seen them or is still friendly with them. I am taking all this as a lesson in life, although it does frustrate me and at times makes me so angry when I hear stuff she’s done. When I hear my other friends say how wonderful she is I just cringe and let it go. I wish at times there was a way others could see her as I do, but I won’t force anything to happen. If they like her, it’s no skin off my nose, but I do find it hard to hear stories of her thoughtfulness or her love toward them, when I’m quite sure she does it all to feel good about herself, not to help others. One thing I’ll say is I do believe that the best thing I did was walk away from her without saying a word. I left her without anything to say about me. If people ask why we are no longer friends she can’t say anything that I did or said wrong and I truly believe that this would eat at her far more than having it out with her. My gf said to me that she said one day she should get in touch with me to see if we could patch our differences, but I am yet to hear from her. I doubt I will as she knows how many horrible things she’s done toward me and she knows how I’m no longer interested in hearing her crap. Honestly I have now realized the thing narcissist despise the most is rejection. It torments them as they try so hard to be the perfect human. They hate it when someone see through them and doesn’t compliment them or fall all over them. When it comes to mutual friends I just tell them I’m not interested in hearing about her and the conversation ends. Unless I become bitter and twisted I’ve also realized the very best thing to do is move on from them. Take it as a lesson learned, grow as a person and be far more weary next time you meet someone who is narcissistic. I think I’m slowly realizing the traits of these people and I’m far more cautious now befriending people than I was previously. It’s always their loss, not your problem.
Thank you for this! It’s just what I needed to read.
After a year of not speaking to this “friend” the way she treated me still makes me upset.
The part about the mother is bang on as well as the way she uses people to get things she wants – I always felt that way.
I knew I was being a good friend. I always did what she asked of me and I was extremely loyal but because one thing she wanted didn’t work exactly as she wanted it (I was sick and the weather was bad), we are no longer friends. It was actually a relief
Thank you again!
That’s not a narcissist; it’s a gold digger. And who in the world would wear a bathing suit with go-go boots?
You had a narcissistic friend who used you. I’m sorry this happened to you.
I also had a narcissistic female friend for 18 years. We became close when we both got divorced from our husbands (who were friends). She was also a lunatic who pulled a “Fatal Attraction” (old 80’s movie) on a few guys. She wanted to marry a (preferably rich) man and have children, even though she (secretly) sexually enjoyed women. She even tried to pick up my then new boyfriend (who is now my better half).
She ended up being mean and jealous. I wanted out of this friendship but didn’t want to unleash her rage. At one point she got pissed off and hung up the phone on me. I was relieved!
She wasn’t the first crappy woman friend I had. So now I’ve learned to read people better, to detect the signs of these types of problems, and to have higher standards for friendship.
So I’m glad you’re trying to move on.
Charlie, I feel your pain and confusion. A very similar situation happened to me where I was a mentor/friend for several years and as a result of him getting new friends and more recognition, I was blocked from Snapchat, Facebook, and other social media and this guy literally runs away from me in the halls. Several projects that we were working on had to be redone because he just quit them, saying “I don’t want to hang out with you anymore”.
I’m sorry this happened to you…and me. But if we weren’t good solid people, they probably wouldn’t have chosen us.
I’m a 44 year old male who gained began working with a female nine years ago (January 2008). Over a period of time we become or so I thought very close friends. There was never any romance involved, I’m happily married and she is a lesbian but we were very regularly in contact, often went socialising together and went to lunch at work nearly every day. We stuck by each other during thick and thin and shared many our deepest secrets and problems. In fact during 2016 we exchanged more than 2000 whatsapp messages.
In September 2016 she got another job in the same organisation but different department, although she said ‘don’t worry, of course I’ll keep in contact’ and ‘we’ll still go out for drinks/food etc’.
From day one in her new role though, she immediately appeared cold, dismissive and seemingly put a barrier in place.
All of a sudden, communication was only one way, she would reply but they were brief and evasive. I would ask how her new job was going and got the reply ‘yeah good thanks’.
At lunch, all of a sudden she sat on the next table with other people/new colleagues and I was barely acknowledged.
All of this (just as recent as October/November 2016) really hurt me but I managed to keep a lid on it. I did message her that I was missing her badly but receive the reply ‘something that can’t be helped at the moment’. I knew she was training for her new role and thought she might be busy and made this excuse for her.
In December I asked whether we could go for food/drinks perhaps in the new year when Christmas is out of the way. While not directly answering this, she suggested we go out for the annual xmas works drink out on the town. I was actually not thinking of going out this time, but this changed things and agreed to meet up. On the Friday before Christmas I went out and didn’t see her. I sent her a message asking her what was happening, she replied ‘what do you mean?’. Just after this, she did turn up in the bar, saw me and said ‘I didn’t understand your last message, but I’m going off somewhere else with x and y (other colleagues) and promptly left leaving me standing there.
This absolutely broke the camels back with me. I had had a few drinks but wasn’t drunk. I was hurt and upset and sent her a couple of angry message giving her a piece of my mind and how’s she’s been aloof for the past few months, although I didn’t swear or resort to name calling. Within moments I discovered she blocked me from whatsapp. I quickly realised we may never communicate ever again, and about 5 weeks later (23rd January) we still haven’t made up.
I bit a research suggests she may have narcissistic tendencies, plus talking to other people seems to bear this out suggesting that she’s a user and ‘this is what she’s like’. She’s exiting, she’ll make you feel special and alive but will easily drop you when you not needed anymore.
The autumn/Christmas just gone were some of the darkest and saddest I’ve ever felt at work, I’m now trying to move on and get on with my life while at the same time avoiding her and staying out of her way.
I thought I had some amazing memories although I can’t now help but feel they have been tainted somewhat.
My ex Narc went by a pet name and I met her when she was half naked. That’s funny. Also, she use to be a sugar baby and only involved herself of people worthy of her.
I feel quite despairing at the moment I am totally confused about whether I am co-dependent or a covert narcissist. My sister has called me a know it all, that I don’t listen and that I always take issues back to me. I admit I can interrupt and come across as a know it all at times. I have low self esteem and a ppor opinion of myself. My sister does also. I accepted this and apologised. I am hypersensitive to criticism and she has made a couple of jokes about my house being like a tv store and me and my husband look like two comedians I told her that I was offended and I was told I was too sensitive. I think is she jealous of me and wants to have a go or am I projecting jealously onto her and I am a covert narcissit.
Hi Simone, I went through a similar situation with an ex-friend. She was always allowed to discuss her feelings or her unhappiness, but I was never allowed to discuss mine. If I wanted to talk about something that happened or something she did, I was met with icy coldness and told I was being “dramatic.” It was incredibly hurtful and ultimately she ended our friendship out of something she accused me of, which never even happened.
it has taken me over a year to recover, as I felt like I was a good friend to her. The bottom line is now I know that if someone isn’t even willing to hear me out, it is not a healthy relationship that’s going to last. I also have been frustrated at the “unfairness” of it and perhaps will never find closure in that aspect of it, but I do know now that my life Is WAY better off without her in it. It’s sad, and it makes me feel sad to think of the fun times we had together, but even sadder that she really didn’t value my friendship at all in the end.
I hope that you are able to turn your attention towards the friends in your life who DO give back, who DO make you feel good, and who you can be at ease with. These are the people who will have your back and create good energy in your life… not the ones who rake you over the coals emotionally.
You will get stronger and it will get easier to move on… it does take some time and I feel for you. But you deserve friends who truly give back the good intentions you put forth… and a narcissist only cares about herself.
I have been going through this for 2 years. As of yesterday she called the friendship off. She was more like my sister and for the past two years she cuts me off over the smallest and I mean smallest things. She lacks the ability to empathize and feels attacked when I ask to discuss issues. She now accuses me of being jealous. People say just get over it but it’s not that simple. After 2 years of this one would think I would be relieved but it hurts just as bad everytime. I always reach out but I am trying my best not to this time.
Hey Britney I know this person and I promise you she did steal your flowers. It’s not a normal thing to do at all which is why we doubt ourselves! And she found some way to say she deserved them more than you. You are lucky if you can get her out of your life. Sometimes it is much harder e.g. when a family member
Hi Sharon, I think my relationship was very much like yours and though I would write to you. I struggled hard to leave it and with a lot of fear about it. I found after a very bad year that the problem was cumulative trauma from relationships and abuse. I had some EMDR which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming which they give to people traumatised in the armed forces and on the recommendation of a friend as a bit of a last resort and it worked. The dread and fear of leaving the house are gone. I am still shy but not afraid anymore. I am not afraid of him and I am having more soon so that I don’t feel afraid of other men or betrayal anymore either. I send you power, strength and love:) I’m not sure you are a narcissist, maybe just hurt xxx
I had a friend for 16 years- yes 16… it has been quite the ride.. Early on, probably 2 years in I realized she inst the person that she claimed to be- i actually called her a fraud to my husband. I wont get into the details but believed back then she had traits of a narcissist but chalked it up to immaturity only. So I confronted her on all her lies and contradictions, not treating me right- she got angry and deleted me from FB. It hurt me bad!!! As time went on- we got back together because I initiated it:( pathetic huh? And it want long before it was right back to the same cycle… I told myself when I went back in, I would hold my tongue- but that didnt work- we had several falling outs- she would get in a rage with me at any criticism or if i asked her something she didnt like, etc My thought is if I cant keep it 100 with you- then we dont have a friendship.. anyway she verbally abuse me, call me names, insult me- etc. When she acted like this I went silent- this just drove her nuts.. She would reach out and apologize and want to go back right how it was. Each time we had these encounters my trust and love for her were being chipped away at- I just couldn’t understand why she would go off on me? I always had hope for her and that she would mature… well, i thought she had but no… a couple of months ago- i invited her to a bday party for a mutual friend (she is very lackadaisical in committing ever) so i set a boundary and I need to know by xx date- long story, she heemed and hawed lied, made excuses, committed then took it back- and it frustrated me. I told her so and all hell broke lose again. She then then apologized for that- and i said, ok – but we need to work on this.. I said we- not just her and that set her off once again. Here comes the daggars, insulting me, berating me- you name it- I couldnt respond to one text before 10 more came in. (she seems to be drinking whens he does this- as I have been her ear when she does it to her sister and others) I responded a little bit but then shut it down as I didnt want to say something I would regret. two days later another text apologizing- i told her i forgave her and to have a good day. A week went by then she sends me another text- insulting me about being silent and at that time, I said we needed to have a conversation over the phone and we needed to set aside a time- she said i apologized and i expected one from you.. she said not scheduling a meeting with you and not interested in hearing your calculated project manager responses.. i didnt respond to the insult.. so now it has been two months – she texts again with a ruse about me accepting her apology when I told her I did she then says she needs an apology… i once again told her we needed a conversation, this wasnt the first time we have been here and we need to break the pattern so we dont find ourselves here again- she raged and deleted me and blocked me on fb but not before she told me how much she loves me and she has tried. there is so much history- and this time I wasnt going to back down- I guess they cant take that and run the other way.
I’ve recently experienced a narcissistic “friend” without, until recently, realizing that she is a narcissist. She became close to me very quickly, sharing all her secrets. I felt at the time that she was becoming too close too quickly but I didn’t think much about it because it was flattering to have someone pay that much attention. Shortly, I became even more suspect when I realized she went from one “friend” to another, each time telling them all of her secrets and complaining about her past treatments by others. A huge warning sign for me was when she said mean things about these other “friends” to me to gain my support. Whoever talks about someone that way will eventually talk about you behind your back.
She can appear to be very open because she shares all her secrets, but it’s just a way for her to get the attention she craves. The last straw for me was when she began to insert herself in a friendship I had with another woman with whom I had become close to and which is a healthy relationship. She pursued this other woman like she pursued me, showering her with attention, telling her all her secrets. When I was with the two of them in a group setting, she talked privately with my friend as if I wasn’t there. In this way she was trying to get me to react so she could say I was jealous and turn attention away from her. Because I value the other friendship, I stopped interacting with her (I had also brought up her behavior to her in a kind way, but it didn’t stop her from continuing with defensive, manipulative behavior) and if I find I’m in a situation where she’s treating me badly or trying to manipulate me, I walk away and talk with others or I decline her invitations.
betty bean,
My aunt is this way. But she wasn’t the one suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder; my Grandmother was.
What you’ve just describe is Histrionic Personality Disorder. To me anyways. Cheers and Good luck.
Visit domestic court in your county and you will see a fairly high number of narcissistic women, they know how to work the system, they are often blatantly bat sh-t crazy, mentally and emotionally abusive and exploitative, and yet they imagine that they are entitled to suck the life out of some poor guy’s soul, because he was foolish enough to have anything to do with her, while she was pretending to be somebody else, they put on a personality like they dye their hair and put on and make up.
Dearest Sophie,
Please focus on that you have identified you love life so much and the joy it brings. You have come to recognize problems that you are facing and by doing that you have opened the door to recovery. Great job!
There is a way out, however in order to find the exit you need to embark on a a journey – a journey that will make you a stronger and better person. The fact you have submitted a post on this site vindicates you are welcoming help so please stay strong and listen to your gut – seek help. It is absolutely essential however that you seek professional help (psychologist) immediately and work through your hardships. It is absolutely essential you do this as you are not qualified to make self diagnosis and therefore may arrive at incorrect conclusions.
I can assure you that you are not alone, there is no shame and it does gets better. A LOT better.
Sophie, There is nothing like having a narcissist in your life to bring out our own pathology. Please do not isolate yourself. It sounds as if you would benefit from having a therapist to talk to right now for support.
i have just been through a very intense life phase, and somehow i feel to have come out of it with an intense feeling of being wooden, being medusa, and being narcissic. i seem to have broken some normal rules of society, and to have lost everything that was the most important to me and find it very hard to carry on with life. i lived to give people joy, but seem to continuously isolate myself more and now i feel that even with my beloved sister i feel terrible shame. i somehow put myself in situations where i did not know how to behave normally, and lacked proper communication with my partner.
i am terribly scared to face life, and have chronic headaches, and my ears have a ring and cannot sleep at night and when i saw my father after 2 years i felt like medusa and ophelia and that my head should be cut off. i have memory loss. i loved my life so much and was bringing so much joy, but fear and shame also had they seeds planted in me….
i am scared now… i love my friends and family so much, but don’t ant to destroy them, so i feel so lonely now. all alone in ireland…is there a way out? the only reason i want to life is for my sister and family and those i loved.
I feel exactly the same and I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with me, and I am finally understanding what I am. I am getting in contact with a psychologit to see, hope to get help. I’ve even told my boyfriend about it. Haha he doesn’t get it or see what I see and what I know about myself. We are not really in love, but I wish we were. I don’t want to be like this for the rest of my life…
Hey there, Sharon,
You’re so brave to get on here and be willing to explore.
Go for it…go and see someone, and be the rare person with these wounded personalities to actually get help and get better.
I know you can do it.
The ONLY answer is to TAKE IT BY THE HORNS and get it under control, break the pattern.
Your friend does not sound like a narcissist. She sounds like a know-it-all, willfully ignorant type. You seem like a truth seeker. In my experience, truth seekers do not work well with the dogmatic/know-it-all types. In her defense, politics almost always bring out the worst in people.
A woman is likely to be narcissistic if upon meeting her she is wearing a bathing suit and go-go boots, and she introducers herself with her pet name. Now, she may ask you to put her through school, to buy her a small business, and to pay for her phone and apartment, owing to her sense of entitlement and the illusion of being high value. Of course, the dupe may not realize that he is one of a number of oxen, wearing blinders, pulling her golden carriage. She will test them to see what they are willing to provide, men being providers and what have you; perhaps, she wants to dabble in a business, she will need you to buy her a small building, and a modest condo would be lovely, too. Later, she may lose interest in these, sell them, and put the money on a nicer residence, allowing some other dupe(s) to help her pay off the mortgage, while she derides the first dupe for being too cheap. Such things play out all the time.
Hi Frank,
I have a lifelong friend too who is a narcissist. We’ve been best friends since grade school and while I knew she was “like this” since I met her, I wondered how our “friendship” lasted this long. I took a deep look into myself after breaking up with a narcissit boyfriend and realized my own co-dependency issues (which I’m now resolving) made me an easy target.
I always was looking to feel worthy and the way a narcissit can put you on a pedestal made me feel special. I thought if I kept doing everything the other person needed it would be best for both of us. Of course this worked for both my best friend and ex boyfriend narcissits, because it gave them their needed supply, but after a while it drained me. I only felt special when I gave them what they needed or wanted to hear…and the moment I didn’t, I was reprimanded with insults, cold shoulder, or plain indifference.
What I learned was both these people NEVER cared about me as a person, but only about what I did for them.
While I got rid of the boyfriend, it’s much harder to get rid of a best friend of 15years. It’s beginning to really wear on me because I can’t tell her how I feel because narcissits don’t see a problem with their actions.
Sadly I know the best advice all sites say is to learn to accept they will never care about you and just have a cordial relationship. They are unlikely to change and the best thing you can do is run or learn to stop expecting a normal relationship
Sharon, Thank you for your post. For the first time in my life I have recognized my own symptoms in someone else’s life story.
Thank you, always.
I came onto this website because ever since I read the symptoms of gaslighting, I know I have all of them. I know my father and family gaslighted me. I am even in a relationship where I feel that dreaded sense that something is wrong, that he does not really love me, and I go above and beyond to please him. But all I feel is drained and fatigued and seeking/hungry for love. I feel like I’m starving and dying inside. Every passing year I am capable of less. But I also feel it’s something wrong with me, and at times, I look up and feel like I’m just playing the victim and maybe he’s not the problem. But my heart hurts just thinking that. The thing is, he isn’t violent or go into rages. He just manages to throw himself into his work and avoid me, somehow, it’s hard to explain. It’s more passive aggressive. It’s like his psychic anger and disapproval of me is just suffocating. But when I approach him about it, he denies it. Now I doubt everything. I never used to be like that. I never know what I want and to decide becomes anxiety ridden. I never leave the house. I am always afraid. I want him to love me and I know that he doesn’t, deep down, but he won’t admit it, and everything he does in terms of actions shows me he does, so I’ve totally lost my center.
From this point in your website, I found this section on friends, and reading it — I feel more like the narcissistic friend, honestly, to my own friend. I see how I push people away and how I am hunting for that supply to my ego, and the needs posing as emotions. I also have felt in the past how I’ve hurt people, how I’ve used boyfriends and reeled them in and been the spider. And then I get bored or they make some huge mistake and I do not forgive them.
I have suffered all my life; repeated sexual abuse, humiliation, constantly being hit, afraid for my life, wound up in abusive relationships, and then my mother died when I was 19. After that, I entered a relationship with someone who lied all the time but I was very cruel to him, too, and I justified it because of him lying.
Now I am this relationship where I have become, for the first time in my life, utterly dependent on someone else. I feel totally trapped. And I feel like he has my heart in his hands. I want the relationship to be real, in a way, I want the problem to be me so I can be with him and be happy, but the doubt is always there. I don’t know if I am the problem or he is. I’m totally lost and I don’t even know where to go for help.
Narcissists women are everywhere nowadays and very extremely dangerous as well.
This is my friend to a tee. A somewhat new friend, and I see now that she’s been rejected and has rejected others and I’m just the next up to bat. She is a bottomless pit of neediness–she suffered a terrible tragedy several years ago but now milks it for all its worth, latches onto other tragedies to make them her own, and if you have a serious issue in your life, it can never be as big as whatever she has suffered or is suffering now (including sick dogs, leaking faucets, friends with illnesses, etc.). She loses friends with both hands, and boyfriends too–after awhile, you want to ask her, “Is it everyone, or is it you??” She had mommy issues as a child, with rejection, illness, death…and it permeates her every relationship. I don’t care enough to work this hard, I swear!
I had a friend I knew for 30 years, who’s life seemed to be about wining arguments. She also used Facebook as a supply source. Politics was an obsession with her, and she would never see the other person’s point of view and say “you’re wrong! ” even though I could see the person she was fighting with had the best points and truth about a subject.
She would say “your friends are idiots”, in messages in my chat, and why do they do this? I have more of a question than an answer. She dismissed others point of view. I feel she used my friends to feel better about herself. I’m confused, tired and hurt. The so called friendship ended 3 months ago, and all this guilt was placed on me. No empathy, no understanding of my friends feelings or mine. She was a Facebook stalker, looking for people she didn’t agree with and attack them with smarmy, short comments to start an argument. Why do they think they can do this? Very controlling people, put downs, and when you finally take off their mask, and tell them they’re a Narc, they rage. I’m still exhausted and blaming myself for the end of the friendship. I finally really stood up for myself and get such wrath.
Has had a “friend” for some yrs now, that I used to think she was a bit narsistic, but not too extreeme.. Well. 3 yrs ago some beautiful flowers was stolen from my garden (right after she had asked me to give her some of them, but I had said no, because they are fragile). Rare as they were (I had imported them from abroad), she suddenly got similar in her garden (!), and the rest of my rare plant has not had any flowers since, as most of the roots were removed/damaged. She even commented that I probably didnt give them the right treatment, because hers similar plant did blossom well.. (I’ve been too pissed to answer, and I didnt have any proof it was her who stole them, but again who else..). Then she asked me to drive her husband to the hospital on a specific date. I rescelduled my appointments to drive. The night before I called to confirm the appointment, but then she said “no, we have arranged with others”. Then I told her (finally) that she had wery little respect of others time.. She then “got insulted” and didnt speak with me for months. In an event with mutual friends, she spoke with them and gave me the “evil eye” all night. Creepy. then she gradually started to pop up at my door again as if nothing has happend. Me, a bit more suspecious than before. Yesterday she called me on facebook and started to brag about her wonderful holliday. Pretty much a one side conversation as usual. I had just came home from my own holliday, with a long drive – so I told her I could not speak for long. She then ended the conversation – but she forgot to close the facebookcall. I then heard her told her husband what a totally rude and awful person she thinks I am.. In a voice that pretty much also told me that this was pure hate. So now I’m done. She probably has issues, but I just cant have that negative energy in my life anymore. Life is too short
Dear Frank,
I think it is much easier and less traumatic to just slowly distance yourself from this friend.
This way you won’t have to carry the guilt of a sudden ‘cutting off’ of the friendship and if you make the split slow enough she may not even notice and may just think that you have grown apart a bit.
I had a friend of 7 years dump me with no good explanation and just stopped talking to me…. I wouldn’t wish that upon anyone else – the heartache and mental torment that it caused me took two years to get over.
There is a posibility that you are growing apart – or that you have something that she doesn’t have or similar. If you don’t move away, you never know she may just cut you off and you will be left wondering and hurt the way I was.
Be kind but move away slowly and make space to move on in your life.
Beware!!! There are people like this in the world. The only way you can tell who they are is, by you knowing yourself, loving yourself and sitting your standards high. So, if anyone comes in your life and starts to change everything you believe in and make you think other wise, you get rid of them quite and fast. I’ve always been a person who was very good at reading other motive and from the time I met her, I always knew there was something off about her. But because I’m this kind of person who always see the good in people, I wanted to give her a chance and know why she was like this but the more I stayed she pulled me in more and more, and I got sorry for her because everyone seems to keep leaving her. She started the criticism and I took it as advice but then I realized if it’s an advice, she would be doing it in front of people. We worked together everyday. Some times when the clients leave, she and I will have great conversation and she would make me feel very special. But when people are around, things that we agreed on when we were alone, she would disagree with me and tell me I am the most dumbest person she ever seen and then when everyone leave again she will say “yeah you were right today, you’re actually very smart for age.” She’s constantly looking at herself in mirror but as soon I look at myself, she would point it out to everyone. And even tell them how i think I’m better than everyone, and they’ll start talking to me and telling me what I’m doing is right. When I try to defend myself she will use something I once told about my past and be little for the rest of the day. And tell me how I’m the devil’s child and she a angle and say I love you. She likes to be the one talking at all times and no one else can talk. If you do, she won’t response to whatever you’re talking to her about, sometimes she will say gosh you talk too much (but she’s been the one talking for the past three hours) and say anyway, start talking about whatever she is interested in. I try to ignore her, sometimes going to work with headphones on but she would complain that I don’t when she talks and that I don’t have her best interest at heart. So she sees me as the enemy. When I eat my own food she complain about how selfish i am to eat and not give her. And when I give her, she doesn’t eat it and will say that she doesn’t trust anyone to eat from them, and end throwing it in the garbage. She always had fight with some of her clients and it will end being my fault for me being there, even without saying anything. I just couldn’t take it anymore, I got another job,and never contact her again. So, she started turn my family and friends against me, telling them things I didn’t even say about them. But I’m not worried because some of them are starting to complain about the way she talks to them. I’m glad I left quick and I wish did that earlier.
It is so refreshing to read an article that looks at friendship with a narcissist rather than a romantic partner. I found myself becoming friends with one in spite of having doubts from the beginning. i like to think I have always been quite astute when it comes to judging someones character and this person was no different. When I met her I had my doubts in that I noticed she always seemed very involved with other peoples business, always centre of attention due to being the one that usually organised events and seemed to know everyone. But as time went on and the ‘friendship’ developed I noticed that never did she ever show an interest in my own friends who I knew previously to meeting her. She’d go out her way to plan nights out when she knew I had other plans and try to make out that I had missed a really good night out. Previously I had always attended her events and got to know her circle of ‘supply’ but once I was no longer a new face she became a bit indifferent taking it for granted whether I was there or not. At times when I just wanted a quiet night in or to see my other friends she’d make sure I knew all about how unhappy she was about my decision. Always concluding that it was my fault she felt hard done by when I didn’t do what she wanted. She’d never ask how my night was or take any interest in the fact I had my own life beyond her little world. Until that is, she suspected something was happening in my life that she felt would make good gossip. Only then would she play the concerned friend and offer hollow acts of kindness like inviting me round for dinner for a chat or constantly texting, messaging and calling to see if I was ‘alright’ when I wouldn’t reply having caught on to her unbearable and bullish behaviour. Despite my early suspicions I somehow let her into my life and let her be involved all because of the typical traits discussed here such as making me feel like I was important to her and that she enjoyed my company. She’d go out her way to help me as would any friend in a healthy normal friendship. The fact that she never met any of my other friends or became involved in my wider circle turned out to be a blessing really. Over the course of the 3 year friendship I had met many lovely people through her who I became friends with but was always impossible to maintain because she always had to be involved in any get together or meet up. Purely driven by jealousy. But yet it was ok for her to build friendships with people even though we’d met them at the same time whether it was on a holiday or a night out and would make sure that I knew all about her new best friends and the fact I wasn’t invited. often using phrases like “oh I met with —— today, it was lovely getting to know her a bit better” . I have never been a jealous person and love when my friends get on well and actively encourage my real friends to socialise with each other. But actions like these were just her trying to project her own behaviour and insecurity onto me and make out I was the problem. As I said I was glad the she never got involved with my wider circle because sadly when the friendship ended I also had to cut off a lot of the people Id met through her because I couldn’t stand the thought of being a source of gossip for her. Added to the fact that a lot of these people were being treated exactly as she was/had been treating me . An observation I had made that drove me to investigate this impossible persons character further and conclude that this person was toxic It was very sad to see her treat others this way too. Some I had barely known 5 minutes, others I hadn’t even met but somehow found myself listening to their life stories through her. As is common with the narcissist she had an abundance of ‘friends’ but seemed to have a fair few she’d told me about who had done her wrong and always in the worst of ways, that she no longer spoke to. The consistent acquaintances all had a few things in common that were – low self esteem, vulnerability (broken marriage, few friends, mental health problems) and generally easily influenced. Others were a gateway for her to have a weekend away when it suited her because they lived far away or they were in high flying jobs that would provide her with supply to act like she had a great life.
My advice to anyone who thinks they may have a toxic friend or already know and are planning their ‘break up’ –
– Try as best as you can to keep a separate life outwith the narcissist’s circle. They are clever and they can slowly but surely manipulate you away from your already established circle.
– If you’re worried about not having friends or a social life without them because the chances are you’ve invested a lot of your time in this wasted friendship, Allow yourself to find new contacts whether its through finding a new hobby or class or even friendship websites or community pages on sites like Gumtree.
– Slow progress is the best starting point if you haven’t quite dropped this friendship yet. Have something to go to or look forward to like spending more time with family, sorting the house out etc. This is important because your perpetrator has been abusing your kindness, your time and your hand of friendship. After you ‘break up’ it is completely normal to feel a huge loss so it is important to remind yourself that it was not your fault. You are not the person they led you to believe you are and you did not and do not deserve to be treated the way you were.
– Remind yourself that it is not just romantic relationships that can leave a sour taste but friendships too. Post break away from a narcissist friend takes time to heal. You have been emotionally drained and probably left questioning yourself a person. It is ok to feel like this. Just know that you are out of it now. You can resume healthy friendships in future and know that your experience has only made you a better person because experiencing it helped you realise how not to do friendship!
This is very similar to the situation I am dealing with now. I am friends with two (or 3) sisters for over 15 years myself and I have children and a family and over the years my so called best friend has gone out of her way to constantly compete with me and leave me out of many occasions only calling me to complain about her job etc. These type of women feed off of seeing people in difficult situations!! She was always on the self centred side but after I recently went back to school and had my last child her narc personality and covert tactics have gone over board ! My question to you is if you old friends were married as one or both may have become jealous of your marriage. Another thing that may explain their narc tendencies is how they enjoy gossiping but did they have a problem with admitting fault for any reason? Just curious as my situation seems to be very similar! Being discarded hurts if you aren’t aware of the true intentions to hurt and distroy you! Know that it’s a real thing and your not the problem they are!!God bless
It sounds highly likely that at least one of them is a narcissist (could be that one is and the other is just a ‘flying monkey’). I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. Them calling you negative, and a liar, sounds like it could be projection, and the way it’s all played out does fit the pattern of ‘idealise, devalue, discard’ that is common with narcissists/sociopaths. Especially the abruptness and coldness of it.
It sounds like your husband is supportive of and loyal to you, at least, which is good.
Hi Frank! I was in the exact same situation as you. I had been friends with someone since we were 4. (I’m now 51)! She is a textbook narcissist that I’ve basically had a love/hate friendship with until I realized exactly who and what I was dealing with. When I FINALLY confronted her about it…….she completely turned everything on me……accusing ME of being angry and attacking her because of the medications I take. She refused to own up to any of the lies she’s told me. Bold faced lies, at that! She said I misunderstood her or simply claimed she never said these things. If I hadn’t been so secure in my knowledge of her condition and just how extensive her delusions were, I may have been left thinking I was crazy. But I knew without a doubt that she had been lying to me for years and years and years about pretty much everything!! If you do confront this person, just be sure you know without a doubt that you know. I guarantee they will try and turn everything around on you and mess with your head until you find yourself apologizing! She did it to me…..almost. But I re-grouped, stood my ground, and finally ended our so-called friendship for good. Immediately after, her family all unfriended me and/or blocked me on Facebook. I can only imagine what she told them about me. But six months later, I feel like a million bucks! Having that out of my life is the best decision I ever made. You will too. Get as far away from them as you can. Your life will be so much better for it. You can’t get through to them, no matter how much you care. Believe me, I know!!
When I look back at why the other girls were bullied I am ashamed. Those girls did nothing worth what they experienced. Maybe it was my karma that the same thing happened to me. Thanks for making a safe space for people to tell their stories.
I had a friendship of 15 years with two sisters. Over the last three years we spoke every day, saw eachother every weekend and took almost every vacation together. I put them before everyone else in my life, including my husband. I loved spending time together shopping, drinking, and talking for hours. We had so many funny times. There were originally 5 of us in the group. However, they got annoyed with each of the other girls at different times and we would spend hours gossiping about them and analyzing their actions and picking apart their flaws. Often, even transforming happy or neutral memories with them into something negative. A sort of re write of history to justify the bullying. I was having problems in my marriage and they seemed so non-judgemental. I thought these woman were my plutonic soulmates. I valued their advice and acceptance and when I participated in the bullying of the other girls it made me feel even closer to them and more worthy because I was the exception to their impossible expectations. Then 9 months ago they stopped speaking to me. If I messaged them, they responded with one liners. When I asked to get together after a month of this they had excuses. I was devastated. I saw myself growing old with them. I thought that even if things didn’t work out with my husband it didn’t matter. My anxiety started to get out of control with wondering what I had done. It was all I could talk about with my husband and I decided to go see my doctor to see if their was something he could prescribe. My husband got fed up. He knew I would never come out and ask directly. He sent one of them a kurt message on Facebook. The words he used were not my own. I never said anything unkind. I took all the blame for why they weren’t talking to me. He wasn’t as kind and basically told them that they should have more respect for me after 15 years of being their best friend. I was furious with him and I wanted a divorce. When I found out about the message he sent a week later I sent a devastated apology message and I couldn’t stop crying. A week later they both sent me seperate letters that both had the same message. We can’t be the friend you want us to be. One of the sisters said I was negative. The other called me a liar and said that the friendship was a distraction, laughs….nothing more. I was in shock. The letters seemed so cold. I admit I have always been a story teller and an entertainer but I had never lied to them! I fell into a deep depression and took the blame. I lost 25 lbs and stopped eating. I wanted to starve to death because I believed the letters they wrote and felt unworthy of existence. I had to leave my job and go on disabilty. All I could think of was where to hang myself. I responded to their letters saying I would work on myself and that I wished them luck in their lives and on their own journeys. I never heard from either of them again. I just couldn’t understand how 15 years of friendship that intense could be described by them as just a “distraction?” As I started to recover I began to see that their abrupt ending and coldness was strange. I also remembered that I was not the first to be shut out of the group. Do you think these women or one of them at least, was or we’re narcissists?
Frank, Try to put down healthier boundaries with your friend, and see if this improves things for you both. If nothing changes, then cut the ties, because a friendship should be a “two way street”. Healthy boundaries require friendships to be reciprocated, that requires give and take between both parties. True friendships are rare, and when we have them they should be cherished. If you do not feel cherished than perhaps your friend has a different idea of a friendship than you have. Christine
I’m a little lost as to what i should do.
I have a friend, literally life long. I’ve known her since she was born. It’s scary to me how much this article describes her. I’ve been struggling with our friendship more and more and more. It’s something i noticed probably in our late teens and has worsened into our mid-late twenties. It’s gotten so bad now, i can barely stand her. I feel like as a friend i should say something in attempt to have her look at herself and get help before she drives everyone away. Everything I’m reading basically just says to run. Is there really no solution but to part ways? Is there any advice as to how to deal with this person and keep a healthy friendship?
I just don’t know how to end this type of friendship. Literally we grew up together, our older siblings were best friends before us by the time we were born.
I’ve recently realized a considered close ‘friend’ of 4 years is a Narc. My. First initial suspicion wasn2 years ago but I didn’t know what I was feeling. I’ve known her for a while now and it’s funny because as children I did not like her one bit. We attended the same high school and as the years went on we became closer. Two years ago she wrote me this long manipulative letter asking me to sign the lease on an apartment for her. And alarm bells rang in my entire body we were 21 at the time. She was on her own (her mom is A Narc who ran away n lived in a different country her mom divorced her dad who also lives in a different country) so I felt bad and initially said yes but in the pit of my stomach I had felt fear, pressure, obligation, guilt I was scared to say no and it was so unlike me. Eventually I told her no right at the last minute and she was so upset with me that week was my birthday the whole week she didn’t talk to me n I was ready to just go no contact. On my birthday she called me n came over with cake n gifts almost didn’t even acknowledge the situation I brought it up because it was weird. I started slowly going no contact n I was successful then I ended up going out with her again 7 months later n we reestablished contact. This time around she seemed like she changed so I thought. My life was going well at this point but not for long I found myself getting more sucked into her but now in a very covert way because I didn’t realize she was just copying me. I notice Narcs love to mirror. The gas lighting was extreme and she began to isolate me from others and isolate herself. She always say ” I went out with so and so but its not the same like it is with you” or if I invite my friends ” I like when it’s just the 2 of us” I didn’t know at the time the master manipulator she was. It was like I had magically forgotten what she did 2 years ago. Anyway I lost my job n I started working with her n I saw her ways even more. Shouting at me in front of clients because of minor mistakes, taking credit for work we both did, even trying to isolate me from my friends even more by planning n locking me in to going to events with her. I started doing research because there was one week I felt so depressed and drained I knew it wasn’t like me and I found so much information about Narcs. I’m in the process of going no contact again and establishing my OWN life again. I had so many friends before I still do but not as many and sometimes I feel sad. However I’m glad God has blessed my life because I own my own business now (which the narc is now trying to copy me) and things are starting to look bright for my future. I know and feel her envy towards me because she can’t break me down like she has her other victims. My advice is to go with your intuition always, pray for to God for protection and healing because these people are out to destroy. And please go no contact right away or if your like me slowly create boundaries, talk to a therapist, talk to friends and family who genuinely love you and why the best for you. Since I’ve been vocal my true friends and family have been by my side making sure I’m ok because believe it or not they all said they didn’t trust her or notice this trait in her already.
Peace and Love
Wow! I just sent this link to my finace and told him “this is wikipedia for ___!!”
I’ve been friends with her for close to 10 years since college and I’ve finally reached my breaking point.
I just cannot stand her anymore and I don’t feel any remorse towards her “self pity, look at me- i’m so sad and it’s not my fault” attitude. Is there really no cure for her??
I tried to talk to her/ letter etc_ but honestly it always comes back as self pity and excuses.
I don’t even know how her brain can work that way…. so scary.
I have had a number of narcissistic friends over the years as I was raised by narcissistic parents and I was so used to unacceptable behavior by people close to me.
One friend in particular I think targeted me in advance of her divorce. I took care of her throughout –fielding tearful phone calls, sometimes 10 a day!, her dropping by
without warning sometimes, exhausted and hungry, she would use my computer while I cooked her up a meal. I’d also take care of her child while she went off on errands
and later dates and social gatherings.
At first, during the typical love bombing phase I was like her sister, we practically did everything together. I was very vulnerable, trapped in an abusive marriage
I welcomed what seemed like an ebullient personality into my life. What I realize now, in retrospect, what I mistook for a great personality was someone who
fed off her vulnerable friends worship and the minion like assumption of chores in her life and the triumph of her sexual conquests, which were usually men
involved in committed relationships.
Her typical modus operandi was to befriend the couple and act as if she were a great friend to the wife and then slowly put more and more energy into the husband or
boyfriend until she “triumphed” by either sleeping with him or getting him to do free handyman type work or some other service for her. Then the wife or girlfriend
would be made fun of or dismissed as being mentally unbalanced
As for myself when she had gone through her rough patch and she didn’t need me anymore, I made the mistake of asking for 5 minutes of her time to listen to some
of my problems, she became cold as ice. When I mentioned my desire to go back to school for a Master’s degree, she began to intensely criticize the idea for herself
as wasteful and unnecessary!! she was so completely unable to recognize any success on the part of her former minion. She tried to use my home as a trysting place
for one of her lovers, and when I put my foot down the relationship completely fizzled.
From that time on I grey rocked her until she almost disappeared from my life. The final hurrah was at a community event when she tried to arrange a date with my
husband in front of my son and I. Even though she knew I was contemplating divorce, flirting with him in front of myself and my son was a real slap in the face The
kicker was she became angry at the same event when I shared a simple laugh with her ex husband.
Narcissists are consumed by envy and the weird thing is, like the toddler in the sand box who wants that truck he hasn’t played with in days, he wants your stuff too,
even though, until the moment he saw you with that new shiny thing (be it an educational degree, a new baby, a new talent) he had never thought of acquiring said
thing or talent. They want theirs and they want yours. They are the worst type of people to invest any time or friendship into as they care for nothing but their
fabricated image that they create off the backs of others
This is spot on describing a couple of girls I know who ended our friendship inexplicably (I reviewed our interactions over & over… I couldn’t figure out what I did wrong!). So thank you for the comfort of knowing it was not me & I couldn’t have done anything about it. My father is pathologically narcissistic, so I have a blind spot for this in friendships. Thank you for writing this.
Sorry, please disregard my previous post. I hit enter too soon.
I was victimized by a narc. My husband’s company transferred him to a new area and all my friends were far away. So I looked up some groups online and I met this blogger. At the time her blog wasn’t popular. We started a correspondence. She seemed nice and mature for her young age. I was hesitant to hang out with someone in their 20s because that is a time where a person goes through a lot of change.
She had married and our lives had lots of similarities. She was very engaging. I followed her blog over the next year as it grew in popularity. She was always friendly and finally we decided to meet in Tokyo (close to where we both lived). The first meeting went well, or so I thought. At the time I was amazed how many things she opened up about. I felt like a therapists. I didn’t mind too much, but there seemed to be this need for me to give her my emotions. She always talked in a bouncy voice like a used car salesman, but I didn’t notice it at the time.
In the beginning she very enthusiastic about me and right away gushed about me to others and called me her “best” friend and told me I was special to theres. All my other friendships had taken years to form so to be immediately a best friend… well it went to my head a bit. I ignored so many warning signs, thinking that I was be sensitive.
I introduced her and her husband to my husband. Only later, after she “discarded” me, did my husband confess why he often avoided her. He said he could sense “darkness in her” (he’s not a native English speaker so his phrases may be a little odd) and that she never looked him in the eyes. My other friends who I introduced her to also confessed to being disturbed by her. They all made the same comments “her perpetually widened eyes” and “plastic smile” and “never making eye contact”.
They saw right through it. She started a you tube channel that became successful and started making this comics about her and Japanese husband. I noticed in some of the comics she borrowed from “life” and not from her own. I dismissed it, thinking well of course she’d used stories from others. However, she started to tell my jokes as her own and began to copy parts of my life.
She had told me once about all the “stalkers” she had. I was surprised that someone so young had as many enemies as her, but she followed it by reassuring me that I wasn’t like those people. Those were bad people who took advantage of her kind nature. I realize now she left out “how” she discarded them. She always demonized them, but I was caught under her spell.
Soon she had all these friends from her You Tube channel and I wasn’t needed.
She discarded me, choosing what was a very special and sensitive day and sending me an attacking email before blocking me on all her social media. Both her and her husband and they blocked my husband too (who never even messaged them). That part really makes me angry. In her final message, she even claimed that I deserved her attack and that she was the real victim. Her reasons were numbered and were things like 1.) I wasn’t passionate enough, 2.) I talked about history when she only wanted to talk about daily life, ect.
They were all very inane.
And of course she is telling all her “friends” I am one of those bad people who stalked her. I never did, but she is demonizing me (not publicly). I have cut out everyone who stayed in her group. Mine have stuck with me, not because I asked them group, but they didn’t care for her that much anyway. She also blocked them anyway.
My husband saw her interactions with her “friends” and he is very perceptive of people. He said those were nothing but acquaintances. From what I saw they all wanted to be her friend because of her channel and they seemed to have stars in their eyes if they could say they were friends with her.
Anyhow, I’m still angry about things. Mostly myself because I trusted her words so blindly. I wanted to believe her when she called me her best friend. She read me like a book.
Most people who watch her channel gush how she and her husband are so sweet and adorable. They send her thousands of dollars. It makes me sad because she is not what she seems.
In every conversation I ever had with her, she would bring up how her husband was so amazing and their love was superior to all normal stories. She said things like, “I couldn’t live without him. He is my everything”.
Yet one time I asked her, “what do you like about him?” and she went completely blank for a couple minutes. Then gave what I think was an actual honest answer, she said, “I like that he has no opinion on anything. that he only listens and supports me.”
At the time, I should have run right there. The answer made me feel cold inside. Still, I thought, “that’s their relationship”.
Your article makes me feel not alone. I wish there were articles about dealing with narcissists who are active in You Tube or social media. They feed heavily off their viewers and can get big money by “playing the fairy tale” that others want to hear.
Plus it makes it hard to cut them out of my life when it’s so tempting to glance at their twitter. Thank you for posting. Sorry for my long comment. I guess I needed to get this off my chest.
Wow- the behaviors she acted out are just like the ex friend. I even deleted my pinterest. She fb messages people sometimes looking for me with a sob story yet she knows where I live. She sits home all day and trolls social networking sites. Etc etc. I can totally relate.
My heart breaks reading this. I had someone I considered my best friend. Our husbands were childhood friends and we were so close. But cracks began to show when I told her I no longer wanted to listen to her slagging off her husband. She simply went out and found someone else who would listen then became obsessed with them. Having found a new victim she turned on me. She tried to turn my own friends and family against me, (friends i had introduced her to as she had none) she told people i was mentally ill (I had a tumour) I was a compulsive liar (all behind my back) and then she ruined my hen do. It was at this point i decided to cut all ties, so she then used her husband to attack me, forcing my husband to end his lifelong friendship with him. two years later and she still tries to hurt me, she uses her facebook/pininterest and instagram as tool to post vicious posts directed at me, my family and friends. She accuses me of being fake, she loathes the fact that I have a large number of friends (all of whom cut ties with her) She plays the victim at every turn and it has been so hard not to retaliate. Her mother left her dad when she was 5 and she chose to stay with her dad, however she still regularly saw her mother (this story has evolved into her mother abandoned her and is mentally ill) her dad married an Italian when she was 15 and left her to live in Italy (she worships her dad, so this story became he was forced to leave for tax purposes) she has been bullied in every area of her life (school, uni, work, friends, husband and now me) she claims to have an eating disorder that has her new friends seriously worried about her health, and I am so mad I fell for it!!!
She is like a dark shadow that lingers, I realise she needs me in her life to continue playing the victim but it is exhausting trying to work out ways to protect myself….
I can relate to so much of these comments. This post is great. I have spent 41 years (my life) with narcissists. Throughout my recovery and discovery, I have seen patterns in my life where I was acting narcissisticaly. It wasn’t until the last Narc in 2014- disguised as a romantic relationship did I awaken to this phenomenon!!! Thankfully the pain was too great to go on as usual and I did some digging- or peeling as Christine says. I literally had to clean house which meant being utterly alone without socializing- or any forms of distraction. I had to go No contact with a friend of 20 years who turned on me right as I was reeling from the realization of the romantic narc. I had to cut off FB, change my phone number, and finally my email address. The two of them suddenly seemed so much like each other in their toxcicity. Unfortunately it brought about the realization of my mother as well. As of now, my life is far more peaceful than ever. I got therapy and dove into an online support group and keep my circle very small these days. I love not being on Fb, and I now am able to set boundaries with people I deal with. I also work in an industry flooded with Ns, but I just sit back and don’t dare get involved. It’s not lonely, it’s quite healthy. Thank you for this article and I hope this may help anyone dealing with emotional turmoil or difficult people.
Hi Emma, Don’t forget we all have narcissistic traits, in fact we need them in order to be healthy. It is only a problem when it becomes a bit pathological. However, most narcissists are not interested in awareness and change. The fact that you are reflecting on your own behaviour, and willing to work at changing your behaviour, you probably have nothing to worry about. Change is possible, but only if one desires it. I hope all your inner work goes well, and that you discover your True Self as you peel away the layers……….. that can be quite an adventure. and opens up new vistas. Christine
I recently realised my friend of 14 years is a narcissist. She’s fun, charismatic in a crowd, attractive & a real show pony. Then I began to do some research about narcissism as she was claiming that her husband was a narcissist. They had been married for 7 yrs & separated for 5 months. Throughout her marriage I never once saw her show any affection to her husband or encourage him or even have a decent conversation with him. She claims he abused her but the only abuse I saw was from her to him. I witnessed her jumping on his back, punching him & clawing at him. She claims it was because he drove her to do it. Conversation with this ‘friend’ were always one sided whenever it was my turn to talk she would instantly get distracted, look away & totally vague out every time! If I was in the middle of a conversation with someone else she would come over & completely hijack the conversation & make it all about her. If you were sick or had anything wrong with you she would make you feel like a complete lepper. There were so many ways she would make me feel a lesser person & she was always bragging about how she could do anything. One Mother’s Day she even turned to me and stated that she was the best mother….aah I think that’s a bit insensitive & presumptuous seeing as I’m a mother too! I began to realise she was the narcissist so I started to put some boundaries in place. 1. Not be her counsellor. 2. Not compliment her when she fished for compliments. 3. Take charge of phone conversations & be the first to end the conversation. 4. Start meeting new people & tell her about it to show you have a life outside of her. After a week of this my friend questioned me as to whether I was a real friend or not. She tried to bring up dirt from the past to pin on me but it backfired as I was aware she was trying to discard me. I stood my ground, kept my boundaries up, didn’t let her manipulate me or make me feel guilty. It was a 33 minute argument/ battle which I ended up winning when she couldn’t manipulate me & she had a complete temper tantrum like a 5 yo! She told me to get out of her house & from that moment I was free.
Thank you for this insightful article. I was reading up about a man I had just become romantically linked with, after 5-years of friendship and realise he has narcissist traits. However on further reading I realise that I too am narcissist, I constantly drop friends when I’m bored and move on and wonder why I can’t retain relationships. I am then left feeling depressed, lonely and wonder why I can’t make real friends. I also wait for people to invite me out, as fear of rejection if I initiate it. I talk too much about myself than listening to others, and perhaps show little sympathy in friends situations, not wishing to engage in emotion. Underneath there is a insecurity and yet I feel different and perhaps do believe I’m better than others. I seek relationships with other narcissists, and haven’t got a close relationship (or sense love) for my mother. These are all issues I’m becoming aware of, at 42. Using CBT, Mindfulness and meditation I hope to break through these. Also realise I seek men to get their approval once I know they like me I get bored and relationships fizzle…
How do we deal with a daughter in law’ that we have come to realize is a narcissist? It is horrid trying to deal with her! It has to be her way and all about her or the cold shoulder is given!! Which, truthfully, I no longer try to warm! 10 plus years of this nonsense is enough! We feel badly for our son…who will not leave the relationship because she has convinced him if he did she would get the children, and he knows what kind of mother she isn’t! Someone suggested maybe she is bipolar, so I looked that up, and it just doesn’t “fit the bill” like narcissist does.
I would like some clarity on whether my friend is actually N or whether her behavior comes from her anxiety. She lived with me for over a year as a favor while she tried to recover from a divorce from her husband of one year. She does take medication for anxiety and depression, which has apparently affected her lifetime’s worth of relationships. She has had many affairs, flings, dates, two husbands, boyfriends and all types and flavors of men, but none had any staying power and eventually got thrown on the heap. Shortly after this marriage, she convinced him to retire and they moved here to Florida. At that point the marriage began to fail, said he had changed since he retired and moved here. Complained that he – at 72 years old – would lay around and wait for her to come home from her part-time job, that he only went to the pool in our retirement village all day, would do little or no chores she left for him. Well, he is Italian, too, and at this point in his life, I am sure would have liked to retire knowing his younger wife would begin the take care of him, as many men like to do knowing they have a wife. He is rather arrogant, immature and loud, and I have no idea why she would have ever married him at all, because no one here likes him even socially. But the first three months after listening to her complaints, it seemed to me that her anxiety over-reacted to what I was hearing seemed to be just little things. Italians like to argue rather loudly, but her anxiety does not permit anyone to answer her back when she, as a woman, feels she should be taken more care of than what she should also be doing for her husband. She is also Italian, a Leo and is 55 years old. Her arguing with him led her to abandon her house in a fit, she threw her clothes into my car, gathered her two dogs and their huge cages, and came to my house. The first 4 months with me, she spent in an anxiety-driven panic, called all her friends and sisters, complaining over and over again about what her husband had done to her, always the same story. The more I listened it seemed she was looking for justification from others as to whether she did the right thing, over-inflating the seriousness of her husband’s behavior. She would not sit still, drank Coke after Coke, washed down chocolate with more Coke, and smoked like a chimney. She would ask every person she met in our neighborhood, which is a very close-knit little village, questions about her divorce, what the latest updates were, what they thought, all the details. And at the pool, that’s all she talked about. I began to hear complaints from my friends asking her to please not discuss her problems there. The following 5 months I nursed her through two surgical procedures on her feet for which she was bedridden, the therapy appointments and the rehab appointments. All the while having to go to the attorney’s office she hired for the divorce. Getting her up and down the stairs, into the car, pushing the wheelchair, dealing with her pain night and day. She eventually went to our hot tub for therapy on her feet. She calmed down a bit but those months she also talked non-stop about her terrible upbringing, the narcissistic father who abused and neglected not only his wife – her mother – but her four sisters, including sexual abuse. Even included some stories where the mother told her baby girls to just be quiet, he’ll be done soon, and to take it. Many times. While my friend was the last child and “the baby”, she was spared the abuse, until the day she came home and found her father dead on the floor. Which put her in an anxiety-spiral. In hindsight, I believe now that her father was actually teaching her how to get over, how to manipulate people because she watched him and learned how do it. She was also spoiled because she was cute, and her sisters, she claimed, were jealous of that, gave her a hard time growing up. Mind you, these entire 8 months she talked and talked, held me hostage to her need for attention. She asked me to go everywhere with her, errands she had to run. Everywhere. Constantly. She did not chores in my house, never cooked. I thought common sense would oblige her to do so, but it never did. Said she had time only for her own responsibilities, like trimming the dogs’ hair and nails, dying her own hair, doing her own laundry, getting her nails done and going to buy gas and cigarettes. That she needed time to herself before going back to work the next day. If she had been paying rent, I would understand somewhat, but still. Eventually she began to go back to work part-time since it was still very painful for her to walk around the store all day. But she forced herself back to work, the divorce became final but she received barely nothing since her husband objected to all her claims. Her attorney did nothing to fight for more for her. She spent about two months looking for a house or apt. to move out, qualified for a small mortgage, used the divorce settlement as a meager deposit, and we got her moved out of my house and into hers. Three weeks later I texted her. Well, I got told off that she was too busy with company and had no time to talk because she was also working. I apologized and three weeks later called again, and I sent her a letter begging her not to let this friendship drop, that I could not understand why she could not drop a text just to say hi. We used to talk every day while she was working. Well, I got an email saying she called me every day only to check on how her dogs were doing. That she did not understand why I would think she would drop our friendship but that there were boundaries and that enough was enough. (I was not told anything about any boundaries.) That she does not like when people get smothering, controlling and demanding. (Seriously, from two texts and a letter of apology?) That she thinks I like being a victim, that I remind her now of the husband she divorced. That when someone makes demands of her she has to defend herself, that if she knew I was gonna act this way she would have thought twice about moving in with me. (A big lie because even her sister, who lives in this neighborhood, too, would not take her in) and truth is, she had absolutely nowhere else to go except back to her husband). That I made her feel like she owed me her whole life. That she will not and cannot tolerate this any more, not to mail her letters, call her or send her emails. That she did not need this and would not tolerate or discuss it any longer, not another word. That she would report my trying to call her as harassment. That I am so used to being rejected that I fight whenever I think someone is hurting me. Well, duh. And that it would be good for me to seek help and that I should drop the drama which would be doing all of them a favor. I wonder who “them” is. Now mind you, this is her reaction to my simply trying to call her twice in three months, writing her a letter of apology, too, just in case I had hurt her feelings which is why she was pushing me off and away. I have seen her in the last two months come into the neighborhood to see her sister, and she ignored me, face to face, her in her car and me in my golf cart, not once, not twice, but three times. I swear on my dog’s eyeballs, you cannot make this stuff up. I grew very fond of this girl, spoiled her the 14 months she was with me until she accomplished what she needed to do. I found no reason to be mean and we got along very, very well, all things considered, and I thought I was showing her some genuine human comfort that many people do go so far as to do. I am not seeking laurels for doing my Christian duty, but this reaction from her had me crying for a month. But thanks to your website, I have learned a lot. So my question is: is she narcissistic, anxiety-ridden, a spoiled, Italian diva or a toxic mix of all?
It absolutely baffles me to read these. I’m 22, and have been trying to figure out for a roller coaster ride of a year and a half now how to do anything to bring life back to the person I once became the best of friends with. My heart is broken. I can’t help her and I don’t believe my once closest friend of all my life is what I’ve come to realize, a narcissist. I know why exactly to the “T”, why she is the way she is, and she’s hurting and hurting me, which I know for a fact she truly cares for me deeply. I know, now I can’t sacrifice my well-being and myself for her wrong doings. I watch her go from relationship to relationship unsatisfied and quick to jump ship with every person she gets involved with. I fear that the person outside of blood family, I care most about is going to live a life of regret, and it only makes me want to fight more to save the person I know still lives inside. This person has had a rough upbringing, as we all, but with that being said has been apart from her mom, raised by a coward and a POS. I know way too familiar and she hurts me again and again. I see through it, I’d give my whole life to prove to her what she is doing and what she deserves not by the expense of others’ happiness. She’s a taker and I have a hard time letting go because I know so much as to why she does every single little thing she does and never gives me credit for. This has been the hardest tackle of my life, and I don’t even attached to, ANYBODY. I know, it’s best to go my own way and to move on, but I am not too sure. Would you want anybody who knew the real you, somebody, just anybody to never give up on you? When everyone else in their life just gave up and walked away.. Maybe it’s the day I die, but if it’s to see that bright caring, and loving smile wide as the pacific ocean coast view one more time when it has been hidden for too long… I’d live and die for that. Call me crazy, but At one point she was all I had, and if I am the truest and till death loyal to her, if I’m somewhat of all that she’s got… I can never, never walk away. It’d be like walking away from myself, and that’s just not who I am. I’m torn. I beat the hell out of myself when I know she’s beating me..lolol she thinks she is so powerful…I know her best and the more I see her taking everything I do as weakness, the tighter my grip goes. I have issues lets just say as i’m lol, takes one to know one right? lmao Any input? Btw background, closest friends of years since day one, she moved out of state at 18 to the state I’ve lived all my life, met in HS, lived with her and her family, she has been a major part of my life when I had gone through my most turbulent times, and so have I to her. We had a BS falling out as so a narcissist has with any short lived relationship of any sort, and to this day we are back and forth. Paige 22, ex biff, Heather 24. I’m about to part ways for good, she is deleted off of social media at this point, and I’m moving to OK from WA. If anything is going to happen that will change anything in the future of our friendship it’s now…. or it’s going to be a hard long while if ever from now. I appreciate all who read and hear my story for how summarized it is. 😉 With love, Paige
I have been reading so many articles on this lately, that my head is spinning.
I have had a friend for more than 10 years. Very sweet, out going and very popular, well dressed and pretty. It has been a struggle for me. When I first moved to town, I was trying to make friends. We met at our kids preschool and we became friends immediately. A larger group of women also formed and we all had a great time together, did things together etc. at some point I felt some of the ladies started to distance themselves from me and I wasn’t included in things. My “BFF” was always included, but was okay with me not being included. When I expressed that it made me feel sad the answer was always “you can’t expect to be invited to everything”. I guess that is true… Down the line, still sad that some of the girls obviously “didn’t care for me” and I talked to her about it (they were still close with her), the answer was always “well, you’ve always had issues with them”.. I never knew what those issues were. Still don’t. Fast forward many years, my “BFF” had a marital crisis, had an affair with a friend’s husband and I was always there to support her. Though it’s not okay to have an affair with a friend’s husband, I stood by her as a BFF should. Almost every night was dedicated to her and to listen to her problems. When the affair became public, I was shunned as well, because it was perceived that I approved of her behavior.. Which I guess I did.. Truth is, I always took pride in being her friend. Now, however, or friendship is ending. She has moved on. We still share friends and I recently started speaking to an old, mutual friend who my “BFF” also had a falling out with years ago. And she has now confirmed my suspicions. When I wasn’t included, my BFF was the one who didn’t want me there. She had called me a “leech”, “annoying”, a copy- cat (we always shopped together and we both copied each other and influenced each other when we did so). She was told by this mutual friend that she knew of my deep secrets that I had trusted my “BFF” with (though I didn’t breathe a word of her shenanigans for years to anyone), and when “new people” came into our group of girls, she apparently had “pre-warned” them about me. That I wasn’t trustworthy and clingy and needy. For all those years, when I struggled with not being included and liked for no reason apparent to me, she was the one who had created it- she was the one who had put me down and out. As I mentioned, she has now moved on, and I guess that is part of life. I told her, before I heard of the above, that I missed her and that I didn’t like the direction I felt our friendship was headed. It was always dismissed by “I’m so busy”. I always questioned if I had done something wrong, said something wrong, and she always said “not at all, I’m just busy”. Really? Too busy to send a text once in a week to check in? Now that she clearly doesn’t need me to sit with her every night, give up family time (which is my fault as I gladly gave as much of myself as I possibly could, to her), she doesn’t need me, and moved on to another girl in “our group”. I know this sounds so little and as my husband says “who cares”… He is a smart guy and he saw through her a long time ago. He never understood- I always had a big FOMO, fear of missing out. It would break my heart when I saw pictures on Facebook of events where i wasn’t included. I guess I put my eggs in one basket. She took everything I had in me to give outside my family and I neglected other friendships to be there for her. As we were such close friends, we shared a lot of opinions of other girls in the group and my biggest fear is that she will use my words to make me look bad- which I was – and so was she. i can now sense that the friend she is now “mooching” on, is taking a distance from me, and knowing what my “BFF” has said about me in the past, I’m pretty sure that hasnt changed. I feel so stupid for not seeing through her…
Hi all I think my so called friend has some of these nar traits ive been friends with her for about 15 years and last 2 years I’ve noticed what she is like. She criticises a lot of people esp looks wise or overweight etc. Whenever we would hang out it always seemed to be on her terms where we would go or what we would do. If I was running 15 mins late to meet in city despite texting her im running late her facial expressions would be extremely annoyed but she would stay quiet. Or say something sarcastically. This past year I have been ill on and off which I’m waiting on proper treatment for a physical ailment which I toldnher about so hard for me to make social commitments so xmas time I had to cancel coz was ill I had no reply from her. And recently I cancelled but I gave my ticket to a mutual friend so she wouldn’t miss out and get a nasty text from her ending in we should stop pretending to be friends. Before I invited a mutual friend out with us and she refused to answer her phone and door to me. Never get apologies from her as never her fault. No compassion for ppl being ill. She accused me of lying to her many times so those times couldn’t meet with her I must have been lying even tho I’d have lost money if I booked us something. She now told me she deleted my number etc. I’m done with her. Horrible selfish person. I was always on edge seeing her towards the last few years. Glad to be rid of her. I’m sure she done the same to many others even tho talks badly of them.
I had a rich aunt who used to organize a children’s dance event, inviting groups to perform in a theater for their parents. She invited many volunteers to help out, including me, and we all worked quite hard, or at least gave up a whole weekend for it. It was all well organized and we were tired but happy about the successful evening. All well.
What surprised me is that she never wondered if it wasn’t strange that she just made thousands of dollars for herself doing this. I mean she was rich, and she invited many people, many of whom were rather poor themselves to volunteer, and she just thought it was completely normal to make big cash for herself. She was even proud of this business model and I noticed many other volunteers never said anything about it. When I tried to ask about it once I noticed she got a little angry about the question.
How would you describe this type of behavior? It was not the only thing of course, just wondering about this example.
Hi everyone! I too, just got out of a 48 year “friendship” with a textbook narcissist. I feel if I start telling my story right now, my head will spin out of control. She has been such a horrible cancer in my life, but I kept her around anyway out sentimental reasons. But this year I made a promise to myself that I would call her out for her lies and end this death spiral of a relationship we’ve had since we were 3. Of course she denied everything, told me that she thinks my meds have made me hostile and angry and I’m targeting her for no reason. Thank God for sites like yours that I was able to recognize what she was doing and am finally able to walk away knowing that it’s not me, it’s her. I gave her permission to tell herself and her friends and family whatever she had to do make me look like the bad guy, but that I was done. It’s the best I’ve ever felt! One day I will tell you all the very looooooong and torturous story of this ridiculously one sided friendship. It will make everyone here feel much better! And if I could get out, so can you!
Lonely Tree – If your BF is a narcissist, she is already talking trash behind your back and poisoning the waters. It sounds like you are engaging with that group for the wrong reasons, something to think about. Dump her, dump them…go NO CONTACT. I broke with my former narcissistic BF, it took years to see, then a few more to accept this creature for who and what she is! We lived in different states for most of our friendship…ideal way for a narcissist to maintain a certain type of supply. Going no contact wasn’t easy, but well worth it in the long run. I went to narcissism and friendship blogs for support whenever I missed her. I haven’t spoken to her in almost two years. She did try to shake up my world with a classic narcissistic hoovering text , then followed with a put down text a couple of days later (when I didn’t respond). Who would have thought after all that silent time she would do this kind of crap? It simply validated her narcissism, again.
Just too many women nowadays that are Narcissists. Very scary.
very life saving article . i also suffered from this type females ,treated her like
own family’s member. since last 9 years.till her object fulfilled she act respectfully, now i am worthless
what i do
I am in the process of realizing that my BFF is a narcissist. She is the popular girl- sounds so high school- but everyone thinks she’s fantastic. I put a lot of work into that friendship. Her marriage started to crumble and I was there every inch of the way. Every night at her place, listening to her while crying. She started an affair with a married man, married to a friend- not a close friend, but in the same circle. I kept that secret for a long time. No one else knew. I actually took pride in being such a good friend, the kind of friend I always wanted in my life. Was she a good friend to me? Sure- we had so many great times together. but looking back, when she said “I’ve been there for you too”, I can’t help but think “when?” I have never been in a situation where she had to support me this way.. Actually at one point, when my marriage was struggling and I, of course not right, was being “pursued” by someone else and I told her she couldn’t “be involved as it wasn’t right”, but years later I guess she changed her mind on that one. Now, I never acted on it and my marriage soon got stronger and survived and flourished. Hers fell apart. When the word came out about the affair, she was shunned. I was by her side, and I was shunned too. She did, many many times thank me for being there and that she felt bad for the situation I had been put in, but I made that choice, to stand by her. However as time passed, when I expressed that I felt lonely, because after this, I didn’t feel like I had anyone but her as my friend. The response had then become “well, they had issues with you before anyways, this affair is just an excuse for them to not invite you anymore- they simply didn’t like you”. I was so hurt by that- of course I believed it and it made me depressed. Now fast forward, the affair is still on and off, she has a new job etc and really, a new life. I hardly ever hear from her and when I do, it is only if I make the contact and usually it’s very short responses. We only see each other if I make a suggestion. I told her recently that I was sad that we never saw each other anymore and her response was that she was so busy with her job. But apparently not too busy to have a social life with other people- hello FaceBook. So I feel thrown to the wayside. I know I have to stop and realize what’s going on- there is nothing wrong with me… Right????? She has done this to 2 other people j know and recently one of those and I had a talk (we used to be friends but when they “broke up” I picked a side. And this woman told me all she had said about me, everything I had confided in her, she had repeated to the, at the time, mutual friend..( this friend was also dropped like a hot potato like I feel like I am..) The only reason to why I’m not cutting all contact is that we have mutual friends and as I have zero confidence in being valued by these people on my own account, I am afraid that she will start talking bad about me (as she obviously has done before) and those friends will cut me off- everyone seems to believe this woman can do no wrong… Am I right?? Or ??
Hi I hope to get some kind of closure to 2 what l thought were friends. One woman I met a few years ago, seemed lovely and the right kind of person to have in my life. We went out and socialised and life was good. This woman started to call me every morning before I went to work… Her stories of people who are trying to destroy her business worried me…but when I asked her who are these people she couldn’t name them…. That was just the start. I introduced her to my friends and aquaintances and on face value a lovely woman… Little did I know as I confided in her about experiences i had with people as she made me feel I could …she was gathering ammunition to use against me. She told people in was unkind and nasty and also tried to get me fired from my job. I had to get the police involved and a harassment order on her. She sent one back …and stalks me and now goes around with people I used to know…..turn these people against me and now I’m isolated from them. The abuse i received from her I couldn’t repeat. The second woman who came in to my life just over a year ago we became great friends in felt I could open up to my experience of this woman and told her all about it…. It’s only just recently I have noticed a shift in her behaviour and she has attempts at humiliating me and also turned my whatbi thought were good friends against me…. Although I do know none of them show any sort of loyalty to each other. I have received an awful text from her as I called on her humiliating me and asked her why? All i got was a reflection of her stating that I shouldn’t say anything and gondown the confronting road as I would get very lonely as though she was the only good friend I had in the world. She also got a woman to text me and tell mechow nasty I am and that I’m not a good mother… It’s been a terrible few years for me and ive had to turn my back on a lot of people as I now have serious trust issues… Would therapy help and am I narcissistic is that why I attract these women all I’ve ever wanted was a close friendship in my life someone I could trust 100 % ..i do have a very loving relationship with my daughter we are close and happy. I live with my dad who is my rock and look after him …. I have a lot of empathy for others but am finding it hard to be myself as I feel this is what attracts this kind of person in my life. It hurtful and I feel betrayed by these people I don’t andcwont be like them. I’m independent and have a good job I hold my own…but these people have problems oozing out of them and they won’t help themselves …. Some answers would really help now my heart feels like its been ripped out and I suppose I’m grieving … Thank you I hope others can get help from my experience too.
Help. I have a so called friend that is so needy. She has no other friends and acts like she can’t live without my friendship. However she is always negative and needy. She almost stalks me. My family all want me to end the friendship. How do I do that without feeling guilty. She is always blaming everyone for everything in her life. Nothing is caused by her actions or lack of action. It is always someone else that made it happen.
Is she narcissistic ?
After experiencing one narc in my life the next one was easier to detect. All the warning signs were there so I thank my first narc for educating me with the experience to survive any others that crept into my life. They are clever at doing this. The may buy you little gifts, flatter you and tell you all about their unfortunate lives where they are always the victim. They love drama as that gets them attention. The one thing that still tends to bother me is people don’t believe you when you warn them about the narc. A narc will set you up and are experts at playing people off against each other.. I found it easier to watch their games from the outside and never be part of those games as they know how to win no matter what. The only way to deal with a narc is to run.
I’m seeing it now. Narc wife just left me after I basically supported her to get a doctorate degree and start a charter school. She got in with big billionaires that name begins with a W. She told me after I started to stick up for myself that she was leaving. I said, good, you want to leave, then you leave. I stay in the house and keep the kids. Just filed for separate maintenance. The article is very helpful because this started right after her mom died and my ex had a hellacious time growing up with her mother. My eyes are opening, oh my gosh! I still have the ashes of her mom in my house. I loved my mother in law. But, she started to really bust on me after alzheimer’s kicked in. I told my ex that first it was her mom then after she died you started on me. That was a very interesting thing for me to say, now knowing this new information.I’m learning so much. We went to counseling a number of times but the ex would not follow the instructions saying they were beneath her and asked for more intellectual program Finally, it came down to her despising me and my family. Claiming I was not up to her level of intellectually or vocationally, even after I was working non-stop for four years to get her where she is now. I was used and I’m really hurting.
Can anyone help me – I think I have been taken in by a narcissist but part of me doesn’t want to believe it. We have been in a professional relationship for over two years and we said when that was over we would become friends go out for coffee/wine etc. It seemed to be little one sided and I was drawn into this relationship with her charm and promises of friendship but professional boundaries meant some distance needed to be kept. My emails were often ignored or on her terms and she blew very hot and cold. This left me wondering where I stood. When I asked for reassurance she make me feel as if I was needy. In Jan after we’d had a coffee – I emailed her some info and she didn’t respond. So a week or so later I sent another email asking if she’d got round to reading them – they were complimentary to her in some ways but also an expression of what I’d learned through our professional relationship which wasn’t always easy for me due to her unpredictability. I mentioned what a friendship looked like to me – trust, respect, reciprocity, communication etc and she called me in and said we needed to talk – not to worry – we would be OK. Anyway a couple of days later we met and she told me that it was over and she didn’t want us to be friends we needed to put some distance between us. I was shocked and hurt as we had just started getting on better, I just wanted to express my thoughts and be clear about boundaries as it was hard moving from a professional relationship to a personal one. i.e could I text her or ring her – something she hadn’t wanted in our professional relationship, I needed to know where I stood. I was so upset by her coldness it really hurt my feelings badly.
I continued to keep in touch periodically by email – very general work based stuff – these were ignored. I saw her and asked her why she was ignoring me when I asked her specific questions and she told she wasn’t ignoring me she was just taking her time. I realise now that she had complete control and was in the driving seat she knew the more I reached out the more hurt I would get by the silent treatment.
She agreed to meet for a coffee about 2 months later and it went well – we began texting again and everything seemed to be going well again. She came to a couple of social things we had on and she invited me out for a coffee on her birthday (although she didn’t say it was at the time). When I asked her about it she was very nervous and defensive – she obviously didn’t like me knowing it had been her birthday for some reason. Anyway a week or so later I sent a text saying I was feeling a little depressed about stuff (not her) and 24hrs later she texted back and said I shouldn’t off load to her – I needed to get professional help !!
Again I was gobsmacked someone could be so cold and unkind. I responded asking if we were ok or was she going to write me off as a friend and she said she wasn’t writing me off but she couldn’t offer any support. I left it a couple of days and asked if we really were ok as I had sensed a coolness in her responses – no reply – the next day I texted again saying I was getting the feeling she was ignoring me and I just needed some reassurance as I had had a bad start to my week. She again ignored this for 4 days and then texted that it wasn’t working for her, I’d spoilt her weekend and we needed to stop as she’d reached her limit. I at this point felt I had reached mine too and we mutually agreed to call it quits.
About 2 -3 weeks later I asked her if she was ok (I am not the sort of person who just stops caring about people) as I was finding it hard at times to let everything go….We suggested mediation and had someone to do it – I went along but she didn’t turn up. She has refused to talk with me or to try and resolve things at all. I sent a letter of closure apologising for anything I may have done to hurt her. It received a curt response with no apology from her end or acceptance of mine. This was about 4 months ago.
We have seen each other around during this time she has smiled and waved and told me things she has heard about me – so is keeping an interest in my life. But I recently went on camp with my son and sent a very brief postcard type email to her about the trip as I know she had wanted to do this trip. She never responded to it and when we got back she was there in the playground larger than life but didn’t acknowledge or look at me at all. This hurt me again as I felt we had moved on but it seems to me she wants to keep on hurting me. Am I reading too much into this – this whole relationship has twisted me up and confused me as I have been unsure if I’m coming or going and the worst thing is I feel like I’ve lost sense of what is real and not. To make matters worse I am considering whether to try and reconcile this relationship which seems mad but I still feel hooked in. Any help advice or pearls of wisdom would be gratefully received. Thanks
Wow…the way you describe a female narcissist is so spot on. I have a ex-friend of 30+ years since we were on kindergarten. All those years in school, college, young adult life etc. Sometimes she wpuld be in and out of my life but always came back to me when she needed what she wasn’t getting from other people. But the true test of friendship came when I needed someone. She blew me off…we know each others families, grewtogether. She just blew me off. Did not answer the phone, would not return calls, was too busy with something if I did get through. I stopped calling. It has been 4 years now and I learned she was a narcissist in therapy but the mamnemanner in which you describe in the above article is so smack on!! I am glad I learned a lot but still sad I wasted all those years thinkingthis person was my best friend. She never has frfriends. Just loser boyfriends she can control. I used to feel bad for her that she was meeting the bad boys, but that is what she likes. The smart ones would see through her…thanks for such a great article.
These people are absolutely insane. I attract these people, but can now rid myself of them quickly. I had such a friend for years, and when speaking of her friendships, it was a non stop declaration of “all she does for others”. Constantly helping someone, sacrificing, rescuing, mentoring…a real mother Theresea. The big question was always “when can I do what I want, when is it my turn”. We avoided her, especially avoided asking for anything. Need to borrow baking powder? Expect chores to be hurled at you for the next 40 min. “Mop that, oh can you finish the bathroom, grab the trash on you way out, bring that rug in”…later you would here that she said “always borrowing from me, and I get nothing”. I do not miss this person at all. She was much worse then illustrated here.
It’s good to know I’m not alone!! I just dumped my friend of 3 1/2 years! I knew she was controlling but I didn’t realize she was a narcissist until recently when she was chasing a married man and took no blame. I put up with her sob story but was just shocked that she was blaming everyone but herself. I wrote several emails for her to wake up and see that this is and will always be called ADULTERY! She had no shame, she had been divorced twice. I finally wrote to her that she was hurting herself and her friends. How could I actually be a friend to her, which in my mind, I was condoning her behavior if I stayed her BFF. I had to confront her. I wish I just could have dropped out of sight but I must have wanted closure. I had to let her know that she had no values and that she is taking something that didn’t belong to her. I also said she had a dysfunctional family as her father was on his 4th wife and this was not acceptable behavior in the real world. She fired back with rage in 6 emails. She was mean and cruel to me.
She feels entitlement and bragged that her parents were diplomats. She was discustingly bragging how she was a singer, artist, and the list went on and on. I fear that these narcs will get vindictive at a later date. I just wonder if she knows that she has a personality disorder and I wonder if she knows that I found out what she really is! The sad thing is that I still care about her but I’m strong enough to end it. I know I’m an empathic person but I will make better choices now.
Seven years of friendship. Starstruck and a rocket show of fun. Her husband was PR at a major Oil co, mine was an engineer,,,we raised our children together,,,,started ‘ladies clubs’ together,,had fun, talking and doing, but mostly me obeying and listening. My mom is all the malignant narcissistic traits…this friend was a figure that represented my mom,,, but I thought we were friends.
It started when we volunteered at our childrens grade school. She, a teacher by trade, me a secretary by trade – I helped to be obedient to her ideas. It was ok for me but she loved school and pretty much lived there. The first or second time I was at the grade school helping, she ignored me, treated me as if I didn’t exist. She was with new important school volunteer moms’ and I wasn’t acknowledged or included. My daughter was diagnosed with ADHD and then she could blame all the mishaps of the playing on my daughter and totally ignore the bad behavior of her children. Her husband is a functioning successful alcoholic ,, both of them never disciplined their children. Before he got transferred away, I told her of 12 steps and alcoholism. She went to Al Anon for a year, but mostly to find new friends. Away they went…When they returned to Dallas, they moved totally across the city to a newer neighborhood. My mistake was that I thought we were friends. My expectations were too high. She couldn’t be a best friend. She only new how to collect and attract new friends, as her husband did also. When I was discarded, it meant nothing to her because I was a pawn in her game of COLLECTIONS of humans to adore her and her husband. Both of their parents were dead when they had their first childs wedding. We weren’t invited. I had told her , that I would love to come to a wedding a year earlier. She and her husband had no family in town, their parents dead,,, who did they invite to their country club wedding? Not us, the two who knew their girls as babies for 8 years…We were forgotten. I started selling antiques and have been doing that for near 20 years. When my husband was getting near retiring early, I read books on narcissism because my mom was one and so was my husband. I was shocked at the beginning of reading Will I EVer Be Good Enough. One book said ‘check your friends – they will be Narcissists’….. and they were
In the past 4 years, I have come to realize that mom, friends, husband were narcissists. I’m in therapy, my husband went for awhile to not being able to handle the truth of my research and me outright blaming him for being a not so good father to our son and a crap husband who counter parented in order to harm me. And me blaming him for ignoring our ADHD son’s needs and doctor visits to help this disorder.
I unfriended this girlfriend, after reading books… I haven’t heard a peep from her in 3 years. She is on her 5th house in Dallas and she walked in on me working at my antique shop. We went to dinner with her husband now retired. He looks bad,,,the drinking has aged him beyond his years. She looks great….She is still collecting friends and houses and country clubs and parties and fake people/friends…I went to this dinner with expectations of NOTHING. Expect nothing and know that we are in the presence of two narcissists. Dinner was fine, new house was beautiful… and away we went…. I know that we will never be friends. I looked at the pictures of her two daughters in their wedding dresses and I was sad. What I learned is,,, expect nothing from these narcissistic people. I’m NC with my mom for 4 years. Mom didn’t come to my only daughters wedding. Mom said ‘no way’ to the invitation. I said ‘no way’ to mom.
Once you realize your family or origin never loved you, life comes crashing down along with the expectations that you place on all the narcissistic people you gravitate towards over the years.
so sorry about the friend that you would like to unfriend but can’t because you are too nice.bLisa- did the holiday already happen? did your narc friend go??
and Rachel—Good luck holding her at arm’s length. It’s so hard to do!
as for me–the narc friend ‘s birthday came up and so i texted a quick note.
then she knew i was going to be at a concert and suddenly there she was. it was awkward but of course in a public place i wasn’t going to bring anything up and ruin the show for my friends i went with!
then she knew i was going to be hospitalized and texted well wishes.
i am trying to just keep it friendly and peaceful. i am trying NOT to be a supply. I
think this is the hardest thing when you’ve already gone through the no contact phase.
i am praying that if we are ever alone and in private someday ( which my never happen) i will have the self esteem to gently be able to say that her rages were inappropriate and ask her if she was sorry that she acted out like that. i would like to also say that raging is not normal and it just pushes people away ( just in case she hasn’t noticed this) and tell her i don’t want to raged at ever again.
hopefully there will be a gentle, kind way to say this to her one day…when I feel that I am just laying out my boundaries to her ……..if I’ve learned anything from this —it would be that i do indeed have boundaries…..but i have not been strong enough in the past to insist on my boundaries. getting used and abused made me see that.
How do i escape a friendship with a narc. I foolishly invited her on holiday with some other friends. Now she is cold shouldering me but still planning on joining our holiday. She doesn’t even know my other friends (has only met one of them recently) but she is making a point of chatting and joking with them in our holiday group watsap chat, while ignoring me. It’s subtle but stands out a mile to me. She is doing it because I asked her to stop posting all over my Facebook wall. She was trying to get the attentions of a male friend of mine who had spurned her after I tried to fix the two of them up (something I regret. I didn’t realise what she was when I did it). Should I confront her outright? She will deny it I know. Say I am being paranoid or silly – but what I’d actually like to do is fall out with her in the hope that she won’t come on holiday. I’m even sharing a room with her. I don’t trust her or like her. Help!
I’m so glad I found this article.
I’ve had a friend that I’ve known for the past12 years. I, too, attract Narcs. I have 2 Narc parents and a Narc ex. This friend was much kinder than the other 3 in my life…she was charming and very kind. We bonded over our traumatic pasts and I thought I had met a wonderful person…I truly thought of her as a sister figure. I was so charmed by her that I ignored the warnings signs. She never raged and got scary like the other Narcs that I was raised with.
But she did keeping inexplicably dumping friends or getting dumped…at least once per year. I was always surprised. Several times I’d express my surprise and ask what happened…she’d just flippantly remark that they got on her nerves and would not elaborate. At first, I thought she was a victim of bad friends and felt for her. But after 5 years, I could not chalk it all up to bad luck…I started wondering when she would drop me. And because I was scared of losing someone who thought was my best friend, I worked harder at being better.
She also tells me about how she lies to her other friends and business clients. She often says it in a laughing way because she feels she’s outsmarted them or that they were “irritating” and therefore she feels justified in lying. She paints herself either as a victim or as simply more clever. She tells everyone-including her clients that she has a Masters in Psych…truth is she dropped out a semester before graduation…but to her it’s “close enough” to use in her business and to lend authority in conversations. I was such a needy codependent woman who was so charmed by her that I made hundreds of excuses or minimized this behavior because she seemed so wise and kind. She was also overtly caring towards me and seemingly supportive.
Even when she’d blow me off when we had plans and she decided it would be more fun elsewhere. I’d show up to her house to pick her up for dinner and she was not there. Often she’d say I was mistaken about our plans(confusing) or accidentally mentioned where she was (out with others) and I’d catch her lie. She would minimize my hurt and even once said that,”it’s not like you had other plans!” I was coming out of a lifetime of child abuse by very malignant, violent and raging narc mother(the witch profile in the NarcissiticMothers book-I forget the author right now) I also had a physically violent dad and a cheating lying ex. I was ending contact with my family when I met her and she was there through my breakup with my ex. She did not rage or hit. She seemed so nice and comforting. I needed that so badly that I ignored the lies, the passive aggressive manipulation, the long cold silences and cutting comments.she was nice to me!! In comparison to my upbringing she was an angel and I codependently latched on like she was my hero.
A few years ago I began making positive choices(lost 150 pounds). She became cutting about diets to my face but always sweet to *me*. She began to tell me ( in a concerned way)that I had an eating disorder. ( we are significantly obese…she is still very heavy and very critical of diets. I’m halfway to my goal and I have to hide my healthy eating from her…she calls me anorexic for not eating croutons…and will tell others that…I’m still 100 pounds overweight and cringe when she wants to go to dinner…but I digress).
since I have made these changes she’s alternately sweet and cold. I recognized her “dropping friends” pattern and panicked… I became an ultimate people pleaser in order to soothe her. I lost myself to her. Ugh! After a particularly hard weekend away where she abandoned me in a small remote town for the afternoon…just took off with no warning. And then when she finally came back she said, “it’s great that we are so close that you don’t need to ask me what happened”. The rest of the weekend was spent with her squinting her eyes and staring at me in a critical manner but not talking to me or outright giving me the cold shoulder. When I questioned her parking in an illegal spot, she said that she did not like my tone. I refused to leave her car because I really did not want to be abandoned again. When she got back from her walk I apologized for our fight and she told me my tone was insincere.
After this I was so afraid of losing her that I went in to counseling to “fix myself”. Oh yeah…I was in deep.
After over 2 years of CBT, I recognized my codependency as well as my own Narc fleas from my childhood. I also recognize that Narcs come in many packages and that I am not responsible for her poor behavior. I have been distancing myself from her as I’ve gotten healthier. And with experience and therapy, I can see the patterns clearly…as I begin to pull away and not react to her tactics, she’s being sweeter and sweeter. Giving unusually expensive gifts. I still care about her but this blog has given me distance and perspective. I’m slowly phasing out our friendship but am not ready to say goodbye yet. I still wanna be A “good” friend but also need to care for myself. Still seeking that balance…but I’ll get there. Thank for this post.
I’ve had a friend for about ten years, and I’ve just diagnosed her as a Narcissist. I am not a Doctor. But I have been reading about this Personality Disorder and I feel like this is the explanation. It must be. Her personality is so screaming selfish. But at times, she is charming and fun! I need dramamine! What a roller coaster!
We met because of our kids. We had their friendships in common. And it enabled us to hang out. The kids were happy.
But she did so many strange things to me throughout the friendship. And I always forgave her, let her sweep it under the carpet and act like nothing ever happened —–the ultimate best friend. lol And it wasn’t until her recent rage session that I started looking up Narcissism. WELL!!!
You can pretty much check every box. No wonder I have always felt suspicious —I have always felt that she was not genuine.
Manipulative. Moody. Impulsive. Selfish. Needy.
She flirts with everyone—man, women, or child. She charms everyone she deems important to her in some way —– and this has been very embarrassing because I know she is over- doing the flattering. It is ridiculous! It is like The “Dale Carnegie School of Making Friends”. But people eat it up. At First.
Unfortunately, I ate it up for too long. Others fled more quickly. I am a Narc Magnet.
She uses people to get what she wants, and if you have given her some privilege before, she expects it again. And if you don’t offer it, she feels injured. She may give you silent treatment. or unfriend you on facebook. or rage at you. or shout at you. or talk horribly about you behind your back. You ruined her New Year’s. You forced her to go out with you to concerts she never wanted to go to. You are not cool. Your husband isn’t cool. You are a drag.
Narc tells people she should have broken up with me a long time ago. She didn’t need me anyway. She was “putting up with me”.
She picked fights. Started talking to me in the same way she treats her husband ..yelling, bossy, demanding…. She raged at me over something minor and I had enough.
I did a ” No Contact ” and she texts and calls and doesn’t understand why we are no longer close. (How does she not remember her embarrassing shouting? There are witnesses.) I finally let her over to hang out to see how it’s going to go. She accuses me of not listening and then rages out of my house, making a scene.
she un friended me on social media….. Obviously, she wants to be the one who breaks up.. I was not allowing her to “feed” off of me anymore. She knew she couldn’t turn it around after the Rage Heard Around the World. (witnesses to crazy rage) So she decided to flip out and rage again.
I feel very sad that I was duped for so long.
@ Jackie: I hear you loud and clear. I had the same type of friendship, however after 4 years I realized that it wasn’t and never will be a two-way street with my former n-friend. I say the same thing to you. If everything is about her and the timer constantly goes off then you’ve come to the same conclusion that we all, NO CONTACT. Anytime you fear being dumped by a friend, that is not good. If she finds another friend, so be it and guess what, so will you. Do not make this ‘friend’ the only friend in your life.
I am amazed after reading this blog; my best friend fits the description of a narcissist in so many ways. I met her nearly 3 years ago and became more and more aware of her extreme narcissistic behavior as time goes on. It’s the same me, me, me; always looking for advice and support. Everything is about her, her nearly daily drama, her quest in finding a man, she is extremely pretty and is obsessive-compulsive about her looks and her hair especially. On the other hand, she is well educated, world traveled, and can talk about any subject with knowledge and depth. I love having her as a friend, she is fun to be with and we have had a lot of good times together. However, I know deep down that she really doesn’t care about my well-being or me as person; when I talk about myself I feel that I am on a timer and when the bell rings, the conversation will revert right back to her, her life, and constant issues and problems. The relationship makes me very nervous because I don’t know how long it will last before I no longer fulfill her narcissistic needs. She does listen to me talk and I have never been able to share my feelings like this with another person. The friendship is important to me. She is very funny pokes fun at herself and we laugh a lot, unless she is in one of her “bad moods”. She seems to need me to supply practical advice all the time and of course to soothe her and provide advice when she is suffering from OCD and constant fears about everything. If she takes one fear off the table, she replaces it with something else. She has never criticized me is any way and is a kind and generous person. I am not sure what to do; I am always afraid that she will dump me if she gets the constant attention and soothing from a new friend.
Why i didnt see this article 5 months ago
This is just what iam healing from and i implemented NO CONTACT.
The Author of this article iam your witness.
I am feeling better after coming to this website and seeing all of these shares. Narcissists are so clever!!! Some have been at it so long, they know how to carefully dole out the crazy slowly. Some also seem to know when you are becoming leery as they can adapt and change their game quickly in order to keep you sucked in. I have seen my role in attracting narcissistic people into my life because of my history of co-dependency. I have known the latest “charmer” for about 8 years casually through her profession. Just recently I accepted person into my life as a friend via giving in to her inviting herself to go somewhere with me. She very quickly went into “charm mode” in her new environment that I introduced her to and a small portion of my life forever changed just that quickly. Even so, when these people are new in your life, you can ignore the small signs of it at, you might even say “they’re a wonderful person, it’s just my own imagination or insecurity, or I’m being hard on her”. Having seen these things, and knowing better, I gave her some extra time in my life anyway (sucker!). I am happy to say I’m making progress in ridding myself of these people in my life, as I have opened my eyes sooner than normal after only a few months of having this “life energy sucker” in my life on a personal BFF level. Here are the red flags: She receives…You give, give, give. She talks, you listen endlessly. If you ever need to receive or be heard, it will not happen! You will be subject to hearing about either her greatness, her specialness, her superiority compared to others, or her problems for as long as you spend time with her. You will feel a significant drain in your energy level and may feel out of balance after having spent time with her. You will have had things said about you or your skills minimized ( she doesn’t know much about you, & has never asked….too busy focusing on herself). Don’t be hard on yourself for having had this relationship and not have your eyes open…these people are “master charmers and manipulators”. But you will not mutually benefit from these relationships. When you see these tale, tale signs, it’s not your imagination…..just RUN!
I almost fell off my seat when I read this. This is exactly what my daughter is going through with a high school friend who has come back into her life. I KNEW IT… I pinpointed it immediately. My daughter is quite educated, has children, her own home, and up until the time she came back into my daughter’s life, a man who spoiled her rotten. This individual has nothing: no home, no children, some incomplete education, and no man. The woman comes down and stays with my daughter every weekend, posts all sorts of things on FB “you will not win.” I’m thinking she has imaginary enemies–oh wait, that might be directed at me. According to FB she suffers from PTSD (she was in the Navy, and did it for financial reasons; I know, she told me), but she is AWESOME and has CLASS, she went through a lot, but has no metals or commendations. Unfortunately, my daughter is defending her to me and her husband. Oh, almost forgot, she told my daughter I did not say “hello”, which was a lie to begin with and has driven a wedge between my daughter and me as a result of this blatant lie. This individual caught my daughter at extremely vulnerable time; her husband moved out as a result of this individuals never leaving their home. Actually, I guess it was her home, but he’d lived there 7 years and considered it his home as well; she asked him to move in. I am preparing a letter to my daughter. My thought is that I would rather alienate my daughter to try to shake her up than to have this woman completely drain her emotionally and financially. She posts so many FB pictures, you’d think she and my daughter were a couple. And she is now using the children on FB too because she “loves them so much.” Yesterday she was invited to a game in another town; however, she couldn’t go because “we have a sick child.” She doesn’t have children; she’s using my granddaughter recovering from tonsillectomy. She definitely has attachment issues as a result of her upbringing, and she tends to call everyone “mom” or “dad.” She doesn’t call me “mom” anymore.
What a relief to know I am not alone. After a 10 year friendship, with who I now realise is a narcissist, I am finally ‘free’. I say ‘free’ because whilst I may have gone ‘no contact’ she still invades my thoughts many times a day. I often have that familiar ‘knot in stomach’ feeling just thinking about her and worrying that she might try to re-enter my life. After 10 years of me, me, me and constant dramas, always falling out with some member of her family, work problems etc etc I stopped always towing the line. She was happy if I was constantly fawning, constantly available etc but then she moved away to NY (to live with a married man that she’d managed to persuade to leave his wife and 2 very young kids for her…) And she wanted me to move to live near her. When I didn’t she upped the ante and pulled all the guilt trips possible and then started the reputation slurring. I eventually had enough and though I have also lost many other friends in the process (she successfully manipulated and lied to them about me) I am relieved to be away from her parasitic ways. I felt so on edge constantly and if my response/reaction wasnt what she wanted – I’d be paying for it for days. I can’t believe how controlled I was by her, and emotionally still am. I look forward to the day that I realise I haven’t thought about her for a while. She did so much damage and I fear she still could. Hopefully she has realised that she can get no more from me now. I just feel sorry for her next victim….
Add me to the Narc-Bait List. I’m just today realizing how many there have been in my life, including my mother, a sister, a best friend of 10 years, a romantic partner, my first husband, whom I was ridiculously married to for 19 years, among others. The current (and hopefully last) narc in my life, someone I thought of as a close female friend, is the one who just cracked the code by leading me to research her bizarre behavior. No one should ever feel stupid for being taken in by a narcissist. It takes a long time for them to fully reveal themselves. Of necessity, they are actors.
Scott, I can so identify with what you wrote. My current (soon to be former) narc “friend,” also maintains a male/female platonic friendship. Her male friend and I are inferior, low quality, secondary sources of supply, mere inhuman instruments to keep her propped up and somewhat stabilized, while she schemes and works on generating and sustaining quality supply from those who matter the most–the members of her singles’ social group. The Me, Me, Me period of the Up(Manic)/Down(Depressive) cycle corresponds to her having received recent, adequate attention (narcissistic supply from primary sources). Then comes the inevitable emotional wreck, which always follows, in my Narc’s case, about one week without receiving adequate attention from her primary sources. In the depressive phase, accompanied by hibernation, she is at first sad, an innocent victim of selfish people who think only of themselves. When she is unable to acquire primary source attention for a sustained period, her “old ski injuries” flare up (so laughable because she is an uncoordinated klutz who can’t hike without spraining an ankle or bike without falling off). Next, comes the rage and devaluing step. Her wonderful, dear friends suddenly become “frenemies” who are gossiping about her and plotting to ostracize her. In the final step, she unleashes her narcissistic rage on me and her platonic male friend, because we are both expendable. (He has just cut her loose, and I’ve just begun the process.)
Her women friends, all of whom have dumped her, are all so jealous of her imaginary drop-dead good looks that they have had to distance themselves from her. She must remember to treat them gently with understanding, patience, kindness, and compassion. Her beauty also is an obstacle preventing her from successfully attracting (capturing) a man, her ongoing obsession. Men are too intimidated to approach someone so exquisite. Her latest maneuver, to assure a romantic target that she would unbelievably stoop to his level backfired, and she is still reeling from his rejection. Here she was willing to lower her standards and give him the gift of a “darn good catch,” and he didn’t have the sense to accept it. To cope, she invented a grandiose persona, one that crumbled 10 days after she debuted it. During the 10 days, she was absolutely manic and wrote detailed accounts of every reaction to her magnetic star quality. Everyone she encountered was mesmerized and entranced–peers, of course, as well as pub band musicians, food servers, and passersby. For good measure, a few insecure women were hostile (another high quality form of supply).
She has no patience (empathy) for “people who choose to live in crisis.” (Ha! If that’s not the pot calling the kettle black.) When I lost first my son and shortly thereafter my husband and my job, she told me about people who had it far worse, before she disappeared, due to my negative energy being draining. She deemed a former friend to be emotionally unbalanced for “milking the death” of a sibling for six whole months. She resented the newborn grandchild of another former friend, because the infant stole valuable attention away from her. She told me, “I killed myself laughing” at yet another former friend who was worried about being diagnosed with a fatal familial genetic disorder that had taken the lives of almost her entire family. She recommended the woman smoke marijuana.
Narcissists are dangerous predators, looking for hosts to suck the life and energy from. They have nothing to offer in a relationship, and what little they do give isn’t genuine. We must take the painful lesson, hit delete, and move on.
Wishing everyone here peace.
Oh I met her, you described her head to toe. We were friends, platonic male and female relationship. I knew there was a problem when one day she was normal: me me me…the
next: everyone hates her at work….the next: me, me, me….the next: emotional wreck….today: she is sick….tomorrow: she is mad at you for something real or percieved…the next: me, me, me…WOW! Does this pendulum stop…
After a few months of this nutiness, told her I needed to focus my energy elsewhere….Two days later she’s texting trying to reel me back in. When I pressed her for an answer to what our friendship means to her, I got the narcissist rage to the point I had to block her number for my final word to her. I can only pity her and her lost soul. (alcoholic father, disconnected mother)
This is my first and last friendship with a narcissist. I’m an emotional wreck right now. Feels like the pain
Will never end. Sorry for jumping a line down but my phone is whacky and wouldn’t let me put a space between pain and will. So I hit the enter key.
Brilliant article! Primed by two narcissist parents, I have been the ideal victim for narcissists for years, ready and willing to give and give (and forgive), never think of myself, and listen to them, and for several female friends, even up until recently, it was ALL about them.
The same features each time. Apparently lovely attractive, fun ladies, full of life and personality, lots of issues and dramas that they had to ‘share’ and needed ‘support’ for which I mistook for friendship, but eventually, each time, I noticed, when it came to the 2-way street, time for my issues, my support, guess what? They weren’t interested! Surprise, huh…?
The first one loves herself beyond measure. She sure was the belle of the ball 30 years ago, and keeps that picture on her FB page for all to see. I was friends with her for over 20 years, during which time she worked her way through most of the male population in our area, told me constantly that ‘everyone’ told her she was beautiful (really?!), and eventually stole another woman’s husband, much older, wealthy and influential, who she decided SHE wanted.
They had kids, I moved away, we drifted, then suddenly, she called me out the blue to announce her ‘husband’ (didn’t even know they were married!), had died, and so it began. The dance. Again. Five years of phone calls and emails about her, her and her. Her dramas her issues her feelings her life (everyone still thought she was ‘beautiful’, of course), smoking herself to death and terrorising her kids with her narcissistic rages, one of which I witnessed whilst visiting, and will NEVER forget. When I had a drama, an issue, meanwhile, it was always the same, She’d utter the platitude, ‘poor you’!’ then go back to talking about herself.
Crises time came with N friend no. 1 of over 20 years, calling me late at night to talk about herself for hours had become quite stressful by that point, after 5 years of it. She claims to be an animal lover as she has a house full of pedigree pets from breeders, which isn’t an animal lover at all, imho, and was posting dreadful pics of animal abuse on FB. I’m very sensitive to that, and eventually asked her please not to include me, as it really upset me, like, horrible, intrusive thoughts can’t sleep for days kind of upset (I’m OCD). I also asked her what she thought she was achieving by doing that, anyway? She was a friend, she knew me, I’d listened to all her tales of woe, so surely, she’d understand, right..…?
Wrong. She blew up. Said if you want to unfriend me (on FB), then go ahead! NO empathy. NO understanding. Nothing. So I did better than that. I unfriended her out of my LIFE. She tried contacting me again a few years ago to ‘share’ that a mutual friend had died. Trying to reconnect through a death? Again? All too familiar! No thanks! I said, ‘I know. Thanks’ and that was that. Never heard from her again.
The more recent N ‘friend’ was a class act. You would think she lives in a mansion, the way she talks. She doesn’t. Her house (not her house, btw!), is the best, her garden is wonderful, her life’s just so great!! And I am expected to tell her that, if I don’t, she’d tell me. She aspires to the sort of house I have, the lifestyle I have, but weirdly, never made a comment about either. She buys magazines and waxes lyrical about just the sort of life I live, where I live etc, but when she was around me, or I mentioned something I’m doing, she went blind and deaf, would literally just shut down and say nothing. Initially I thought she was listening, maybe didn’t hear me (?), preoccupied, perhaps…?
no. Turns out she just wasn’t interested enough to comment.
Crises came when I stopped socialising with her, as her excessive drinking socially always culminated in massive arguments with her partner who she’s apparently in a ‘perfect’ relationship with, who is equally N, always conducted with no thought for their guests, forced to witness it, and on at least one occasion I know of, in front of their daughter. Months of badgering me, why weren’t we meeting up any more, and eventually, I worked up the courage to tell her, as diplomatically as possible, why the problem was.
Apparently, I should have ‘told her sooner’! Why should I?! She’s a grown adult, she should know that’s not acceptable, it’s not my job to police people, especially my ‘friends’.
That thought aired, i’ve mentioned a few times since we could get together for coffee, whatever, but…..she avoids me like the plague.
I can’t say I’m sorry to have ‘lost’ either of these women from my lives, they were never friends, as I now know.
If I have one person in my life I can call a true friend, rather than what these women have, literally dozens of acquaintances they call friends, but who are simply there to make them look good/popular/be used, then I’m happy.
🙂 x
Thank you for this article! I have been searching for articles recently to help me through my relationship with a friend I have known for 20 years. I am only 30 years old so I feel like I have known her my entire life. My husband/friends/family consistently ask me why I continue this friendship and I don’t have any clear answer. I feel like I can’t break away and to be honest part of me doesn’t truly want to. I’m torn to admit it, but I really do believe my friend has this personality disorder. She is going through a divorce dhe filed for. She has separated herself and her three children from their father whom she will not allow them to see. Everything is his fault. She claims zero responsibility. She has moved on from anger of him “falling out of love” with her to extreme paranoia that will try to kill her if she meets him in a public setting or try to kidnap their children. So she refuses all contact. She is a very skilled liar. I have caught her in more lies than I could possibly count over the years. Her lawyer believes every word she says and is being as cut-throat as possible in dealing with her ex. I almost feel crazy seeking help in this situation! She constantly is calling and texting (3-4 times a day) looking for approval for what she is doing. She hates it that I’m not on her side. This is her 3rd failed relationship in 8 years. It’s never been her fault. Not once. I just keep telling her I don’t know what to say…and I truly don’t. I’m afraid to tell her what I truly think because I know it won’t do any good and I’m worried for the future of her children with no father who has his faults but loves his children and desires a relationship with them.
I see more folks are dealing with this issue with people. I posted my first comment back in December and since then, things have been relatively quiet with my n co-worker/friend. We would exchange greetings in the hall and I was fine with this and have been moving on and enjoying my life, family, other friends, etc. Fast forward to this morning, I ended up taking off from work and my cell phone rings and I see the N’s name appear. I was shocked, surprised and hesitant but I respectfully answered. I was cordial and pleasant and her comment was that she was thinking about me and wanted to know how I was doing. I thanked and told her that I was doing fine and hoped the same for her. Why did I do that? She starts ranting about how hurt and disappointed she was that I proved not to be a ‘good friend’. She goes on and on to ‘remind’ of how everyone in her life always hurts and betrays her and how she was a better friend to me than I was to her. Instead of going by my first reaction and hang up on her, I listened quietly and let her get whatever leftover frustrations out. I, then asked her if she felt that I wasn’t a good friend to her, then wouldn’t it make sense to just leave things the way they are and move on separately with our lives? Instead of saying yes or no, she continues on the same rant, saying the same thing. I thanked her again for thinking of me and for calling and I wished her well. I felt very drained after being on the phone with her. Can someone explain why the N refuses to admit when they hurt someone and instead always point the finger at the other person? The N woman is self-righteous, judgemental and always has a strong sense of entitlement. Never an apology but instead always expects one from me.
Hi Anita, I know you are a kind loving person, who else would put up with such a friend for so long. But you must also remember to be kind to yourself now. You were not stupid, you were taken in like everybody else on this blog, by her stories, her charm and seduction, her lies, and her deceit. But now you have woken up to all that, and you have found a name for what ails her. There are so many losses you have been through with this friend, and now she is not in your life, and that leaves a hole that needs filling. However, there is also the new found freedom, hold on to that. Warmest regards. Christine
A message from europe, excuse my english.
I am a woman 65 age, and had a N.friend for over 30 years. Almost 2 years ago i ended the friendship, and only now i start to feel better. I am not stupid, had high qualified jobs, worked all my life. But i feel very stupid… This is the most awful devestating event of my life, i cannot believe, really cannot, that she lied to me all those years. Of course, you know ‘something is wrong’ i helped her etc. I do not have to explain this to you all, and when you finally understand whats wrong, it is soooo unbelieveble, who can you talk to? Only people who experienced this will understand and outsiders, who know her a little, just get to say, oh well she a bit weird, she has depressions, and illnes. These n. People are so sharp, so mean, in lying, like they say: the deserve an oscar and my friend deserves ten oscars. The past years i coulnd not stand her lies, as we got older, she lost ‘control’ of her world of make believe , so finally i read about narcissism and i could not believe what i read, now i can think more clearly and i begin to see and get to know what a very complicated disorder this is. And it is also very complicated to fully understand, it takes time, it is very hard on yourself too, to realize what has happened and why did you yourself act like that? And believe me, they get worse as they grow old. I recognise Melanie, she still feels attracted somehow, i had that too, do not contact again, if you do you will end up like me, for two years in confusion,anger and disbelief. My friend is now almost 70 years of age, left alone by everyone and drinking every day, telling the wall or table how wonderful she is, and why didn’t people understand? She will not change, somehow it is really sad. And I, i play a movie in my head, every day, events from lomg time ago, with her children, her husbands (one committed siucide) her ilness, her jobs, and so on and so on… All lies. It’s devastating, makes you lose your confidence in human beings.(and in yourself) but i also feel free sort of, and make the best of it. Good luck for everybody, thank you for reading.
Thanks Christine for your kind comment. There were other signs along the way that she was a narcissist and like many people mentioned, I ignored them until I no longer could. I fear for her 2 kids but I can only hope that with her divorce, that their father or another relative has custody of them. But it’s out of my control and I have accepted that. I just hope and pray for their emotional and physical safety.
Hi Kate, It is not easy to end a friendship, especially one that was as long as the one you had. I can understand why you were angry at the betrayal of this friend, but I must congratulate you on your decision to end the relationship.
I am so happy to hear that you found a great therapist to work with, and that you have also educated yourself on the behaviors of narcissistic abuse, both these are necessary requirements for staying safe in the future. It is good to hear a good ending, that does not often happen. Warmest regards. Christine.
I ended a narcissistic friendship in 2013. It was my choice. I came to realize these exact things about my friend. We had been close since middle school. We had a long distance friendship for the last several years and I ended the friendship when I realized from her soon-to-be ex-husband at the time that she had lied to me about her career. She had told me that she had gone to school to become a nurse and worked weekends in the local hospital. I came to find out that it was all a lie and it was typical narcissistic behavior of inflating yourself to look better. I had no qualms walking away, I didn’t even confront her about it, there was no sense wasting further time listening to more of her lies. She would never take responsibility for her actions.
I was really angry about it for almost a year. I mean REALLY angry but then I had to begin working on myself and ask why I attracted narcissistic people into my life (I was also abused by a narcissistic man in my early-mid 20s). Now I’ve made peace with it thanks to having an amazing therapist.
Thank you so much for this article. I had a best friend for many years that is a narcissist. Everything we did had to be her idea. Everyone that I hung out with that she didn’t introduce me to she had ugly things to say about them. Anytime I would meet a guy that I was interested in, she would find something wrong with him. If I disagreed with anything she said or believed she would scold me like I was a silly child, or put me in the “dog house” so to speak. And for years I took this abuse and did not recognize it as abuse, but thought it was true concern from someone who cared about me. By the time I realized that her behavior was narcissistic, I began to distance myself from her, and of course she ended our friendship. Your words rang true with me, because I know my life will be better off without her. However, sometimes I do still care about and miss her. But I won’t ever let anyone else treat me that way again, or try to manipulate me into feeling guilty because I do not live or make the choices that THEY want me to make.
My friendship with an N is over after 7 years. She discarded me. she would always tell me that she was afraid that one day that something she told me would get back to her. Well it did but nothing sacred. A woman told me her husband wanted to apply for a job at the N hospital. she is a nurse (scary) and he is a doctor. I told my friend you don’t want him to go there. she hates it and there is a 2 year rule that you can’t work at a hospital that is managed by the same company. she is having a hard time getting a job so you should apply at this hospital where she applied because there are so many openings. This guy leaves a message thinking she is the hospital with all the info I gave her. She doesn’t get the job and flips out on me saying how dare I tell him her personal information and that she is so mad at me and can’t trust me. she called me some really gross words and said I was a meddler with no life. I was like so what does this mean for our friendship. she said I can’t think about that. The day before she was telling me how great I was and what a great friend I was because I talked her out of doing something stupid. How borderline personality. I waited a week for her to call me and then I defriended her on facebook. I have not talked to her since. Its been a month and a half. I can’t believe after 7 years this is how our friendship is going to end. This was a one sided friendship. She called me incessantly to complain about her family, job, life, etc. I could never call her without getting an attitude of what do you want. I was always open to her when she called. We could never go out unless she wanted to and it was at her convenience. I did wonderful favors for her and it seemed that the wonderfulness of it lasted only for that day. The next day it was like I never took her to ER and waited four hours, picked her up from an operation, took her to her doctor or listen to her incessant stories about how she liked this doctor at work and wanted to cheat on her husband who was a devoted sap codependent who knew his wife was not in love with him. She could never do me a favor. she would stress interest to do me a favor but when I asked her for one, it was always a problem. If I ever confronted her on how she made me feel, she would say I was needy and draining. My feelings did not matter. I was constantly apologizing for things that I should not be apologizing for. Even though she was a terrible friend, I missed her. My heart is broken from how could someone treat me this way after I was so good to her. I can’t call her and ask for her forgiveness because I know I will be no better than her sappy husband who puts up with her antics and once again I would be the one groveling. What is your take on this?
I don’t know if she will come back. One thing about her was that she was afraid that all her secrets she told me I would tell others and get back to her eventually. Telling another friend about her difficulties getting a job really upset her to the point that she called me vile names and said that she cannot trust me. I cannot believe how much she overreacted. This to me was not the same thing as telling this woman she wanted to cheat on her husband with a doctor her husband knew. It was crazy. The crazy part is that I would still like to talk to her and make amends since I feel like I did something horrible. You would think all the really good things I did for her would mellow out her anger and she would call me to amend the friendship. She never self reflected and apologize. She was always the victim. She complained about everyone including her kids and how they did not appreciate her. I felt bad for her due to her rough childhood so I overlooked a lot of her behavior. She was brought up by a narcissistic abusive father and a mother who allowed the father to abuse my friend emotionally and physically. I always felt like she played her husband and I since we were the ones that always had her back regardless of how she treat us. She loved the attention we gave her. He is stuck with her because she will never leave him unless she meets someone else. She had no problem telling me about her sex life with her husband even though that was too much information and wanted to cheat on him. She said he was just a body and she needed it like I need a beer. She sounded like a sex addict. It almost seem like she wanted me to get off on her stories of her sexual experiences with her husband. Ewwww. The worst part he knew how she felt about him and stayed with her. She loved that when she would do the silent treatment with her family when they got into fights, they eventually came to her. Sometimes she would go to them. She would always say they always come back. I don’t want her to feel the same way about me. She always talked about how this one thought she was pretty and this one liked her, etc. It was so annoying listening to build up her ego. As you can see I put up with a lot of abnormal behavior. I did not like who I was becoming. I started to get jealous of the attention she gave her family that she complained about to me and me it would always be a problem to make plans even though she would call me all the time to talk about her crappy job or the guy she wanted to be with at her job. She would say this is us hanging out and you are the one that I tell all my secrets too. She made friends with these three Russian ladies but she said it was all superficial and they just did couple things. They are probably smarter than me and if she talked to them the way she talked to me they would get out of there or they are just like her. All I know is that I cannot contact her because it will blow up her ego and make her feel here she is, I got her by the balls. I am also afraid of rejection that this time I finally reached her threshold and she needed a bad act to finally toss me.
I feel like a drug addict. I keep wanting to call her. I ran into her daughter’s best friend this weekend. Of course I had to tell the poor girl the story subconciously hoping that it would get back to the daughter (who I was always kind to) and she would go to her mother and tell her mother she was stupid for letting me go. I probably made myself look pathetic. I keep only remembering the good what little there was of it and not concentrating on the bad. I can’t blame her. I blame myself for the end of the friendship. I keep thinking if I did not tell that woman about her difficult job situation, or not give the woman her number we would not be in a fight. You say she will come back. She will hoover. I have seen none of that. It is almost two months and there is nothing. It is like I am the borderline narcissist and she is the victim. I just can’t get out of my head how I was so good to her and her family and when it came down to weighing out whether or not I should be in her life, she lets this so call bad event dictate anything. It blows me away that this woman would call me 6 times a week and would consult me on everything in her life and can just go cold turkey like that. Who is she complaining to now? Who would have the patience to listen to her like I did? I know it is bad that I want her back. I keep thinking one more chance. I will minimize her significance in my life. I will set up stronger bounderies. I would rather change myself to keep her then lose her. How does someone become like this?
I’m just curious from my description I’m I describing a total narcissist? Was I used? There was no genuine friendship? Do you think she is a borderline with narcissistic qualities? I’m just try to understand what happen. Please respond to both my posts and let me know. I am having such a hard time moving on. Please give me some advice that will make the switch in my head turn off to her and make me realize she was no good for me.
I am still trying to work out if my friend is a narcissist. We have been friends for several years now. Best friends. When I first met her she was going out with a guy who was a party goer and she was also one. They would party every weekend and take party drugs. He had money and she was always harping on about how fun her life is. She is the ‘black sheep’ of her family. Her parents disapproved (and still do) of her lifestyle choices. She would invite me over to her house and we would have an awesome weekend, partying, listening to music and drinking. Life was grand for her. She had a partner who absolutely adored her, she had a son whom she dotted over and would tell her that he loved her (he was pre teen at that stage) and she found a friend (me) who thought she was funny, the life of the party, switched on, beautiful, kind, caring and fun to be with. Things got messy though, her partner started to become abusive (apparently) and I was on the phone constantly with her, propping her up, advising her, listening to her, being there for her, doing what a friend does. In the end, she decided to leave him and her sister and I both took a day off work to help her pack and move. She went to give me money for helping her and I rejected it but she insisted that I take it so I did.
I spent weekends with her helping her set up her new home for herself and her son. I suggested that she take time out to spend time on her own, to heal, to get to know herself etc but she wanted to go out partying every weekend and couldn’t bare to be at home on her own. On the nights she was at home on her own, she would be on the phone to me until it was almost time to go to bed. The nights we went out she would flirt with men and want to be the centre of attention…I was always in the background. She would sometimes pick up guys and spend the night with them. Less than 2 months after she broke up with her ”abusive” boyfriend, she went out to a bar with another friend of hers (who was also single at the time) and she met a spanish guy on a visitors visa. Less than a week after meeting him, she told me that she was madly in love with him and that he was moving in with her. Her family and son were upset and her son decided to move out and live with his father. She was sooooooo upset by his decision because not only was her son abandoning her but she was also going to lose government assistance. She was focused on money. When her new boyfriend moved in she got him to pay for his share of rent and food. She offered to help him get a residency visa and paid the fees for him, bought a second hand car for him and paid for his truck licence. Things were rosy to start with, but things started to unravel quickly because he couldn’t speak English very well at all and of course there were communication problems. She resented him because he could not pay her back as quickly as she would have liked. She went to Spain with him for a holiday and hated the holiday because everyone spoke Spanish and there was no focus on her. When they got back from their holiday, things quickly deteriorated and got to a point where he became physically violent towards her. The arguments were always about money. I know all of this because she would be on the phone to me constantly telling me about how victimised she felt, how trapped she was etc etc.
He finally left and she was a mess. I was on the phone with her constantly, at her place, going to places with her, trying to cheer her up, being there for her as a friend does. Less than a month after he left, she met someone else on New Years Eve and declared a week later how much she was in love with the new man. Her family did not want to know about him and her son refused to meet him. He finally met him the other day…3 months after she had been dating this guy. In the meantime, I went through a break up myself. I had to leave the place I was living in, clean it, ensure that everything was perfect so I could get my bond back, pack by myself etc. It was a big job to do on my own. She did not offer once to come and help me. It was all about her and what she was going through. My issues were nothing in comparison to hers. She DID offer to help me out financially however. I was in a position where I couldn’t say no because I needed to find a new place to live. She kept trying to find cheap housing for me out in suburbia…miles away from the city centre where I worked and close to her. She became upset at me when I finally found a place that was closer to my family. She told me at the time that I didn’t need to pay her back straight away and that when I get a job I can pay her back. When I moved into my new place, I received the bond back from the other place and payed half I what I owed back to her and used the rest to pay bills, removalist costs, buy food etc. Work was not forthcoming so I started advertising for piano students. They have slowly been trickling in, however what I get paid for lessons barely gets me by each week. I was invited, by another friend, to go to the ballet with her and then last weekend she bought a ticket for me to see Billy Idol. I felt so blessed by my friends generosity and had a wonderful time. Yesterday, I received a phone call from my narc friend who said ”I see that you went to see Billy Idol” – she feigned interest in my experience and then said ”I just want to remind you that you still owe me that money and to make sure you haven’t forgotten about it”. I was floored by what she said! Not only had she been abusive towards me a few weeks prior to that (expressing her honest opinion about things) but she was begrudging me having a great time when I know that I owe her money!
She had criticised me because I had done ‘nothing’ about my hearing loss…that I was playing a victim and using my hearing loss as an excuse (the fact is that I had been researching what I could do about it for months and months). She then informed me that things were said about me from one of my temp jobs (ie, that I was lazy and spent too much time on the internet) and that she was telling me because she cared. When I contacted my temp agency about the allegations she told me that she received nothing but highly positive reports from them). She tried to set me up with her new partners best friend who is at least 10 years older (close to 60) and became upset with me when I told her that I didn’t appreciate it. Her response was ”oh, you still need to do a lot of work on yourself and are obviously not ready yet”. She claims that she cares, that I am her best friend, but I feel like she takes any opportunity she can to put me down, tell me that I’m not doing everything I can to secure a job, that ”perhaps you need to put the piano teaching business idea on hold”, that I am inadequate in many ways.
Is there something wrong here? Is she a narcissist or is it me?
I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that I attract Narcissists. I believe this is because both my parents were/are narcissists. God bless them and love them i completely understand this disorder is a product of their upbringing, and overall I am grateful to have had them as parents because the good they have tried to consciously do for me and my siblings outweighs the bad mannerisms /maladaptive coping mechanisms they developed through life. One of my sisters unfortunately went Full Narc having beared the brunt of Golden Child from my mom and Scapegoat from my Dad and is currently battling schizophrenia and alcoholism, she has been dealt an awful hand. My mom to thid day tries to be there for her and look after her as best she can even putting her own health on the backburner. I cannot cut my Mom or Sister out of my life, I wouldnt, I’ve seen too much of their journey + they are my blood. Unforunately my coping mechanisms living with Narcs has rendered me Narc-Bait.
After my father passed away 3yrs ago was I able to identify the many narcs in my life as well as my own narcisssitic tendancies, which i actively work through CBT to correct. I am comforted by faith and the fact that I can feel and offer empathy, so God willing I am on the right track. Learning to set clear boundaries has been a wonderful and freeing thing for me.
I was able to quite quickly put some much needed space between myself and my two Narc friends, sadly these were the two friends closest to me who i thought would be there for me (not for every trivial thing) but definitely when I lost my dad who they knew was struggling w/ alcholism and they knew I was struggling seeing him slowly wither away. Sadly the reality was far from it with one of them constantly turning to me for support to pull him out of his misery, and the other even would invite me out to drink n get wasted having just lost my dad to alcholism… The former male N was toxicly negative and draining and I saw the one sided nature of the friendship so I quietly and calmly kept my distance and took the time and energy I was doling out to heal myself as best I could. Now I understand he too is a product of his upbringing and his greatest fear was always turning into his own Narc mother. since I took time away from him I heard he was bad mouthing me to friends, acquaintances, and even people I hadnt met and one time at a party right before I walked in the room. To say I was hurt was an understatement, I honestly thought of him as a brother and if it was negative I kept him name out of my mouth. Now you see I’m not intimidated or afraid of Narcs, so I called him and told him how hurtful he had been the same night I found out, months later he even apologized. So i bear him no ill will, I actually wish him the best, and am happy to see him being more grateful for his life and the blessings he has. I am proud of him for that but our friendship wont return to the same dynamic it was and I have made peace with that. It stings sometimes, and for that reason I have delayed breaking ties w the female Narc (latter of the two) but she is continually hurtful: put me down in front of our group of friends blatantly and blames it on alcohol; tried to blame me after she couldnt pay immediately for some work I did for her (incredibly discounted, i offered to do it for free, she insisted paying, then spazzed out when it was more than she could afford at that time) I could care less abt money it was the blame she was projecting onto me that was awful : that almost broke our friendship I took a good break from her for a good long while after that, she also apologised eventually a forced apology her parents made her give me. (i am quite close w her family we’ve been friends for 12 years, 6 of which were spent apart at different universities in different countries) She also has tried to make it seem my current bf (she is single) was flirting w her. This was shortly after I lost my father and I will readily admit full responsibility that I was in a low low place and I believed her, and when I apologized to her for getting upset about the issue she replied ‘ All girls act like that around me’.. Now in all my years by her side I have never seen girls act like that towards her, but I have seen her many a time hate on/get jealous of other women just cause they are successful/beautiful/have sth she covets. That response also raised a big red flag. Most recently she has started adopting things I say and express an interest in as her own discoveries/interests and it is irksome, but more worrying in a SWF way. I have tried and still try to forgive her but I dont know what to do: I dont want to cut ties because her sister is one of my closest friends (the sister so kind and empathetic if a little fearful and unsure, but all heart) and i adore her parents, and I see firsthand how her Narcissist mother berates/belittles her. I dont want to give up on her just yet, is she not too a product of her environment? I still have compassion for her lot in life, and I believe I can get over/curb by way of firm not-messing-about boundaries/evolve past her transgressions or digs. I cant help but think of my Sister the Narc/Schizophrenic and how all her friends abandoned her and how lonely she is now, and I see the same things in my female N friend. Help me please any advice would be appreciated. My boyfriend has Narc tendancies but he actively works on them, has said sorry when he’s wrong and even rectified hurtful behaviours and I do the same for him, because out of all my friends and family after my dad passed (I had only known his a few months we werent even official) he was the only person who held me and just let me cry and say I missed my father. I know time invested in him is well spent.
I guess i’m having trouble letting go of her because we’ve been friends since highschool, our families love each other, and I already lost a parent and my Male Narc Best friend. I would sincerely appreciate any advice from anyone out there. Good vibes and blessings to u all, most of all Good luck w the Narcs in your life(s)
Hi Kiki, It is heartbreaking to discover the friendship you thought you had was only an illusion. It is like a death, and it needs to be grieved. However, we owe it to our Spirit to not be naive once our eyes are opened. Well done on having the mind to protect yourself.
It took me a few years to realize that my BF was a narcissist…about twenty-eight years. The better my life became the more she tried to put me down. I felt compassion for her in many ways, so I simply ignored her rude behaviors, thinking that the poor behavior would pass. It didn’t pass – it intensified! I am a happy, fair-minded person, with very good manners, and I don’t like or want to fight with anyone over stupid stuff. Eventually, it got to the destroy my reputation phase, so I was done at that point. I haven’t talked to her in over a year. I miss the idea of the relationship I thought we shared, but I do not miss her behaviors. The destroy my reputation phase felt awful! She fits your description to a T! Sad, really sad that their fear and pain manifests itself in this manner. Hopefully, all of us have learned a lesson.
I forgot to mention that our friendship was long distance off and on due to moves in our lives. The behavior really began after I finished college and met/married a great guy, which I now see was the catalyst for her behavior towards me. All of the sudden I was “ahead” her…I didn’t even know we were in a competition. The last time I saw her I actually said “Life isn’t a competition.” – weird!
Hello Christine,
I must say I am one of the unsuspecting men that is now aware of that I have a narcissist as a best women friend! I should have realized it when she told me she has had numerous men relationships since she lost her husband 12 years ago! By numerous I would say 30 to 40 at minimum! Some were merely one night sexual encounters, some were 2 to 3 months, up to living with at least two men for over 2 years! The longest relationship I can put together is 2 1/2 years! She has traveled with men she only knew for a month or two and with all this said I still did not catch on! She made me feel very special from the beginning! I lived 300 miles from her and we seen each other once a month for several days at a time! During that time she was involved with a past boyfriend whom she said was out of the picture! This all has gone on for four years until I moved close to her 9 months ago! We have had a few intimate encounters but always with the recognition of her that they meant nothing and might never happen again! I was OK with that as I did not want a close relationship, but wanted companionship at the time! We have had a wonderful best friend relationship up to the time I moved close! When we began to see each other more and more, and had intimate encounters, it all began to slow down! Then out of nowhere in church she begins to tell everyone there was never nothing between us but best friendship! Here is a women that constantly told me she loved me, told her family I was all she ever wanted in life, told her best girlfriend and children about what I meant to her, and then she tells everyone we never had a relationship! Maybe it was not totally a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but it was a relationship I think, before I knew it was, now I just think! She also is spiritually involved and is under the New Age belief that she is as much God as God himself! She seems very selfish in that she does not care what is thought of her anymore and things are as she see’s them, with a total disregard of what others thoughts may be! She has become very flirtatious and totally disregarded our relationship and has chosen to go to Florida for a week with a new male friend who fell for her flirtations in church! By the way she is very outgoing and friendly and has a lot of positive energy in her presence! She has the ability to melt men and she is fully aware of it! This whole thing has turned so bizarre, I wonder if I am not in a Twilight Zone or something! I truly hope both men and women become more aware of this condition called narcissism so that they can bypass the confusion and heartbreak I am going through at this time! Thank You for getting the word out!
I have had a friend for 25 years or more and I have always known her to be weak. She also is a follower. I never really thought of her being a narcissist, but now I don’t really know. She and I recently met a lady that is definitely a narcissist and I knew it. I wanted to distance myself from the new woman because red flags went up all over the place and she drained me of my emotional energy. My weak friend started turning into this woman. Following her, as I know that she does with everyone. I wanted to tell my friend that I only wanted to keep my friendship in tact with her and I was cutting off the friendship with the new lady before it had a chance to get any deeper. She has been very defensive of the new lady. The new lady also has tried with all of my family and friends to worm her way into my life and she wants for them to talk to me to get me to change my mind. When she found out that I won’t do that she all of a sudden dropped me like a hot potato. But along with that breakup, my friend of so many years did the same thing. This has caused me to research personality disorders. I absolutely know that the new lady is a narcissist. I just wonder if my long time friend is too. Or is she just a flying monkey for the narc? Do weak, needy, follower types of people get along permenently with strong, controlling, narcs? Do the two of them just live happily ever after because they both are satisfying the needs of each other? My weak friend is getting the adoration that she wants so that is satisfying the narc, and my friend is feeding the need of the narc by doing everything that she wants and turning into what the narc wants her to be. I have not been in contact for several months with either one of them. Do you have any thoughts on what you think might happen in the future? Thanks!
Hi Mel, We are all narcissistic to some degree. The fact that you are willing (and have already) done work on yourself suggests that you probably don’t have to worry about that. However, you do attract narcissistic personalities to yourself, so it would be well worthwhile to look at your defense mechanisms with a therapist. Chances are that with a narcissistic parents you learned very young how to keep them happy and yourself safe. That may have worked very well when you were a helpless child, however, it may make you a target as a young adult. Narcissists want someone who is going to make them feel safe and loved, and you probably know how to do this automatically (and unconsciously)…… this makes you an ideal partner in the narcissistic dance. Don’t worry, the universe will keep giving you the opportunity for bringing about balance in yourself, but it may be in the guise of another narcissist…….. and you really do not need that again. Best of luck on your healing journey, it can be an exciting one to discover the mystery of who we really are.
Hey I recently ended two narcissistic relationships with two friends. I plan on never looking back and making new friends. I have to ask about how to gain back what they stole from you ? Cause I went through a few traumas in my teens and they were “there ” for me and I notice how they literally stole fun and awesome parts ofmyself that I loved and they act like it and now I find II’m very insecure and blah. Also with the help of my N mom and N stepfather, N ex boyfriends as well. So basically I’ve just recently left everyone in my previous life who are Ns. Any advice? I currently live by sayings since I was never taught right, one being to not live through ego. The truth is, I kind of used to live through ego and was very happy, had a lot of fun, plus I’mstill 24. I guess I am really scared to hurt others! I bet I have some N qualities due to everyone in my previous life being an N. I have worked greatly on myself though once I realized I was borderline (which was five years ago). Any advice? Thank you and your article has changed my life.
Hi Martin,
Everything you explain describes a narcissistic woman to a tee. She has not quite sucked everything out of you, she has not managed to break your Spirit, it is still fighting back, and by the sound of it, it is winning. She stayed with you because you were providing her with something she wanted, and obviously something she cannot get without you, or someone like you.
They cannot take criticism, to them it opens their core wound of rejection, so instead they reject first, that is why they keep changing friends. Your children sound really strong, to refuse to go back to her and her new boyfriend was not an easy thing for a child to do….. but they did it (clearly they feel safer with you). Once they did that, she was sure to punish them, even at Christmas time……. she withdrew herself from them, and that is evil.
I am delighted to see that you are researching narcissism, because not everybody finds out that they were walking on eggshells around someone with a personality disorder. The main thing is that you know what you are dealing with, and that she is now out of your life. But do not be surprised if she bounces back into your life when she begins to get bored again, she will see this as her entitlement. And even if you stay strong and do “no contact”, do not be surprised if she tries to use the children to get her foot back in the door.
You are so right when you say narcissists have no feelings for anybody, as Dr. Phil says, “Their favourite word is ME, ME , ME”. Please believe me when I say there really is life after narcissistic abuse, but at times one can feel they are never going to get to that place. One consolation….. you will recover, BUT she never will….. this is her life regardless of whom she is with. She will never be truly happy. Every time the narcissist loses their narcissistic supply they feel a deep wound….. that is the best revenge that all victims eventually get, and you do not need to do anything more than get on with your own life to make her suffer….. they hate that. Best of luck with your family recovery.
Warmest regards.
Hi i have been in a 15yr relationship with a narcissist we married 10 yrs a go she has sucked the life out of me! the life out of our children! and out of everubody she knew! she left me fo another man in november 23 2014 ahe had a string of affairs 8 and counting i knew about 3 but was talked into giving it one more go by her! she had a series of friends who were her best friends at the time usually lasted about2-3 yrs sometimes just a matter of month’s if the said or done something she didnt like ie critersised her or said something she disagreed with! everything was always somebody else’s fault never her fault she even blamed me for her mistakes,she left with our two children came back the next day and the kids were a mess! they refused to go back to her flat with her new fella so they have been with me for the last 3 months she has had no contact with them for 8 weeks she didnt even come up for christmas day she only lives 8 miles away if possible avoid women like her like the plague its going to take years of counselling for my two children and me to get over this whole nightmare,if you need any advice i will help as much as possible she has destroyed me destroyed my children destroyed her friends and her own family beware they have no feelings for anybody anything except themselfs they are me me me self self self.
oh wow, i recently made a “friend”, and i am seeing her envy and jealousy and her bullshit more and more every time i talk with her. she is all about herself, constantly wants to be supported and even babied and comforted. i can’t stand her bragging about her stuff — she even brags over what she had for dinner or lunch, or whatever — how stupid is that! she tells me my clothes look old fashioned, but i know she loves my style and trys to copy me. she called my house when she knew i was really busy, as i had let her know i was not going to be around for a while because of an obligation i had, but she got angry at me for not jumping at her command. she can go f’*** herself. seriously, what a bitch. she complains about me not being able to spend time with her when she wants me to, and expects me to bow to her, she acts all grandiose when she’s talking to sales people, it is embarrassing to be around her as she is so pompous and self important. oh wow, please, bitch, take a chill pill, i feel like saying, but instead i hope she will turn her current silent treatment into something permanent, as i want nothing more to do with this piece of shit woman.
After 15 years I have finally come to realize that I must leave the narc friend in my life. Oh the first years of our friendship were magical , we did so many things together that were so much fun. I was that special best friend that would never leave her side like all her other friends did before me. I was going to be the best friend forever … I was her beautiful smart special friend who would protect her and love her… and I did. it sounds so silly now. Slowly over the years little comments were made, I didn’t go out as often, I should wear my hair longer, wear nicer clothes…I felt ugly fat and worthless. Then I was dropped and there was a new bestie in town… I was devastated. I began to realize there was a pattern that she had, a new shiny best friend and slandering the friend before…but she would never do that to me I thought…After a few months, I was slowly brought back as a friend, but I was treated differntly I kept holding on because of the wonderful memories. Recently I was interrogated as to why I haven’t been paying as much attention to her as I used to… It was a wake up call…I would always have to defend myself and my friendship…i am now trying to avoid all contact …but the very mention of her name makes my stomach flip. I am hoping as time goes by that will go away…I am grateful to see that I am not alone in this…
Further, about me. I had a relationship about five years ago with a much younger man, whom I now believe ( and been told by 3 experts) that he had BPD and ASPD, making him a psychopath. It did a lot of damage to me. I have a degree in psychology and I spent the last 4 years of that 5 studying about Cluster B personality disorders and psychopathy. I’m different because I the experience. I think I had some PTSD from it and I am now very selective of whom I spend time with. I think tho old friend of mine no longer likes me because of this change in me. I think I don’t mirror her false self for her and she doesn’t like that st all, not one little bit.
I recently lost a friendship of 40 years and I can’t believe it’s happened. This woman returns to our hometown where I currently live periodically, and even though I spend hours listening to her on the phone, when she visits her family here, she will call me at the last minute and expect me to drop everything to see her, ir she will treat me like I’m some spare part, fitting me in after she’s spent half a day visiting some person I’ve never heard of who is in some way worse off than she is, elderly or on disability and living in horrible quarters. She is the ever seeking altruistic let me grace you with my presence so I can tell your story to my other friend how bad off you are and how I can say I felt like helping you (but really didn’t)…
In the past she has shared a private email I sent her about a family matter without my permission. The first instance she and her coworker ganged up on me and gave their opinion on what I thought and felt was simply wrong. Turns out my family member WA just fine with what I suggested she do, and she let me know she’d followed my advice. The second time I shared a simple financial advice article with her and she towards it to a different coworker, this time s male who she thinks is really smart and she criticizes me by saying she’s known me since she was a kid and that I drive her crazy, but she refuses to give up on the friendship and was there anything to this silly article? Turns out the guy told her it was from a reputable firm and he often follows their advice. She forwards his response to me and let’s me see how she threw me under the bus. I wad shocked, I didn’t know she felt that way about me and when I called her out for it she said I was being ridiculous and that it was simply “poorly worded email”. You think? The last straw was when a very juvenile Facebook Friend commented on a political quote I posted from Winston Churchill as being mean, then she forwarded the quote with my name attached to all of her friends, many we shared and took a poll, was it mean. When I simply stated that it was nit meant to be mean, this friend posts on the same thread attacking me for the post and defending the other woman’s personal attack of me about a Winston Churchill quote. This resulted in several people she polled to drop me as a friend (firmer high school mates that really don’t know me any longer). These are people who live in the same town I do, and she no longer does, and she is attacking me on social media. When I tried to set a boundary about that and told her how it made me feel and the consequences, she denied any responsibility and said I had made politics personal and that was wrong. (Projection, much?). She couldn’t understand why I refused to go with her to our high school reunion after that. I am college educated, and she isn’t, my family had more money than hers growing up. I am now underemployed and driving a less expensive car than I used, to. She made a snide comment about my car, her brother asked me about my car as well. I think that’s weird, I have never shown any interest in what they’re driving. In the past, she went through a period after her divorce where she copied how I dressed, even asked to go to my hairdresser and got the same cut. She later dated a man twice divorced, an only child fir over 10 years until he finally married her. My folks said the first time they met him that he was a narcissist and I truly think he is. SHE has been taking xanax Fr tears for panic attacks and now buys it from a foreign country without a prescription, I think this drug lowers empathy. Ger mother recently passed away at 92, and she accused me if not understanding, even though I went to the hospital, the funeral and sat with her after. She said, you’ll see what it’s like when your mother dies. Nice. Ger mother in law had a stroke, they put her and get husband in assisted living. The mother in law sometimes gets angry and combative. My friend is very critical if the husband and tells me how she screamed back at the mother in law and hit ger in the keg with a big can if hairspray emphasizing that it was big..and how her own husband grabbed the mother by the arm shouted at her and pulled her up stating we’re going fior a walk. If I knew where they were I’d report them fir elder abuse. My friend refuses to apologize to me and she told me to just move on and stop worrying about trivial things. She says she doesn’t like my friendship rules, she’s tired if all the analysis and I should just accept people fir who they are. (projection?). I told her the rules were my boundaries, she thought I was negotiating and I would change my boundaries. U let her have the last word seeing her refusal to apologize or agree to respect my boundaries…we haven’t spoken in 3 months. Just like that. She is commenting more on old high school friends Facebook posts. When I really could care less about getting attention. I rarely post personal things on Facebook. I like reading articles and the funny videos and list pet photos, etc. So who if either if us us the narcissist. She is the baby of her family and two older brothers, one s Felon, she was close to her mother so that doesn’t fit here.
I found out only recently that former friend was a narcissist. I knew something was wrong but didn’t know what it was. I thought I had found a long-lost sister–that’s how close things got. Then I see pages and articles on narcissism, and wow, everything right on down the line added up. In 2008, I descended into the deepest, darkest depression of my life, and I’m now 51. And what I needed was just someone to talk to. That’s a friend, right?
Not this friend. She never ever admitted to ever being wrong on anything. Ever. I tried to talk to her, and every single conversation was either 1) redirected back to her, talking about her, or 2) shut down completely like an iron gate. And this despite the fact that she told me about every problem she ever had in life, IMing me while at her inlaws, how they don’t include her and make her feel inadequate (IMing me while in the room with them, kinda shady), every issue she ever had with her mother, every issue she ever had with her father, how she’s the black sheep but the only one to step up while her mother was dying, her two brothers–one of whom is a criminal and the other with whom she doesn’t have a good relationship, and omg, a 40-year-old man is after her 20-something daughter, her husband who is beginning to display odd behavior–stock-piling bags of ice in the freezer like ice cubes are a key survivalist supply, how everyone at her church is jealous of her and thinks she’s an ego-maniac. On and on and on, and I did the friend thing. I was there to listen every single time. At no point in time was she ever there for me, even as I BEGGED, that I needed to talk, I needed her to listen so I could get some things off my chest. I was in anguish. I got the door slammed in my face.
I got no encouragement or support, though I constantly had to fawn over her–she feels fat and her hair, she says, is ‘frizzy.’ I’m constantly encouraging her about that because she’s self-conscious about her appearance. We’re both into writing, and I’m encouraging her about that. I need encouragement and support, and get nothing at all but criticism.
Her in-laws don’t like her and people at her church are talking about her behind her back, so she’s always the victim. That’s the narcissist’s trademark and battle-cry.
I’m in the darkest place of my life, and she can’t see that. She can’t see my loneliness or my desperate need for a confidant. All she can see is her needs and wants.
She never gave an inch but demanded a mile. Once she decided not to do something, there was no moving her. Everything had to go her way. Hey, all I need is someone to talk to. I am scared, angry, lonely, and in anguish. All I need is someone to talk to. That’s what friends are for, and I’ve done it for you countless times. I get the door slammed in my face. I went into psychological and emotional tailspin, and with my engines on fire, she watched me go down without a care in the world or any effort to help me. I’ve now been hospitalized twice–once against my will–and have four suicide attempts to my name. I’m now at a point where I can’t function without medications and can’t function around people at all. Wow, glad I could be there for you. How about returning the favor? No, she tried everything else but the only one thing I asked for and the only one thing I needed, and it was a small thing that friends do for each other all day, every day. I wasn’t worth the effort.
Another narcissistic game: the silent treatment that goes on for days, weeks, or even months. Countless times did she do this to me. I was supposed to fall in line, or she disappeared again. It was punitive. This is a huge one. This is what narcissists do. So in this hell I was trapped in, the one person who should have been a light for me would disappear and leave me for dead. Days, weeks, months. The last time she did this to me, she popped back up to brag about things in her life, and, “Oh, by the way, how do you feel?” If I gave any response other than “fine,” she disappeared again. She came back to brag. She didn’t care about me at all and never did.
I do know one thing: when someone knows they owe you an apology, they become obsessed with discrediting you, and that’s exactly what she did. The rumors got back to me three times. That’s what narcissists do. It is nothing short of mental and emotional abuse. It’s torment. And they relish in that, the damage they do. And then they move on to someone else. I barely survived. And was diagnoses with PTSD because of it. I still have nightmares.
Sam and Lynn. Funny. I’m also thinking of a friend with a Y in NY. I also thought I was helping through a crisis. It is self imposed ….their crisis. And I also heard of all these jealous and envious friends. I thought it was codependency that she was after when I began to stop aiding in a never ending cycle of self sabotage but when my life got better but also complicated at the same time she stayed focus on her perpetual “no crisis” crisis and kind of disappeared. I always thought narcissist looked like and were successful people. I didn’t think it was a victim style personality. She is always looking for people to rescue but they are generally so unwell themselves.
User “Big Fool” you should closely reread this article. Based on your response, I would guess you were the narcissist in the friendship you speak of.
My best friend was leading a double life. She says she doesn’t know why the friendship has broken!!! I am stunned by her and her lies! I am sickened. I have left her to her own devices. What amazes me is there is so little written about this?
Wow is all I can say….this article describes a ‘best’ friend/co-worker that I had been dealing with for the past 3 1/2 years. Whenever I express my feelings on the one-sided friendship, she quickly disagrees and instead I get that I’m insecure, envious and jealous…as I continued reading your article, I was reminded that she did not have a great relationship with her mother and being reminded of this, I now realize that it’s not me – I’m not the ‘bad guy’….well ‘bad girl’. We often will have disagreements about simple things and she blows them up and I have no problem with apologizing and admitting when I’m wrong, however she NEVER does….everything is my fault….wow, this article literally opened up my eyes. She sent me an email about a month ago accusing me (again) of being envious and how I am the most disrespectful person she ever met and how I’ve made her life on earth ‘hell’….then two weeks after that, another email comes up with a Bible verse and in the email she goes on and on about ‘people hurt and fail people but we learn from it and move on’….no apology, acknowledgement of the last email or anything and I’m like ‘Huh’…..I decided not to respond and remain quiet. When I see her at work, she looks the other way. Seeing this behavior from her once again has proved that was never a friend in the first place. Thank you for helping me to understand and to finally come to terms with ending this friendship with her….actually I feel relieved (no sadness or anger) that it’s over!
I’m in a very strange situation where I lost my friend to a narcissist, probably because I refused to be seduced into “friendship” by the narcissist, so she gave up on me and went for my friend instead. I lost my friend, but i’m also worried for her. I can’t explain to her because i’m sure it’ll just come across as jealousy. I can remember my friend saying to me that she was enjoying being put on a pedestal. It’s very sad because although i’ve avoided being destroyed under the spell of the narcissist, I have lost my friend of 15 years. Is the pull of a narcissist *that*strong, that it can break down strong friendships between others that the narc is jealous of? Or am I just deluding myself on my perception of my previous friendship
This is the best piece I’ve read so far on female Narcs. The 38 year old woman who terrorized me for 6 months was described to a T in this article. Our communication stopped when sent me 2 very childish hate mails, in which she went on this rage attack rant about how much better she was than me (in painstaking detail) just like the article talks about. Malignant Envy. I just ignored her after reading her hatemail bc I thought she could be dangerous and I was just done with her forever and wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. She stalked me on social media for a while too. She copied everything I wore and did, even made her husband dress and look like my husband. Just as the article says, she had to sample my life to cope with her inferiority complex she felt while being around me. I had to block her from all social media sites. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced, the worst high school bully was nothing compared to this. She was obsessed with me but HATED me. It came out of nowhere too, like she just snapped. Again, thanks for this article!
My eldest son, Jason, is married to a person I believe is a narcissist. They have 4 little boys (though she wants to try for a girl) Jason admits that she ‘can be a pill’, but is unable to see that she has torn our family in ways that will never mend. She had a falling out with my daughter and they have not spoken for almost a year. The children have lost an aunt, and she has lost her nephews and also her brother. My daughter and my son may text once in a while, but he feels like he is somehow betraying his wife by doing so. My heart aches for the hurt and sadness this lady has brought into our lives. She hates my other son’s wife because I like her (?!) …When I visited earlier this year, she locked me out of the house, not once, but twice! On my last day there, I had to pack and get to the airport without saying goodbye to my grandsons!This is all my fault, of course. Not a single word of apology, in fact, not a single word to even suggest that it had ever happened. I would love my daughter and her brother to be able to laugh and be together again, but I don’t think that will ever happen now. My other son and his wife (after a horrid visit of their own a few years ago) have decided not to visit ever again. All this isolates Jason from us.
And the children, all beautiful little boys, are put through auditions and can be found on toy boxes and children’s catalogs and recently on a tv show. Just to support her feeling of having beautiful children… they make her look good. Actually she once told me that the only reason she married Jason was that he is an officer in the Navy. It gives her status! So sad.
Hi Kristin, This is the reason I have continued to write about narcissism as I do. Even when you know the signs to look for, you can still be caught out. This has even happen to the top expert, Robert Hare (he has admitted that it can still happen to him). Your new experience demonstrates how easily this can happen to anyone, and even those who are informed can still become a target. There is always a need for vigilance. But even if you let down your guard and find that you have had a narcissist slip a noose around your neck……. when you do realize what is happening, then you can create distance between them and you. So well done Kristin….. you were targeted, hooked, realized it, and changed your behaviour, and finally refused to continue the convoluted dance…….PERFECT!!!! It is great that you shared this with everybody, it shows how important awareness really is……. information is key.
Incredible. I just got out of this with someone new which goes to show you that this journey is never over no matter how much studying you do. My turn around time on this one was damn impressive though so I am getting better. I can tell you right now though that I am the one being accused of being what this article about. Ugh. Nothing I can do about it. Live and learn and pray.
This is to Lynn. Does your narc friends name start with a Y?
Christine, I cannot describe how pleased I was to read your article. Two years ago I met someone through a dating site, at first she contacted me complimenting me on my profile and how we had so much in common, my love of classical music, Frank Sinatra songs, tastes in both food and wine and in much greater part my appearance ….one thing that I thought strange as I am ok looking but not “Hot” as she described. Non the less I was very flattered and after numerous text chats she asked if I would ever meet anyone from the internet something that I agreed to, On her profile she described herself as being of average body size yet on arrival at her home for our “first Date” I found that she was easily larger than average… not that I was turned off by it, Indeed I found her attractive. The night was very cordial and freindly and after about an hour and a half she guided me upstairs for sex, the three months that followed we to me wonderful, she was in constant phone and text contact with me from 1st thing in the morning to very late at night, frequently calling me during the day to call around for sex. We dated and frequently ate out at high end restaurants, travelling hundreds of miles to high end hotels and shopping trips. After a couple of months she told me how worried she was at the financial mess her uncaring ex partner head left her in and how she couldnt pay her bills and feed her children, it was at this point that I began paying her large amounts of money, covering her bills, paying for the kids etc…. this ran into 20.000 plus of my paying out, but as the amounts got greater she became more detached and unappreciative, the phone calls became fewer to the point where she would go off radar. As a result I became suspicious and started looking at her facebook page where I found her in frequent conversation with other guys who would comment on beautiful she was from the never ending posed selfies that she took,,,thousands of them. To cut a long story short we had many arguements over her disappearing acts,whilst I was constantly faced with more emotional pleas to be there financially. She ended the relationship last November but kept some contact, a few weeks later she said that she had met someone else who was a wonderful guy who she loved and was so romantic and that he was then one… then a couple of weeks later she asked to meet me for a coffee, we ended up back at her house for sex for all she was still seeing this wonderful guy, we continued to meet each other for sex apart from the xmas period when he was comming up to stay at her house for the holidays. That lasted a couple of months when she called me broken hearted because he was ignoring her and she need me, weeks went by of my being there for her day and night, after which she said that she wanted us to stay together but only as close freinds… I was gutted but agreed….. we met, went for meals and constant coffees, still met for sex when she wanted but contact became less and less. The financial demand were still there which I met but I was now at a stage whereby my funds were eaten up. We went out for meals where she would be constantly and incessantly texting and taking selfies and pawing over Boudoir photographs which she would discuss with other people many of who we cosmetic surgeons (the industry in which she worked) to the point where I felt that I was eating alone but paying for two…. the arguments became more frequent and I became more suspicious to the point that she said I was crazy and needed phsychiatric help, I made an appt to see a very good psychiatrist at which she attended and made me out to look obsessive and crazy. We have recently spit up with her telling me that she was going to bag herself a rich man, which would entail her chasing a plastic surgeon to get the breast and other work that she craved, she has a great desire to be photographed semi naked and naked and pasted on the web but states that she would need her breasts lifted and enhanced and some other surgery carried out first. I told her that she may not find it so easy to bag a wealthy man as they can get the cream of the crop… she went nuts stating that I would live to regret that statement and she would beat me over the head with it soon. Anyway that was 7 weeks ago and we have had no contact, I have found it tremendously difficult to live with and have had to resist texting or contacting her… then yesterday I received a missed “Video Call” from her on my phone, I can only assume which was to hurt me with from some lovely location with her rich man…. My initial reaction was to call her back but fought off the impulse and instead sent her a polite text saying that for all I missed her being in my life that I thought speaking to her would only cause more hurt and informed her that I was blocking her number from my phone and hoped that she and the kids were fine and wished them a very happy Christmas.. I would love to be able to say that I feel cured and empowered from this, but if I’m being honest I still feel damaged from this,for some strange reason I still feel hurt and can only envisage her living it up with her rich man while I am left feeling used and dumped. It wont be an easy road but I do hope to get over this… someday.
your article is so on point! for the last six months, i’ve been in a platonic, yet narcissistic friendship with a woman. when we first met, she talked about her past – abusive relationships, revolving-door friendships, fractured family relationships, e.g. i found myself constantly reassuring her by words and actions. every conversation revolved around her, what she felt she was best at, and how whatever she had or was concerned with was the always the best thing going. if i tried to turn the conversational spotlight anywhere but directly on her, it wasn’t long before she somehow re-oriented it towards her. one of the traits i noticed was a victim mindset; everything bad in her life – with the exception of the physical abuse – was always someone else’s fault. i kept giving, trying to show her that not everyone in this world is bad or out to get her.
before long, i told her my feelings for her were greater than just friendship. she reiterated that she was not into “feelings”, that she was “shut down” and not wanting any kind of romantic relationship. a few weeks later, we talked about our friendship, and she once again said she wasn’t into “feelings” because they make her vulnerable. i told her that i understand, but that in order for me to enjoy any romantic relationship, i’d have to distance myself from her. when i did meet some a couple of months later, she exploded with profanity-laced tirades that ultimately made me decide to terminate the friendship.
i suspected there were narcissistic tendencies, but only after reading a few articles, and especially this one, was i convinced that my “friend”, was nothing more than a manipulative narcissist who viewed me as nothing more than a convenient “errand boy” and “clean up” person.
thank you for this professional, helpful, informative article.
Unfortunately Julie, I had to experience something similar with a so called friend. I had to get out of the business I was in with her. But in the end she imploded, and the business (which was hers) did blow up as a result of her abuse on others, and she got struck off as a therapist………… which is a very rare thing to happen. So she got her just deserts in the end. But I am not under any illusion that she will learn anything from what happened to her, she will continue to believe that she is the victim. I have no idea what she is up to now, but I doubt that she has changed, probably on to another victim and acting out her old behaviours.
What little doubt I had in my mind that I was in a narcissistic relationship for 5 years with my manager/”best friend” who could not do it without me nor I with her is now gone. To make matters worse, the woman who “fell into my lap” as the person to replace me is also a narcissist, but in the end, them both being narcissists has set me free to see them for who they are and to avoid being around them even though the thrift store I started will certainly suffer in the short term as a result. The stranger thing is that because I “brought this person to the board” to take my place, the board is all about giving her all the power her power seeking ego can handle even to the detriment of the volunteers from whom she has taken most of their ability to get anything they “want” for their store credit that they EARN and only can get what they NEED. I am at a loss to get the board to wake up at this moment because to try to explain the personalities that they are will only make me a “whiner” in the boards eyes. Sales are already starting to sink and I have to hope that they continue in order that they may be exposed by their own misdeeds. Its INSANE, but at least I am in a healthier space being away. Really still shaking my head about how point on the article is, right down to the manager admitting that she never connected with either of her parents, never understood why they loved her adopted siblings more. Thank you so much for this article.
Hi Malisa,
Clever you, to recognize that there is something terribly wrong with your friendship with this lady, but then to name it Narcissism is fantastic. Most people never work out what went wrong in the relationship. Well she shows the hallmarks of the condition, so as long as you know that you are not going to have a reciprocal relationship, that it is always going to be about her, she will not have empathy for you, and that you are only her narcissistic supply until she find someone else who can stroke her ego better for her. Remember, she has had people coming in and out of her life for a long time (no best friend), so she will expect this relationship to end badly (either she will become bored with you, or you will reject her)…..either way it will end badly.
You say: An other friend said to ask her for some time apart so i can focus on my life and career and lovelife as i am too busy . it is a good idea?.
You could try that, but I would not advise it. She will feel this as an act of abandonment and rejection on your part (these are the core wounds of a narcissists), and she is likely to use seduction on you to get you to stay, but will then be most likely to punish you in some way if you do stay. I suggest you decide how important this lady is to you (measure the relationship and see if it is one sided, and is that what you want?). If you still want to be her friend, then learn to accept that you are going to be the one giving in the relationship, and she will do all the taking. But I warn you, the relationship will surely go through three stages: Idealization, Devaluing (where I think the relationship is now), and then Discarding. She is going to sense this change in you, and she will not like it, she is likely to make you suffer. Just be honest with yourself. If you really know this relationship is narcissistic, then end it and do “No contact”.
If you stay you will find yourself losing yourself bit by bit, and when the end does come, you will be left shattered, with little or no confidence left. Best of luck in you decision making. Christine
i read lynns comments..perfect. i just realised my friend of nearly 30 years is a narcissist. recently after 12 years of not seeing each other. we found ourselves living in the same city again.
she goes on about her beauty and how good she is…she brags and gloats..has a sense of entitlement, uses me for my support and kindness and shows no empathy towards me..her boyfriend just dumped her and her mum just died and it is so clear during this crisis, that she is a narcissist. self absorbed, envious and covets what i have . she behaves like this to her other “friend”. but she has no real friends, and they just are there to enhance her life..all she cares about his herself and what she wants..
she is conceited, shallow and has no interests other than finding and getting a man.. she tries to keep me down and never listens properly to me and doesnt want me to be happy or successful more than her..she wants to hear that her life is better than mine..she is nosy and is comparing and competitive. to her it is just a game.. the boyfriend dumped her for reasons that i would say are if she treats him like she treats me no wonder he has no feelings for her . he is still sexually involved with her because he is into the sex she provides -to which she brags about.. i thought she was full of herself , until someone called it narcissim. after spending time with her i felt depressed and stressed..i felt put down and i felt when i took two steps forward she brought me two steps back.. i am now in the process of ending the friendship..i finally saw her for what she was when i had to help her get a new man and give her advice about 3 different guys and when i said I had an opportunity with someone all she wanted to talk about was her love was a test and she failed…the real clue was the constant laughing at my misfortune and the fact that she said i was too nice and soft…its called empathy and i am thinking she sees that as a weakness.
anyway, i have got my strenght back from a tough year and sad break up last year with a guy…so now i can see clearly ..this change has also occured because i finally worked out what my problem was with my parents..not narcissim some other misunderstanding of my personality.and this has changed my life..i have forgiven them because i know they love me and care about me , it was just a mistake on their behalf…i am now concentrating on me and doing something for myself every day for at least 10 minutes, and then for another 10 minutes a day sitting in silence to clear my thoughts. every day i stop seeing this “friend” or talking to her i feel better . An other friend said to ask her for some time apart so i can focus on my life and career and lovelife as i am too busy . it is a good idea.
Thank you for this informative article. My jaw dropped after reading it. I’ve just realized I’ve been in what I thought was a close friendship with a narcissist. At first, the friendship seemed normal and mutually beneficial. For the last several months, though, I have devoted myself to exhaustively supporting this Narc through what I assumed was a temporary need. I see now, from all I’ve read, that she is actually experiencing a Narcissistic Crisis bought on by the simultaneous loss of three of her most valuable, satiating sources of Narcissistic Supply. So, it appears the sources got onto her. Recently, the Narc has segued into paranoia and is firmly convinced that her former supply sources are madly plotting to do her in. Wow. Sadly, she isn’t my first narcissistic relationship, so I have lots of work to do on my codependent, caretaking self. I’m grateful for the revelation.
I finally understand and can stop beating myself up!